Will white women end the white race ?

> talking to past GF about possible white extinction.
>mention race mixing and low birth rate
>ex-gf says she hopes the white race is extinct soon
> we're so evil user
>we killed so many people
>and dont forget the 6 quadgillian
>besides, mixed babies are cute

3 months later, have same conversation with a co-worker.

>the white race is violent and dangerous
> we never contribute anything
> my baby is black white native and asian mix
> everyone should start doing it
>the most beautiful people are mixed

After reminding both of these women about the psycholigcal impact of race mixed parents and child identity crisis they still didnt care.

After telling them that most scientific advancements and modern inventions we have today are from white men. They didnt care

>i.e. ( Modern medicine, antibiotic therapy, electricity, the internet, the car, microscopes, space technology, refridgeration. )

Even when told about how white men are being jailed for false rape accusations and presenting news reports of women coming forward in the courts saying they werent actually raped, they dont care.

Discussing how the black population is statictically violent and always leave their 'loved one' after he knocks her up. they dont see anything wrong.

How is it that so much happens infront of our faces. How is it that so much history repeats itself. How is it that the general public cannot connect the dots. Have we gone too far? Have men given too much freedom to women? Are they even, as a general sense, able to produce any logical thought, or is it all emotionally driven?

There's so much wrong in the world. After coming to pol for years i've realized that and it hurts seeing my race, country, and neighbouring country suffer so much.


Other urls found in this thread:


God I hope so

I am so sick society and all the nonsense the masses are beyond saving I think eventually we're only gonna have one way out of this mess.

Why reason with one when sexbots and artificial wombs are on the way? I mean, I could understand talking to a 12 year old you want to have as a wife, but laws won;t let that happen, and by 18 they're full on indoctrinated. Just wait for the technology user.

die pedo

Look up the average age of marriage when our country was founded. Besides, I'm all for waiting for sexbots and artificial wombs. No one should risk touching a girl under their country's arbitrary threshold number.

Women are their primary targets due to their innate compassion/follow the herd mentality. It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

>artificial wombs
>talking to 12 year olds

what the fuck has our lives come to?

The wrong side won in WWII, natsoc wouldn't allow this shit.

Can nobody else feel their mind rejecting this world?

I'll never admit defeat, id rather be thrown in prison for my entire life for being a conservative than be indoctrinated.

you're disgusting.

There ARE good ones, find them and have multiple white children. It all comes down to a numbers game.

MGTOW is a jew scheme.

Sup Forums is, in all honesty, a collective of ideas. But none of the ideas break the surface into the mainstream.

All I see is people bitch about normies trying to get on board with some shit on Sup Forums but thats what most people want !

God damn, Sup Forums will be the spark that ignites either a civil or global revolution.

Fuck off

No, they’re cleaning out the disgusting trash we don’t want anyway.

I work in a STEM field, take care of my body and practice as a catholic.

All of the self improvement threads ive been seeing are a good start, its inspired me to make myself even better. I encourage you all to do the same, become better people and maybe, one of us will rise to a higher power to fix the world

Nice cognitive dissonance, conservatard. Just get the fuck out of here, since you stink like a rotten cunt.
Aryan pedo patriarchs genetically engineering subservient humans got us into this mess, and by God, it will get us out

That's one way to look at it, but do you honestly think all of the ones 'brainwashed are worth letting go ? Maybe it's just so overpowering.

I mean, looking at history you'll see that women favor whoever protects and provides the best (i.e war-brides, women marrying the gov., leaving beta for a chad). Why not the same argument for the brainwashed women.


They are useful idiots without critical thinking, only using feels and impossible scenarios as an argument .


>pathetic, futile hope for bullshit that will never happen
It's too late for society as we know it user. The world must be cleansed through nuclear fire

t. mouth breather

Social media has made white women have to raise the bar. Blame the internet. They cant help themselves


I deeply believe that trump is our last ditch effort.

The leader of the NDP party in Canada is now some muslim fuck.

All of his platform surrounds mass immigration and non-comfy. I'm picking up my shit hopefully soon and moving to a different country to further my education and work there until Canada implodes and then ill move back. It's honestly fucking crazy here man. E V E R Y O N E is brainwashed

enjoy your cow pee, loser.

Idk why I'm posting in this shill thread in the first place, I thought it was another thread entirely, almost as if I was hypnotized.
Merely seeing you being a degenerate anti-pedo triggered me
At least I'm on to you now, and your rotten demeanor, demoralist shilling, like the filthy chink poster you likely are

I want a sticky saying everyone who makes a thread about women gets a perma ban.

whys that

Because "muh white wimenz destroyin civilization" is the new "if you racemix your children will be ugl-". I'm sick of the same garbage spam over and over again.

Retards who won't listen to facts, and don't bother investigating anything on their own are not worth your time.

There are woke people out there, and many are currently waking up, focus on these people, those are the ones we need.

The people you spoke to, who didn't listen, treat them like idiots, that's what they are. or cut them out entirely.

The white race is already doomed. There are too many traitors, and too many enemies intrenched. Due to where the U.S. sits it is completely doomed and with that is the final nail.

>be pol faggot
>sees a group of libcuck males
>lel fucking nu males

>be pol faggot
>sees a group of libcuck females
>*faps to anime

This is the end.
We are the last ones.

look up the average life span you fuckin moron!! so what people got married at the young age of 13-14 back then you were a full grown adult by that age! People aged like they were in their late 20's by that time, if you weren't married by age 25 you were an old hag who was a embarrassment much like a +35 year old today.

Women are objectively more valuable than men. That's why they're held to a higher standard.

When you're dating and mention wanting to have a traditional family red pilled women cone out of the woodwork. If you are putting out the scent of a degenerate you will not get red pilled women. If you legit want a family you will find it easy, like I did, to attract family oriented women.

Loli is ok if it's oppai loli.

>> we never contribute anything
I mean...

>Disgusting roasties topless in the Vatican
Aren't the Swiss guard will within their right to gun them down at this point? Shit, when I visited they were very strict about women's shoulders being exposed

pope Francis probably pardoned them or something. He's efficiently destroying Catholicism

That's Notre Dame, my friend.