
Episode 16 preview

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Posting here

The link I found on the archive says it's taken down.

I want to believe.

Too late, my autism won't let me drop something this easy.


in case anyone's interested, re zero's LN publisher's holding some kind of an event right now and you can watch it's livestream on niconico.

Don't worry I got this

ETA: 9:33

Oh shit

Missing the latest chapter.

Should add Gluttony but whatever.

I was that guy on the last thread that said that the anime was sad and everyone replied to me saying me that was just the start, is this this worth watching at after all?

>AU Rem would have to deal with Subaru coming home from work horny and getting borderline molested daily
>Subaru deflowers AU Rem and she puts up with the pain knowing that if she offers her body Subaru will stay with her
>On the inside she was begging to be cummed inside of knowing a child would strengthen their bond
>all this for a shit child that they bully
Poor Rigel

Okay, since I never gave this a chance so far (lack of cute girl to my liking, pretty bad if you ask me), is the plot actually good for a change?
I might give it a chance despite being a character design focused person if it is, since there's the rare occasion where something gets popular for a reason.

Of course she doesn't deserve it. She'd have to be some kind of horrible monster to deserve this. At this point, hasn't she basically lost what little she had? If she comes back, what will she even have to return to? People say that Subaru's the one who was taken from despite having nothing, but I think that fits Rem better.

I suppose we can hope she gets her own chance to start her life over from zero.

but yeah Anime's worth it. S1 is gonna end on one of the lowest points in the series

Just escape with what you have already.


New Rem Natsuki chapter

Be prepared everyone, it tugs at your heartstrings

I wish i could read the LN

If you like suffering, pick it up.

Just do it faggots.

>S1 is gonna end on one of the lowest points in the series

I was never ready. How do I learn Japanese? Watch more anime?

Leave while you have the chance user, it only goes downhill from here.

>The "angry snake eyed glare" that Subaru and Rigel have is referring to the fact that this is for the most part a western fantasy and seeing someone with Nip Slanteyes is out of place and scary

Lurk more and visit the DJT thread.

Thanks user, is it wrong for a girl to like this shit knowing is going to be suffering?

It's too late for that, any kind of happy ending for her is already being written of as some kind of side story consolation prize to make people not feel so bad. It's a sick placebo to make people look away from what's coming.

>best girl is going to make Subaru kiss her feet
I can't wait.

What does being a girl have to do with it? Suffering is suffering you vaginal beast

No one needs what is going on here.

I can't fucking watch anything from niconico ever again for some reason because they tell me my reason won't allow it.

I also attempted to create a new account but I keep getting an "timezone.error.required-nonEmpty" error every time I choose a japan prefecture in the damn registration form.

Any ideas on what the hell can I do to fix this problem with niconico?

>gets in a comma
>gets saved
>so she can suffer as Subaru how's full retard lusting for a girl that barely sees him as friend
Being in a comma doesn't sounds that bad.

Yeah, she is definitely best girl. I really like her look and attitude.

I liked the Sauron end.

Do you live in turkey?

So basically Subaru goes around begging for help huh.

How the fuck do you get put into punctuation you fucktard?

>consolation prize

More like to rub salt on people's wounds. Fucker taunted us when uploading those AU chapters.

I'm not a waifufag? Catboy or some homodachi would have been my hook for other series but here isn't case.

>This program is not available in your region.
Fuck you elevens.

Would you make love with this man, Sup Forums?

Look here newfag. You aren't supposed to state your gender when posting anything you shitter.

And it backfires of course.

Phoneposting fucboi.

You wouldn't?

I'm not even asking for much at this point. Just a chance for her to live, learn, and grow, or maybe even make some kind of difference when it really matters. She deserves a chance to be a part of the world again. Is that really too much?

No, and it used to work just fine in my country but now I can't fucking see anything.

The waifus are only there to distract us from suffering. Otherwise, there's tobs of dick walking around in the show, like a twink catboy, a clown with a 24 foot dick, a foxy grandpa, a literal caveman, some apple guy that shows up like 4 times, red kirito, purple kirito with less gary stu-ness, the chosen undead from darksouls, and these 3 street vermin that serve no integral purpose in the story

lost it at Eliot

This story is at best only half way done and I want off already but there's no doors to get out.

Ok ojisan.

Even in old age he's hot as fuck

Life is suffering. I don't feel that bad that it doesn't fall his way. Depending on how interesting the rejections are, maybe it'll lead to more love of the girls playing this way with him? One can hope.

I don't think you realize
It is COMA not COMMA Goddamn fucking retard. A fucking comma is punctuation

Guys calm down. Greycat wouldn't inflict so much suffering on Rem after he brings her back.

Basically the interview says, he's just making things interesting. He's kind enough to give us Rem AU.


There is no escape to this wild ride

>someone saved my shitty meme

At this point it actually just might be.

>The waifus are only there to distract us from suffering.
I don't feel very distracted, least of all from suffering.

Did those two cunts ever get some karma? They can't get away likee this.

>>Subaru deflowers AU Rem and she puts up with the pain knowing that if she offers her body Subaru will stay with her

Rem is equally as horny though which is why seeing Rigel get alienated is hilarious.

>Didn't even use the three stooges for the three stooges.

My ride is going to be suffering.

Why the fuck didn't I think of that. I just googled "three rats" and threw that in there without thinking

There is no kindness in that kind of reward, it's basically telling everyone that it's the kind of ending that will never happen in the main story. He's slapping everyone in the face with that story before throwing it on the ground and shattering it into oblivion.

>Basically the interview says, he's just making things interesting. He's kind enough to give us Rem AU.

You believe Greycat's lies? Rem's AU doesn't connect to the MU. It's a huge insult because he knows he won't give Rem any rest at all.

He'll keep rubbing salt on our wounds user. Stop being naive.

>being this autistic

What kind of dirty things would you do with him, Sup Forums?

You seem to underestimate how cruel Greycat can be

>Moving this many goalposts because you're a shut in 17 year old faggot trying to learn Japanese for the sake of being a fucking otaku neet when you can't even form a basic grasp on yoyr native language to the point where you consistently mispell a 4 letter word like a 6 year old using "Are" instead of "Our"

they will

thats how reality works

If Greycat will take away Subaru's "daughters" from him as well I give no shits about him turning into Dark Lord. Rem's gone already. So Subaru can facefuck Satella for eternity for all I care.

Now imagine if AU is just a dream MU Rem had only to wake up to realise she only has to suffer while a smelly knife ears is his dream husband's love interest.


What better way to corrupt a person than to systematically take away everything that makes him a good person?

Though Subaru's "children" will never deserve anything for what Greycat has in store for them

You tried.
>You remember when you asked me to marry you?
>You said you dreamt that we'd grow old together.

>how do write an anime
>make girl a the best
>make girl b a shit
>make protagkun be infatuated with girl b for absolutely no reason while having perfect chemistry and obvious mutual attraction with girl a

Why do so many anime do this? It's fucking absurd, I can't think of any anime in recent history where the best girl wins. Except Nisekoi

Fuck greycat.

>AU chapter 5 has Rem dying during the birth of their 3rd child
>Subaru kills hinself out of grief
>Revives at the Appa stand with Rem roughly 11 years before the fact
>Satella never set any more checkpoints after they ran off together

Main girls are shit. Only Ruri a best.

I've already imagined that possibility a long time ago and the horrific mindbreak it'd probably result in, especially if she kept slipping into habits from that dream or if she sometimes forgot the truth for a moment every time she woke up in the morning only to find Subaru wasn't by her side.

That's probably not going to happen.

>AU chapter 5 has Rem dying during the birth of their 3rd child

Please don't give him any ideas.

>Kicked in the crotch so hard that you spit blood

That entire story really is nothing more than a dream though, and it's the most horrifying and satisfying one that could have been made since it's exactly the kind of ending that Rem would be happiest in but also the least likely to happen. It's just a dream and nothing more.

I just noticed though.

Every time Subaru gets revived, the "stench" of the witch gets stronger. Just like what Rem was commenting.

So in the "timeline" that Subaru survives, in Rem's perspective he always have the witch's miasma. Is that right?

would you?

So it didn't yet in the WN/LN?


Kicked under the chin first. But, maybe kicked in the crotch. I'd love it if that's the case. He probably deserved it.

It's going to get worse and worse with each revival and when he starts becoming infected by with what are undeniably evil powers.

Hard. I want to protect fem!Subaru.

Actually, hasn't she noticed at some point the miasma is gradually getting stronger?

Just how a female NEET Subaru do compare to male Subaru?

Ok I'm off this ride. I'll just watch the anime and completely forget about this series. I'll just give this a go again if there is any indication of Rem getting some salvation. Or Subaru getting a proper redemption.

Punpun has destroyed me already and drove me fucking mad for days.

>He probably deserved it.
He didn't this time. She just got annoyed he actually was about to obey her command so she couldn't get off like she wanted to.

Fuck me I need to up my nihonggo now to catch up with you guys.

Yeah, I forgot about that. He always have the stench, but it was actually getting stronger each checkpoint.

Unless it says as much in the LNs, I wouldn't make that conclusion. All that's been stated in the anime is that stright after the darkness has touched him somehow, the smell attaches strongly to him.

But, maybe it clears away afterwards. There's been no indication that it continues to hang to him stronger than normal. Unless it has.

She'd probably ignore the best boy butler for some shitty half elf, just like male Subaru.

Be careful what you wish for user, because they might come true.

He was a good childhood freind/sweetheart

Unfortunately she'd probably get raped by Betelgeuse, and attempted rape by the 3 stooges.

Reinhardt would probably take her under his wing desu.