/balt/ thread
are lithuanians jews?
>Lithuanian Railways removed rail track to block competition
is Estonia competent enought to be The Presidency of the Council of the European Union
internal affairs between president and EKRE party
/balt/ thread
are lithuanians jews?
>Lithuanian Railways removed rail track to block competition
is Estonia competent enought to be The Presidency of the Council of the European Union
internal affairs between president and EKRE party
www. delfi .ee/news/paevauudised/eesti/mart-helme-vastab-kersti-kaljulaidile-meie-ei-toeta-liberaalset-demokraatiat-sest-see-moonutab-demokraatia-moistet?id=79751310
This image caused quite and outrage here, 5 nationalists too a photo in front of a migrant center, our leftsts went berserk about it.
This is woman tried to report them to the police even.She is a Soros funded journalist, here are a few "we need migrants" propaganda videos of hers:
Pretty hot though, would hatefuck the leftism out of her
Be sure to let her know that then, no need to be polite. Get creative.
Lithuanians are black
Know your history
Why exactly aren't these people put in gas chambers?
Who exactly?
Also do ignore my typos there, the thread was about to archive, I rush-typed and didn't have time to proofread.
The wikileaks is from 2006 correct?
Liberal George Soros puppets, liberals in general, anyone who fits the profile of Murican liberals.
In my opinion anyone pushing for immigration into Latvia is a straight up traitor and should be unironically executed.
Tolerance camps are a real thing in Estonia, so you tell me
Executions would be a little too much, that would leave lots of generational dormant guilt, better just take away their rights to partake in the system.
Generational guild doesn't seem to stop Russians from taking over even though they killed thousands and sent people to die in Siberia for not being mentally ill communists.
If you don't take these mentally ill sub-humans seriously they are going to raise to power trough shaming, backstabbing and classroom ''tehee, user said a bad word, teacher!!! ;)'' tactics, then we will be sent to the gulags again. Throughout all of history it has been proven that the only thing that beats these people is a strong military/fascist response to their shit.
It needed repairs fag
>to block competition
That would mean cucking refinery that is on our own soil, what other Lithuanian competition is there?
I'm having trouble understanding the context of this.
You do realize we would effectively be killing our own people, right? Retarded people, but still our people.
What we need is re-education & labour camps for the worst ones instead. That would set most them straight.
>Estonian authorities ought to add the teaching of the benefits of diversity and living in a multicultural society in school programs.
Just fuck my shit up, senpai
Balts, I love you so much. Oh my gosh, why Putin?
Kill me, please
Don't forget that there is a good percentage of those people that can be redpilled
Maybe it wouldn't be practical to hang these traitors, but they deserve it.
To be honest what will set these people straight is the lack of gibs and the fact that both US and EU going to collapse any minute now. We are going to see a total collapse and civil wars all over US and EU. That will wake up the ''muh racism'' people. They will be more worried about their lives than ''boohoo we do not have enough BASED black people.''
Is it the US embassy they are referring? Who authorized this? It's so strange for me to hear the term "hate crime" used in 2006. Remember to view the raw content.
I haven't read it myself, can't comment on it yet.
Lay off the krokodil m8, it rots your brain (and everything else too, literally)
Please do, it's a quick read.
It's not that strange. Everything these documents are saying has pretty much been spelled out by Marxists over 70 years ago.
Wasn't Trotsky the one who invented the word ''racism?'' All this is planned. People didn't come up with ''hate crime'' non-sense just a few years ago. You can probably trace it back to some old German or Russian jew.
That still leaves the question of who and why? Was it the US embassy and who authorized this? Were they acting alone?
It is all planned and stretches back way before that.
"That's a 19th century idea and we are trying to transition into the 21st century, and we are going to do it with multi-ethnic states"
Former NATO general Wesley Clark, 1999
Source? Can't that just be referring to NATO?
From the looks of it, it is the US embassy located in Tallinn. They're sending some cuck document to their pals in the EU to promote diversity and shit.
From what I am reading there is nothing in that leak that tells you who is authorizing this or pushing thing, but what it does tell you is that this agenda runs deep and these people are very well connected, which implies the same donors pushing the same agenda.
That is something only they themselves know. My guess would be to polarize everyone against everyone else, as that creates a distraction
to help the elites to create an European superstate, plus a divided nation is easier to control, and multiculturalism ensures just that.
But this is just a speculation of mine.
Full quote:
"There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states. That`s a 19th century idea and we are trying to transition into the 21st century, and we are going to do it with multi-ethnic states"
>Es nezinu kaa stradaa beglu procesesanas sistema Latvijaa
What's the end game? I could understand if was just to promote coexistent between Estonians and Russians in a strategic Nato state but why the broad brush of tolerance?
>repairs railway by completely dismantling it
I'd like a link please, to save for future reference.
I have no direct link myself, do run a search on it yourself, it is all over the place. And ny the fact that nobody has even tried to refute it kinda confirms it.
And cease with the incessant questioning and proofing, if we had the answers they would already be woven into what we know already.
It's a deep fucking rabbit hole. You really need to look into Frankfurt School, the history of Marxism, the jewish politicians in Sweden, George Soros, the influence Israel has had on international politics, Trotsky etc just to get a minor understanding what this entire shitshow is about. You can study this insanity all your life and only scrape the surface of it.
"8. (SBU) MP Nutt, Estonia's representative on the European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance, noted that whatever problem existed was undoubtedly
exacerbated by Estonia's larger problem with alcoholism. Most of the instigators of racial incidents were drunk at the time, he said."
I guess we now know why the Estonian alcohol prices are nearly twice as high as ours.
Your understanding of things is so unfocused that can't even nail down this specifically.
It does you no favors to provide no citation for your remarks.
Second post meant for
Here is a link that I could quickly come up with that mentions said quote:
If you really are so interested in finding out more about this then do the research yourself, otherwise you are coming off as a "proofster" here by committing whataboutism.
And all of the things that you read in the Wikileaks link being executed right now in Estonia (and all across the west) does not give this any credibility at all in your eyes?
Connect the dots, they blatantly fit together.
Destabilizing Estonia doesn't seen to have any end goal related to foreign policy.
well the french embassy is also known to fund LGBT movement
for some reason I dont know
I'm not denying what's happening, I'm trying inquire on a motive.
Pull your head out of the sand, it is all happening anyway. Just look at your own country, look at western Europe too.
All of it adds up: these plans, the tolerance camps, western Europe being forced into multikulti, the UN planned replacement migation, everything.
Open your eyes. It is all in plain sight, I am not going to spoonfeed you here.
Nobody knows. The globalists have an agenda of their own, and they are not sharing it with the general public for obvious reasons.
Since when is asking for sources a bad thing?
"The truth is right in front of you maaaaaaaaaaan" sounds like something a retarded hippie would say.
Do you expect everyone try to prove the ideas inside your head?
Now show me where you got that goddamn data from.
What data? The link? Google.
If you meant the quote, then I have no idea, all I know it is appointed to that NATO general, and was made in 1999.
The data for your "secret plans" that are "all over the place". The more vague and proofless your claims are the more ammo you give to your opposition.
How would you prove any of this if you were to present your ideas on live television for example? Would you just say "trust me"?
If you want to to redpill people you need data.
Es nesaku ka tev nav taisnība par spēcīgo rietumu spiedienu uz Latviju, vienkārši vajag saprast ka propaganda un retardi ir no visām pusēm un vajag kritizēt savas idejas tikpat kā viņām uzticēties.
That is because that quote has been around forever now, and I havent been digging too much to confirm it. And no, you don't need solid proofs to sway peoples opinions,
just propagation is enough and that quote has been propagated far and wide. Also it has not been refuted to this day. If that is not enough I don't know what is.
And the fact that all of the things you demand solid proofs for are matching with the things happeing to Europe today speaks volumes.
Ir brīži kad jautājumi pārvēršas 'prūfsterismā'
Geez, not like we are blocking Latvian oil.
Russians tried to fuck us shutting down Druzhba, now they can go get fucked.
Lithuanian here
Lithuanians may not be jews (though large nose is common here) but we are extremely cucked(socially and economically, also there was a lot of migration from asian soviet republics) and materialistic, almost jew tier. This is s legacy of commie jewish union.
then why do I have to drive a car thats welded together from 2 cars in a garage in lithuania?
Kekitalism at its finest.
>though large nose is common here
Still nowhere near Jew large, or in shape too for that matter. Balts usually have distinct jaws, not noses.
And it makes no sense for them to intentionaly remove said railway, why do that to themselves?
Maybe it is just repairs and relocation of the tracks or something. There are lots of redundant EU funded projects being executed here, maybe this is one of them.
as I said, legacy of soviet union and communism. There is no innovation, no effort put in to learning and improving ourselves, nothing is new is created, commie mentality is to use something, without any maintenance until it completely brakes then just discard it in the middle of the road or better yet scam some pleb from estonia by selling him some rust bucket.
Those people who wield cars have acquired minimum skills to do what they do, once they get paid they just spend it all on contraband vodka and cigarettes. So dont feel bad for them, their life is already fucked up.
Top English skills. Keep in mind that she 'studied" in the US
what did latvian liberals mean by this?
And I don't know. The left (as usual) can't meme.