Share of Global GDP (PPP) 2016
China = 18%
US = 15%
Share of Global GDP (PPP) 1980
China = 2%
US = 20%
Share of Global GDP (PPP) 2016
China = 18%
US = 15%
Share of Global GDP (PPP) 1980
China = 2%
US = 20%
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1 billion people working overtime in manufacturing
how did China do it?
This is now
bill clinton happened
Decent leaders, a national vision and a game plan. Something our world is lacking by the day.
i think she is from Spain
They are both from super elite families. She an aristocrat from spain and he’s a wealthy businessman from China
boomers outsourcing our shit then selling it off with no thoughts except for themselves. republicans are to blame for this as much as anyone else but thats where the 1% came from. real fuckin stupid.
And into the trash it goes
by ignoring human rights and workers' rights.
if we could just get stupid working class Americans to adopt indentured servitude like the illegal spics in america do, then we'd be set.
High IQ, homogeneous society and inoculation against the sexual revolution to this very day.
All of these things combined makes China slated to take the lead considering the average IQ of the west continues to dwindle and the average life goals of their citizens amount to nothing more than "muh dick", where getting some pussy is the most important goal. The level of academic rigor in the utmost Chinese universities would make a sex life unsustainable, and even if they had a girlfriend, it is likely they would not be inflamed with such passion that they would be fucking multiple times a day, as is the case in the west as pornography has classically conditioned idiots here to jack off or have sex nearly 2+ times per day which will make them be unable to focus as well.
America is toast. The world is slowly flipping on its axis economicially
USA exported their debt to China in exchange for cheap goods in order to prevent open war. Of course, this inflamed people like Ross Perot. Good thing one of his proteges is in office right now.
Look up what recently happened with Bombadier and Boeing.
Their children don't even look like her, they just look like any other mass-produced chinks.
Daily reminder that race mixing of any kind is immoral and a big mistake.
The difference is in places as poor as China, its better to have a job that pays than to have no job at all and instead rely on Obongo payouts.
You can grow exponentially if you don't care about pesky labor laws or human rights.
who cares, wait till after puberty if you really want to judge
The great equalizer: internet
its over, we're done. Pack it up, trump cant do it, lets all learn mandarin and adopt Chinese culture.
Trump can still reverse it if he declares martial law purges congress entirely, and takes strong action to return us to traditional moral values.
I doubt he will but the calm before the storm comment gives me a sliver of hope.
Who is the Asian guy on Sup Forums that always posts all these photos? He must have literally every single photo of Asian Male / White Female couples. In real life they are very rare.
With that said, I don't mind at all if White women are imported into Asia, especially from Slavic nations. It's a way to turn Asia more White.
The problem is all the White guys fucking Asians in places like San Francisco -- it's probably 1/2 of all couples. No bueno.
This is now a riced thread
>Trump can reverse it
For eight years? Four? As an aspiration if?
The truth is culture is far more powerful and efficient at affecting change and right now the culture of the West is that of degeneracy. Sciences and engineering, Medicine and Law are viewed as no more important than Lesbian Transgender Basket weaving courses at your local hipster community center. An astrophysicist in the West can be fired for wearing a bad shirt to an interview. Students can be exempted from exams because of world events wholly unrelated to them. A culture of mediocrity is the order of the day.
The President could try and enforce cultural change but that will only provoke backlash and instant repeal as soon as his term expires. What you need to do is steer the people away from all that filth in more than just government action. You need the whole of society on board.
Given the last few years... that's not going to happen any time soon.
we let republicans ship jobs overseas
>if he declares martial law
This in effect would give him dictatorial powers (see Abraham Lincoln, see Andrew Jackson when he invoked it on a state level during the War of 1812), even the ability to suspend elections and remain in power indefinitely.
the most populous country on Earth, having been dirt-poor commies for the past 50 years, implemented free-market reforms. It's easier to set up shop in one of China's SEZs than it is in any US state.
If the entire world was industrialized, US would be about 5% world GDP.
That means nothing to people in the US, except a bigger worldwide market.
If the entire world was 3rd world except US, we would be 100% world GDP, with no trade.
>implying there's anything wrong with PPP
>IQ of the West continues to dwindle
the US' IQ has been going up. Europe's is going down
>implying it's not a useful adjustment since $1 of goods in Switzerland is only like $0.10 of goods in Swaziland
GDP is a meme
Their population is almost triple the US and they have their people working 16 hour days. All of that just to come close to us, pathetic.
>4 years? 8 years?
Mmm try 16. Ivanka 2024.
Lincoln was shot and his goals never realised. Jackson abolished the Reserve only for it to be reintroduced.
You get the drift? It doesn't last. If you want lasting change to innoculate, protect society you need to do more than rely on big government.
The US became a superpower thanks to two world wars where they exported immense amounts of goods to europe. The first world war essentially moved the economic capital of the world from london to new york.
Come post WW2 era, american prosperity wanes slowly, meaning the suburban home at 25 dream is shattered. With that prosperity comes a higher cost of living and as a republic brings with it an expecation of safety and enviromental standards to make life for all american the best it can be.
Meanwhile, china is equipped with an immense amount of resources and extremely cheap manpower. Not only that, but the chinese communist dictatorship allows for extreme economic exploitation with no regard for safety or future ramifications like the environment or sustainability.
>the US' IQ has been going up
Have you seen the demographic trends? Based on that alone, this is patently false.
>Europe's is going down
In countries that have imported a ton of refugees, yes.
Its what happens when you're more focused on military, bombing shitskins, and inflating the nigger population in africa
right, which is why im saying mobilize our illegal workers and throw the whites under the bus. Like we've been doing since the free trade agreement.
and people say Aussies are stupid.
>Based on that alone, this is patently false.
How can anybody believe that american IQ has been going up when the US is barely 60% white now?
China has 1.3 Billion people. The US only has 3 Million people. So proportionately, they are still far behind if you think about it. But, what happened was creating a more capitalistic environment and opening up trade deals. So you can make products cheaper there, because of less regulation, and in turn, businessmen move manufacturing there and make millions more in profits, while their economy takes in most of our money. Hence a trade deficit... meaning more of our money is moving into their country than the other way around. People like to claim... "b but we benefit from cheaper products". These people don't understand the movement of money internationally, let alone what a trade deficit even is.
>China has 1.3 Billion people. The US only has 3 Million people.
Of course on a per capita basis, Americans are wealthier. But the trends are clear, in the last 25 years, what China has done is simply amazing and they have surpassed the US.
This faggot died
>mobilising illegal workers
A person only has as much right to something as when they received it. So if a person who buys stolen property off a thief must hand it back to the original owner how can it be that a country should exploit people that do not belong to the country in the first place?
Send them back if they do no become legal citizens and have nothing to do with them.
Then you will see a rise in wages and an improvement in workers rights just by properly enforcing immigration law.
GDP in the US and Western countries is vastly inflated because it is measured by the final value of all end goods sold and nothing more.
For instance, a piece of leather worth around $14.00 is bought and then turned around and sold for $2600 at Louis Vuitton.
Also, consider the US and western are service economies, which is another misleading factor into GDP. Proportionately doesn't work too well if you are comparing apples and oranges. It's clear our standard of living is better for now but even that seems to be dwindling.
You also ignore the benefit of having a single-party state where people are not divided against one another and the culture and racial makeup is nearly homogeneous, which in my opinion contributed far more to China's success than their free market system (which did play a role, do not get me wrong). They also enforced a moral and cultural policy giving people a long-term vision or goal to work toward. The superstate structure also enables them to invest in massive superprojects and infrastructure development which has been unparalleled in the West--- China used more concrete in the past decade than the US has used up to this very day.
It's not even wrong, yeah.
Its kind of ironic, Mao and Chiang were similar in their desire for a Nationalist Chinese nation that stood on its own. Both men just had differing views about how to go about it.
Arguably the China today is more aligned with Chiang's view than Mao's (for good reason), a good waste of fifty years implementing Socialism with Chinese characteristics when you ended up with State Capitalism instead.
>a good waste of fifty years implementing Socialism with Chinese characteristics
And what happened in those 300 years prior to that? Corruption, weak governments, fractured people, etc that made China into a basketcase. It took those 30 years to cement the rule of the PRC, stabilize, and unify the people toward a common goal.
>last 300 years
Im sure the reason it became a basketcase was due to a certain (((legal action))) undertaken by certain colonial power to enforce the opium trade. Had those wars not occurred it may well have been that China could have enacted constitutional reforms peacefully instead of being seduced by Communism instead.
But I digress the main damage he did was the destruction of Chinese intellect in the blind pursuit of Communism. The complete disregard for rule of law and the summary executions and destruction of culture at the height of the Cultural revolution is why the rest of the World now has to deal with a China that is insecure about its past.
China alwas dominated the world in terms of GDP and importance, it was merely last 300 years where it had a downturn.
Read Marco Polo trip and his writing. He was awe struck by how big China was compared to Europe and how much more advanced.
It is just coming back to its traditional place as center of the world.
Also meant 300 million people. One main reason is many people here are surviving on government subsidies, so they aren't contributing much to the GDP, if at all. Another is that our tax system and level of regulations have discouraged new businesses and encouraged businesses moving to a place with cheap labor but still decent quality product making capability and reliability in distribution capabilities as well.
It's not really that amazing... they simply adopted capitalism and have crawled out of the hole communism put them in. The US is prosperous because of capitalism as well. Smaller countries find niches or use national resources to subsidize... which may be what we need to do if we are going to keep these social programs. Otherwise they will just reduce everyone's individual contribution to the average GDP per capita.