> talking to past GF about possible white extinction.
>mention race mixing and low birth rate
>ex-gf says she hopes the white race is extinct soon
> we're so evil user
>we killed so many people
>and dont forget the 6 quadgillian
>besides, mixed babies are cute
3 months later, have same conversation with a co-worker.
>the white race is violent and dangerous
> we never contribute anything
> my baby is black white native and asian mix
> everyone should start doing it
>the most beautiful people are mixed
After reminding both of these women about the psycholigcal impact of race mixed parents and child identity crisis they still didnt care.
After telling them that most scientific advancements and modern inventions we have today are from white men. They didnt care
>i.e. ( Modern medicine, antibiotic therapy, electricity, the internet, the car, microscopes, space technology, refridgeration. )
Even when told about how white men are being jailed for false rape accusations and presenting news reports of women coming forward in the courts saying they werent actually raped, they dont care.
Discussing how the black population is statictically violent and always leave their 'loved one' after he knocks her up. they dont see anything wrong.
How is it that so much happens infront of our faces. How is it that so much history repeats itself. How is it that the general public cannot connect the dots. Have we gone too far? Have men given too much freedom to women? Are they even, as a general sense, able to produce any logical thought, or is it all emotionally driven?
There's so much wrong in the world. After coming to pol for years i've realized that and it hurts seeing my race, country, and neighbouring country suffer so much.