Contact NRA here:
Feel free to write your own message, but below are copypastas to use:
Time to get to work
>NRA Member pasta
I have been a loyal member of the NRA for years, as I believe the second amendment to be part of what makes America great, stating the right of all Americans to keep and bear arms, which shall not be infringed. This allows Americans to defend themselves, their loves ones, and to defend their countrymen as a last line against government tyranny.
The NRA is now betraying their members by caving in to the anti-gun liberal agenda by looking into "additional regulations" or even bans of bump-fire stocks and other firearm accessories. This is completely unacceptable to me, and I cannot in good conscience continue to support the NRA if accessory restrictions are the NRA's idea of "shall not be infringed".
You need to reverse the direction you are going, as many NRA members will not be following you.
>Non-member pasta
I have been a gun rights activist for years, as I believe the second amendment to be part of what makes America great, stating the right of all Americans to keep and bear arms, which shall not be infringed. This allows Americans to defend themselves, their loves ones, and to defend their countrymen as a last line against government tyranny.
The NRA is now betraying the American people by caving in to the anti-gun agenda by looking into "additional regulations" or even bans of bump-fire stocks and other firearm accessories. This is completely unacceptable to me, and I cannot in good conscience support the NRA if accessory restrictions are the NRA's idea of "shall not be infringed".