How is the holocaust taught in German schools
How is the holocaust taught in German schools
>move the Jews into the "shower room"
>press ze button
>you are evil for being German
>you must repent
>open your hearts and your borders
>this is the only way to make up for what your forefathers did
>you have the genes of a monster
It's not, they don't want to excite the German or Muslim students.
12 years of school in total
dedicating at least 6-8 years of history classes to the holocaust/nazi crimes/political oppression/resistance movement like the "white rose" or stauffenberg
a visit to a nearby concentration camp is MANDATORY
often happens twice
the earlier the better of course because little kids are more likely to be shocked
also leaving out stuff like WWI almost entirely
the discovery of america? pff forget about it
leftist teachers hammering into our brains that the german volk is basically the most vile and evil that ever walked upon the surface on the earth
at least these have been my experiences
By watching historical accurate Documentarys from (((Hollywood))) like Schwindlerslist
you sound like my former teachers!
>ywn never hunt panicking Jews with your SS meth head bros and their cool doggos
What do they teach about the American involvement in WW2? How do German schools portray Americans to their youth?
lol good times
taking kids to concentration camps? that's fucked up beyond belief
we dress our school kids in black leather SS uniforms and torture some anne frank shitskins with our Rottweiler " HASSO ; FASS , FASS DEN JUDEN"
That dog is fucking deaf.
basically that they liberated us and especially supported us by the berlin airlift
nothing bad at all
but talking about modern day america is totally the opposite
i remember when we had worksheets in our english classes displaying obama speeches (during his first campaign)
we had to determine why obama is doing such a great job and why he is without any exception the savior of mankind (not overexaggerating - our leftist teachers were one of a kind)
i really wonder what my former teachers did when trump got elected and how subtle (or openly) they tried to demonize him
It makes me sad you guys are this self hating. I know it was relatively recent history wise but you shouldn't be this collectively guilty
>be American
>learn history usually starting with European colonies in 1600s
>kinda skim over the trail of tears and shit like that
>ya it was bad but what are you gonna do?
>keep moving forward
>it was bad but we ended so it's cool
>segregation and jim crow
>it's over now we good
The only thing we never talk about except for one history class in my 12 years of schooling is the internment camps
We absolutely do not bring attention to that
Also my polisci class, but you know it's political science so we talked about all things good and bad
I'm natsoc by the way
We as a country relocated or "oppressed" 3 groups of people and have the nationalistic sense that Germans had.
I'm Also 21 so kids today in elementary are probably getting a more liberal education though. Hating Christopher Columbus, self hating
But time will tell
Germans apparently spend YEARS of their history schooling learning upon "muh holocaust" and spend no time learning about their actual history and empires.
my first time has been in 4th grade when i was 9 or 10
and trust me there are at least 10 other classes from different schools at a KZ EVERY DAY
concentration camps in germany are crowded as fuck because of schoolchildren
Not much, mostly what led to American intervention and how they "liberated" us in the end, but there is more being taught about the After-war period leading to the cold war.
Sounds like Sweden desu.
>the earlier the better of course because little kids are more likely to be shocked
This kinda opened my eyes
My school brought us to visit the Dachau camp when I was like 12 and I was sickened by the details so I had to stay outside during the visit to the ovens, not listening to the explenation
is this why I'm WOKE now?
100% true iam from nord rhein westfalen and my retarded nigger teacher send us twice to visit a "Konzentrationslager museum"
my teacher were numales or overweight women who were teaching politics history and other cucked subjects
fuck them
They also see to it that there is a guide who tells you how they killed and tortured the 6 billion, any critical questions are being evaded and set aside as either Nazi-Propaganda published in war time or misinformation spread by Holocaust "deniers" after the war
The third Reich was like half of the history class in the 10th grade, they didn't teach that much about the holocaust, warschau ghetto, Auschwitz, and the number of camps in total was the only thing mentioned. German history teaching is pretty dry so it wasn't like the teachers got emotionally invested in it.
I think somebodys knocking at your door Hans
You're welcome!
>concentration camps in germany are crowded as fuck because of schoolchildren
Who else laughed?
You are completly right. That's sad, cause they know basically nothing about of the cradle of Civilization Mesopotamia und Greece
Taking credit for things your forefathers did, yes you americans are quick in that
We had a holocaust survivor at our school that told her story. A lot of students have to go to a concentration camp, usually in the higher grades age 15+. I didn't because I changed schools.
Oh boy so true. So many Germans suck Democrat cock it's unbelieveable. We also had Obama as a subject in our English class when he ran the first time.
The sister of a friend of mine is in primary school and they got told how evil Donald Trump is. If Germans could vote for the US president they would vote 85% Hillary from what I can tell.
i feel you bro
wanna hear a funny story?
in america you pledge to the flag in school
litteraly UNTHINKABLE in germany
even the translation wich would be "Fahnenschwur" (Flagoath) would be considered to be an outrage and a taboo
so here is the thing: in 8th grade or so (when we were around 14) we sat in class waiting for the teacher
some classmates discovered a box containing useless stuff except a german flag (not what you are thinking....the current one with the bundeseagle on it)
"hey there is the flag what should we do about it?"
"euhm dunno lets put it up"
"yeah why not"
female teacher arrived and started class
"stand up! good morning class"
"yeah yeah good morning"
"take a seat.....WHAT IS THAT? WHO PUT UP ZE FLAG???"
"we found it inside this crate thingy. we thought to put it up because why not?"
i think i will never forget this
not at all. it's pure bullshit propaganda. i was so smug when i came on Sup Forums the first time and laughed about the dumb americans with their contrarian nazi fetish. what do they know about ww2, i thought. my fucking god what a rabbithole this has all been.
you are welcome
twice also? welcome to the club bahaha
damn just like i expected it
such a shame
when i was in 5th grade they made us watch ww2 videos of shitloads of corpses being shoved around by bulldozers.
How are the vets treated? Like after the war if you where a former soldier where you just get shit on?
I had advanced history class in my Highschool/A-Levels.
You need to take 2 advanced "power curses",I had history and english.
History material for 2 years was:
1.Federal states and free cities of pre-germany
2.Rise of nationalism and the idea of germany
3.First parliament and founding of "germany"
4.Bismark and his political actions,wars with france/austria
5.Germany and industrialisation with Wilhelm/3 Kaiser year
6.WW1 and the weimar repuplic,they explained the hyper inflation,also hyperinflation and spartacus uprising.
Ofc they don't mention (((who))) pushed those Ideas and that Rosa Luxembourg ect. were just reformers who did nothing wrong.
7.WW2 they explain everything,how hitler rose to power in 1923-33,they also explain the war and its major battles.
Furthermore you get National Socialism "explained" and all the tools of propaganda like Volksemfänger ect. they teach you the main ideas of ideology.
In terms of holocaust they explain basically all the stuff,the camps,the methods and why it was seen as a duty to destroy these enemies.
The only thing I really could critize on it is that they don't mention why people turned antisemitic and believed in international bolshevism.
They basically try to tell you: "You know basically the economy was shit and people suddenly turned super antisemetic and anticommunist out of nowhere".
It gets painted as jews were the scapegoat only because they were jews,a minority and that antisemitism was the oldest trick in the book in europe.
Our Exam on the holocaust and WW2 was also about Heinrich Himmlers Posen-Speech.I wrote an A in it xddd
Well a million were sent over the USSR to get worked to death in Gulag "only 50000 made it back" and allot more were hung by the allies, barley any SS survived, the Wehrmacht that were farthest away from the action were incorporated into the Allied armies, or kept their heads down and moved on with their lives.
I'm ready to start killing jews. I am just waiting for everyone else to be ready. What is needed is simply non stop rioting in America killing every jew. You know the CDC has published fraudulent findings last year, "Benefits of circumcision outweigh the risks".
Benefits? There are no benefits. What the fuck are they talking about? This is equal to saying, "Benefits of ear-lobe removal outweigh the risks" but even worse, because removing foreskin drastically affects your penis especially sexual pleasure which just reminds me then of how demented the practice is, its something to do with reprogramming the parasympathetic nervous system, a horrible shock inflicted on a 6 week old child.
I remember watching some stupid nazi movie in one class and some girl stepped out crying when they were gassing jews or something along those lines. Jokes on her, it never happened.
Fucking libshit brain washing. I feel bad for Germans, especially German veterans. It's no surprise they are letting so many immigrants in, I can't imagine the levels of white guilt they deal with.
Yeh they should have told you how many shitloads of german bodies were bulldozed around after the merciless bombings of civilians cities of germany.
To all the people who went to concentration camps,I am glad that I only went to 1 and it was Sachsenhausen near berlin.
We went a trip with "Erdkunde" and "Socio-economic" class, so it was only like
30 people when we were around 17-18years.
Also I was stoned 24/7 and had a zero fuck attitude,so I wasn't really emotional charged to it.
Also as I mentioned I wrote an A in the Holocaust/WW2 ,so I knew all the horrible stuff.
I think it is abolutely retarted guild baiting by our schools tough.As a young german I seriously think the older generation can kill them selfs about their guilt boner and reducing this country only to 12 years.
PS:One of our Socio-economic teacher also was a fat meat witch ,which ofc was active in the 1986 movement and a green/left party degenerate.
>It gets painted as jews were the scapegoat only because they were jews,a minority and that antisemitism was the oldest trick in the book in europe.
Now we know its THEIR oldest trick the book to tell the next nation they flee to that they were scapegoated. And when they flee they always got gold they stole buried safely so they can startup quickly again and be back to their old tricks.
everyone gets A grades on these because anyone reaching these courses already has a "white guilt/gorillion/degree"
literally any german that just turned 18 has a imaginary phd on nazi crimes and the holocaust and could do hours of presentations on these topics
Now what did your parents and grandparents teach you?
yep they should have
but they didnt
not a single word about the rheinwiesen camps either.
>We had a holocaust survivor at our school that told her story.
I had that too as an elementary school child in Texas in the mid 90s. I remember feeling instinctively that something was fishy, how they were forcing you to feel a certain way. It never took hold of me, and I think many others are like this despite the conditioning.
The legitimate fear of personal ruin as an adult, more than childhood indoctrination, seems to me to be the mechanism that keeps this order in place
> be German teenager
> be taught Holocaust in school
> muh 6 gorillions, we wuz baddies and shit
> visit concentration camp
> jews were slaughtered here PERIOD
> be 16, don't give a fuck, smoke joint
> one day off school, better than learning French
Very little in my personal education. Most of it focused on democratic revolutions. French revolution and the German revolution of 1848 and then long stretches of Bismarks politics. WW1 is mostly skipped aside from "muh evil Kaiser" and then it's lots of time spend on the Weimar republic. WW2 is only discussed in terms of the holocaust. You read accounts of both German people and Jews and then they hand you these totally blow out of proportion stories of attrocities that supposedly happened. Jewish guts spwing from the ground, bloodsoaked soil and disgusting smells.
Most schools will also have actual old jews give their accounts at the school, they tour the country.
My regret as an American is that we played a part in the destruction of your national identity after WWII. I hope that with the apparent rising tide of nationalism around the world that you will find your roots again, and that we will do the same- before it's too late.
Haha "american education". I went to a prep school. My history teacher wasn't even aware that The Russians invaded Poland. What a joke.
here it's like half a page lol
my grandparents told me that due to the american supply trucks they got the chance to taste their first coca cola
also the first time that they actually saw black people
i school they got taught that the americans have black soldiers in their ranks that will lunge at you from the bushes with knives and spears
they eventually got food handed over by friendly soldiers that played football with them
only good memories actually because ANYONE at that time helping was seen as a true act of kindness because EVERYTHING was better than living under soviet rule
i mean some people were chewing the soles from their shoes to survive in certain areas
my grandfather for example approached a russian soldier and asked for food as a child
the soldier immediatly replied by knocking out every single tooth of him with his rifle
>Ask history teacher why Germans were anti-semitic
>"Because Hitler used them as a scaepgoat!"
>Ask why an entire country would all of a sudden start hating Jews just because somebody said so
>"Because they were anti-semetic!"
same,no more than 2 hours on it
>literally any german that just turned 18 has a imaginary phd on nazi crimes and the holocaust and could do hours of presentations on these topics
I wouldn't they all,I was one of like 2 or 3 people who wrote an A.It is just that so many basically know nothing besides >muh holocaust.
They don't understand the whole war and the ideology.I mean modern Gymnasium is a joke anyways I think,when a stoner with zero work can write an A in it.I basically did nothing in many courses,except History/english.Now imagine the people who are actually uneducated or unintelligent.
You can't write a bad grade on it tough,I mean I just watched tons of N-Tv and N24 when I was like 13/14 to sleep in the middle of the day.It just gives you the daily propaganda you need to excell at hisotry.
As you mentioned if you do this for a few times you basically get your PHD in National Socialism.
I think they just create many young facist with their constant guilt tripping in school and acting like our History exist of 12 years.
There are 3 types of young people now:
1.People who swallow the whole guilt trip and left propaganda regarding right wing politics and nationalism
2.The people who find the topic interesting and educated it them selfs on it and actually get red pilled on a lot of stuff
3.Retards who don't even know the most basic things like the Holocaust and National Socialism.
PS:I had a friend who switched from the gymnasium to a gesamtschule,he had actually people in his class who did not know what the holocaust was.So I really think the leftist and guilt loving idiots fucked them selfs.
>The legitimate fear of personal ruin as an adult, more than childhood indoctrination, seems to me to be the mechanism that keeps this order in place
This mechanism keeps a lot of things in place for the good and the bad. It keeps people from stealing but also keeps them from speaking up against the majority.
What they teached us about americans?
That they were based,which was historically true.They helped our economy withe the Marshall-Plan and they had interest in our democracy.
Also in terms of re-education they were more forgiving than soviets.While the soviets just destroyed everyone who had any history with Nazis/NSDAP.
They just saw you as liberators,who really brought freedom and democracy,something the US doesn't do anymore since the cold war.
People just hated the russian because they would just cleanse everyone and steal what they could for Communism.They were portrayed as ruthless,that would do what they want.
The US just understood that they couldn't destroy everyone with a history to the prior Regime.So many people could contiune to run their position like lawyers/politicans ect.
Also many people were afraid of blacks.
damn you freaking nailed it
of course i meant the people from the gymnasium
i remember a turkroach girl doing a presentation about hitler
quote: " hitler also started killing jews because he just hated them...."
i was also one of these n24 guys bit mostly because i was interested in war stories or simply pictures from an all out warfare
simply the aesthetics by the german military back then made me root for them and so grew my interest for the main actors and their ideology
modern school in germany is a failure due to the degenerate pop culture wich gets somehow implemented but mainly i blame the teachers
i mean there is 1 out of 20 teachers that is somewhat acceptable
the rest is simply a bunch of unsocialized leftist and always short before crying pussies with no spine at all
role models? more like the doom of our youth in total
Any single German women in their 40's that aren't immigrant-fucked yet and might want to come to burgerland?
I'd prefer she have huge tits, but that isn't a tall order to fill with her being German and all...
Manipulative propaganda. Expected as much. Hope natsoc rises again
Sounds about right, but not 6-8 years, more like 2-3 years of war/holocaust. Also
>12 years of school
Glad I was one getting 13 years. Also, lowest education form stops after 9 years, next one after 10 years. You only do 12/13 years if you want to go to uni.
>What do they teach about the American involvement in WW2?
Liberators/Freedom fighter saving Europe and MUH Marshal plan fixed all our problems.
>taking kids to concentration camps?
Indoctrination has to start as soon as possible
watch schindlers list 6 trillion times.
Concentration Campfags tell me,
Do they have gift shops where you can buy merchandise and shit?
I went to the 9/11 Memorial last year and you can literally buy 9/11 merch not 100 feet from where the World Trade Center once stood, hell some of the people selling it to you were there when it happened.
>We had a holocaust survivor at our school that told her story
Tell us. How many gassings did she personally survive?
there are actually museum shops and usually a small café!
dont expect to buy a ashtray there tough
Yeah you are right so many teachers in germany are retards.
They are either losers who have personal problems,leftist,sadist or are actually really good teachers who teach values and sacrifice a lot for the children.
On WW2 fascination,I know tons of friends who were addicted to all the WW2 stuff.
I mean I am too.Germany and the leftist made a gigantic mistake with their re-education.
I bet you there are tons of germans who think "maybe it wasn't bad after all" and if a econimic crisis might hit again people will march again.
They failed so hard on teaching that ideology and demonizing anything right wing.
One day everything will blow up because they tried for decades to cut anything right wing down,if it would be the right political step in that moment.
No Chad, our Woman are here to mate with Abdul to make a new underclass Goyim.
When Germans visit my place, i whistle the Horst Wessel Lied. It always works well.
top kek. you fuck got free scot away from it. in russia they would tell you the naked truth how your grandpa hans raped himself trouth towns leawing burned villages and towns behind him and then the russian pupilas will keep beating the shit out pof your stupid cadaver after the classes next 3 years.
>leftist teachers hammering into our brains that the german volk is basically the most vile and evil that ever walked upon the surface on the earth
well they are not wrong about that
exactly they really have overdone it in the past decades
personally i do wait for some chinese real estate bubble to burst so that our welfare system starts crumbling
thanks to the afd you can already state things wich you simply couldnt 10 years ago
there are many young people that simply reject a labelling as a natsoc anymore
remember to always improve yourself to be a leader and to give the best example when shit starts kicking off!
Krauts must leanr about how evil they are. And must pay one trillion to Poland.
Boy I'd love to tell you but that was 9 years ago. All I can remember that she came every year to our school and every class had to go there.
>Krauts must leanr about how evil they are. And must pay one trillion to Poland.
Poles always sound like second grade kikes.
>be white
>ask for reparations
there is a reason why poles are considered to be the niggers of Europe.
thank you for your post mister sheckelstein.
no i get your point
i actually admire russia and its culture and apart from being a fascist i still and will always look upon the eastern front as the biggest and senseless crime germany ever commited
of course russian soldiers in berlin first had to travel all the way back just to discover scorched earth and the amount of destruction that the germans left behind
germany and russia should form the closest bond ever because we share a history that no other nation in the world could ever comprehend
the only guilt i feel is the guilt towards russians and the damages we inflicted on every single of their families
i will constantly work towards an improval for a great relationship like i mentioned above
>oy vey remember the 6 gorillion, you better feel sorry for those jews who were masturbated to death by your grandfather, now give shlomo goldberg all you shekels you antisemite
that's it
you hear it every year in history lesson
every year in the newspaper, television and radio
it's omnipresent
>ruskie rapebaby
>basically that they liberated us and especially supported us by the berlin airlift
This fucking triggers me.
The US allowed half of Europe to be bolshevized while burning alive germans civilians, and yet here are those cucks talking about "liberation" when it is pure rape and murder.
"Oh but we offer you free meal for one year in this city".
Fuck this.
muhammad and miroslav are at it again
>you are evil for being German
>leftist teachers hammering into our brains that the german volk is basically the most vile and evil that ever walked upon the surface on the earth
this user speak the truth. my school also had a big Obama bias.
we learn both.
at school kids we had a morbid fascination with this stuff. Never sickened. More like "aww...poor people... hey btw when we're back in a couple hours, can I come to ur place to play some vidya?"
maybe in your Handelsschule. We had shit tons of greek history and philosophers.
insert Sup Forums muh "that's a british d00d driving the bulldozer after liberation so it's NOT part of the holocaust" meme
The Spartacus Uprising was a sailor mutiny Hans, and you know it. Also, Rosa Luxemburg was not nearly as relevant as Karl Liebknecht, who was not a Jew.
Speaking of Posen speech and you writing an A in it, tell me why you today think it is a hoax?
Are you the same gook I humiliated in a past thread? Muh "I'm readyyyyy to kill j0000ze" autism. I bet you aren't even 6 feet tall.
because the rheinwiesen camps are a hoax. At least, the fairy tales of the leaf James Bacque and his "1.7 gorillion starved to death". That's why the Rheinwiesenlager have not made it into German collective memory the same way the Soviet Gulags have.
yes. revisionists have made it a running gag to remind us of the Auschwitz gift and souvenir shoppe. Too bad for them that these only sell books. I still wasn't able to find a copy of Pressac's Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers. sadman
Part of the curriculum in many German schools.
Jesus. Is it really that bad, where just paying respects to your nation's flag is seen as something evil? I can't think of any other nation in the entirety of human history that thought this way. It's ethnomasochism.
>the truth
"i am proud to be american!"
"euhm yeah?/so what?/me too/who isnt?"
"i am proud to be a german!"
you have a 10% chance of receiving the answers above by a stranger (if youre lucky)
You Germans will need to be uncucked from the outside just as you have been cucked from the outside.
You'll have this inferiority complex as long as nobody tells it is fine to be a nazi.
>It gets painted as jews were the scapegoat only because they were jews,a minority and that antisemitism was the oldest trick in the book in europe.
We were taught the same thing in our schools. Everybody hated Jews because they weren't Christian, and antisemitism is fueled by nothing other than people hating what is different from them. Because I was into ancient history I asked a teacher one time "how come the Jews got persecuted and kicked out by Romans, Persians and Arabs as well?" and she gave me a non-answer, something like "Well back then it was different". It was my first redpill. After that I did some research on the cause of anti-semitism and learned about usury.
Surely you display some form of national unity and spirit. Like the German football league. Aren't there a lot of Germans waving the flag and cheering on their team whenever the German national team plays against somebody?
Your teacher was a retard. Answer should have been: "because they were a minority back then as well". Except for the province of Judea, where they got their shit pushed in for trying to start an armed uprising against Roman rule.
It is an unwritten rule in german speaking society that waving around german flags is only halal during football season (world championship / European championships etc.) every 2 years.
I don't think it is a hoax.I just think some stories like lampshades are a bit over the top.
In general I think they just made a mistake by demonizing everything right or national over the decades.Especially since we have no counter narrativ against exreme leftism,despite our DDR history.
They just create a political void with it that has the potential to burst.I dont want to end in WW3 and an authotarian state because nobody points out how retarted and manipulative the left has become
Man - most comments cover my thoughts anyway - but I know plenty and I do mean plenty of English dudes - not nazi bell ends - but educated well read folk who have a full and proper respect for Germany, her history, her culture - its defiance and fortitude - and what it still gives today.
There should be more, far far more attention in German schools that show what occoured after the end of WW2 and the actions by Russians and American jews on German pow's - the real carnage was there.
Looked at through a historical lens - the world tour of 39 - 45 won't seem half as bad as it is currently.
FFS look at our history. All have the same blood on their hands. Read your history and empire development and take positive from it.
They said Gehngis was bad at one time ----- just give it enough time and someone else will be getting the static
wow, another sensible person on Sup Forums
>Especially since we have no counter narrativ against exreme leftism,despite our DDR history
Most of East Germany are redpilled and vote anti-Commie, which is good. You still don't have a 26% type of FPÖ party in your country, but I think AFD has set a precedent that will make dialogue inevitable.
of course but that is a single replacement and a fake pride
also when the world championship 2006 was held in germany a lot of flags got raised and waved around
it actually even drew the medias attention on it because a considerable amount of people felt uncomfortable because this could be a indicator of nationalism (wich simply wasnt true AT ALL)
also the media and the pop culture quickly started the damage control by naming the german national team simply "the team" / leftist singers and celebrities started bringing up songs trying to make that cheering for the team somewhat ridiculous but still adorable
same goes to the whole fan culture
also the singing of the anthem before a game still always remains somewhat "dampened"
no one really sings the hymn with all his heart
talking about replacement of pride
side note: germans do have clubs for EVERYTHING and literally everything with a unparalleled density compared to the rest of the world
a bobby car club? a club for garden gnomes? a club for drivers of a 73` audi and only for that model?
in germany you find thousands of these for everything you can imagine
but nontheless the people involved there are fanatics when it comes to how these clubs are ran (scriptors, vice-scriptors, every minute of meetings have to be on strict shedule! no exceptions! this is were germans still act VERY VERY german)
that is imho only a psychological result about what happens when national pride or identity gets removed entirely
i hope you get my point
the death toll is blown out too. It was probably 1 million or less,and Im not sure
if gas chambers were used,but Germany was also attributed to using "gas vans" to kill jews.
The concept of a gas van was literally invented BY A JEW Isay Berg in Russia,1936
>fat meat witch
Yeah even my lefty teachers made us stand and plegde allegiance to the flag. A big contrast to europe.