Conquering the world in the 21st century

>Conquering the world in the 21st century

How to do it? I'm not a president or anything, I'm just a college kid.


Wrong thread.

Bump. Looking for real advice. I know it sounds unreasonable and too lofty, but it's what it is.


I doubt the world will be conquerable in the old sense with modern technology + internets

Cook meth, collect guns to arm your future militia and wait for the EMP that shuts down infrastructure and comms

Wouldn't it be easier to conquer now? Easily motivated people to support you, hit the internet wires underwater and the enemy loses their biggest weapon.

people are generally herd animals, so you need to control academia, media and other cultural institutions so that you can indoctrinate the herd. once people have been sufficiently indoctrinated, you just need a charismatic leader. this is the same way it's always been done more or less

Threaten America with your early stage nukes and then fire test ballistic missles over Japan into the ocean

stop larping and read modern political philosophy to find out how nations establish power

Film cats and upload to YT

No, no conqueror ever did it by following the grain. Tamerlane, rose from nothing to the greatest conqueror of the middle ages. He completely destroyed all traces of the status quo and any previously prevalent ideas of power and hierarchy. Same with Hitler, Stalin etc.

you again motherfucker
give it up conquering the world
like i said before

You can't, it's even more locked now than in the days of kings and nobles


>be jewish

sorry, i meant be jewish to conquer the world, not that you are

Go into the military

it would have been easier if there was no such thing as nukes. the nuclear powers are forever in a mexican stand off. this allows for even the weakest nuclear power to act as a safe house for the enemies of the strongest country in the world.

Why would you want to? Are you talking about overt, or covert control? Overt control is nigh impossible in the current climate without starting out with total covert control. Covert control is incredibly easy on the other hand. All you need to do is start a shadow government, which is done easily when you start in college. I'd tell you how to do that, but your flag is distasteful. Figure out how to make one yourself, if you're intelligent, then it won't take long.

Step 1. Become a billionaire by bringing an innovative product to market (ideally sustainable resource infrastructure, read Zero to One)
Step 2. Start building media outlets, thinktanks and most importantly 'shelters' (indoctrination centers) around an ideology you have created.
Step 3. With your first business. Gradually redistribute 80% of the shares of that business over the course of a decade after its worth multiple billions to the employees. When you run for office you can say you turned every single one of your employees into a millionaire. This will be seen as an act of magnificent virtue. You'll get the socalists. While also having capitalist credibility.
Step 4. Create your new party. Timing is important.
Step 5. Take over your home country (ideally UK)
Step 6. Kill all Jewish elites. Covertly but quickly (ala breaking bad) murder everyone on the CFR.
Step 7. Prohibit Usury. Export prohibition to the Commonwealth.
Step 8. Found the First Imperium of Man.

You could potentially find a way across nukes though. You just have to be smart enough.

has there been any mentions of Marutei Tsurunen?

> Tsurunen served as a representative of the Democrats in the House of Lords of Japan in 2002-2013 as her first Western-born member.

It's really nothing to scoff at, especially considering the Japanese attitude towards foreigners. That being said Finland is exceptional in the sense that the older population knows and values Mannerheim and the Finns.

From what we know so far, his views were more conservative. Just the way Japs like it.

Bump. I'm unable to sleep thinking I'll die insignificant and powerless. This matters greatly to me.

Trans humanism is a pandoras box......It is evil and will have a bad end....

Only way thats happening is if you kill majority of world's population with a biological warfare attack

Just look at everything the globalist Jews are doing right now

The key is you dont conquer the world with armies but with money propaganda and political influence.

Hmm, interesting proposition. Very sinister, though. This doesn't deal with the problem of nukes though.

If you are trying to conquer the whole world, then this is the worst place to ask for any advice.
But to make it easier for you...
you will never do it.

AI is the answer. Study CS, programming, maths, git good and create first truly functioning AI. As Putin said himself whoever controls the AI will control the world.

Not happening in our lifetimes. Probably literally impossible for me to not only start learning CS but also to learn it better than those at Google etc.

I'm a physics major, I deal with stuff of that sorts.

>shitty attitude is a shitty attitude
saying 'impossible' before actually attempting and failing
Imagine if young Hitler thought about Nazi Germany only to dismiss the idea as impossible.