>playing soccer
How unamerican... Sad!
>playing soccer
How unamerican... Sad!
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damn. pmurt is finished
Soccer baseball and hockey is fine, long as it isn't apehoop or nigger egg.
Wow drumpf btfo for sure this time
impeach blumpf
know who else had a youth squad?
Yeah that's weird. He was even wearing Arsenal jersey which is a royal club in Britain, Trump is signalling alliance via Barron or something.
soccer is now a white supremacist hate symbol
Proper football
Only bashing your head into guaranteed alzheimers is the true american sport!
I legit want to hear the american media say this
And then get their ass blasted by every other country
America holds the most titles in the FIFA Women's World Cup.
Soccer is for spics, hues and eurotrash. Boys who are raised right play baseball and/or hockey.
>youth squad
>aspiring artist
Barron is confirmed gay
Is he the American Messi?
I predict that football is going to become an even bigger sport than American football by the end of Trump's 1st term.
Screen cap this.
at least he isnt playing that kneeling nigger shit
Trump enrolled him so that liberals have no sports left. He does it just to spite them.
it's called football.
Soccer gay as fuck. Drumpf needs to checkem
its actually called soccer in america
it's called football everywhere else so it's football.
Nigger egg kicks became popular after a Hungarian 'soccer' player joined their ranks and kicked it off how you do today.
wtf i hate soccer now
Fuck it. I'm calling it football, and calling that other shitty, violent "sport" that mostly niggers play 'handegg'.
He's half slav, like the German national team.
Spic sport
Spic sport
Hockey is okay
Since we still hold the record for World Cup attendance, we're going to call it soccer and you're going to sit there and like it.
I got you senpai
>spic sport
>not European
niggerball BTFO
he's playing a truly European sport now, none of that non-white leftie shit
It's because america has the most dykes
Is his favorite meal cheese pizza with sprite too?
>ywn be as good at the cyber as baron
Best players are spics
Best teams are spics
Majority of players worldwide are spics
Holy shit... Is he actually the next Messi?
FUCK OFF BRUV football IS one of the best sports on the planet. It's the human sport, and its still dominated by Caucasians.
Also The Trump family supports Millwall, and this is top
Oi m8
Ummm sweetie youre wrong
*blocks your path*
>T. Joke from 2006
what's wrong with sprite
We should talk about soccer more. Chavposting is marvellous.
The founding father never played soccer tho.
My guy !
underrated post
Also good on him for not playing american "football" filled with niggers
trump fucked up
the football or "soccer" ball is made up of pentagons and hexagons and is actually a metaphor for how the fabric of the physical universe is stitched together
so ask yourself, anons
what is really going on here ?
Dominated by Caucasians? I thought most teams were full of Africans (minus the keepers of course)
It's practically corn syrup diluted with sparkling water and a hint of lemon.
The founding fathers never played any modern sport.
>Best players are spics
>Best teams are spics
>Majority of players worldwide are spics
This could be possible, given the sheer amount of brown people who play soccer.
He is like 8 feet tall, probably earned his slot
he should practice a martial art you know
nothing too fancy, good old TKD or jiu jitsu would work.
he's an arsenal fan, the literal cancer of Sup Forums
Soccer was first played in 1863.
I prefer it over pepsi/cola
also best commercial
>Amerifats don't realise they have their first Soccer president
Surprising considering how much you lot wank off about him.
We can't talk soccer.
Because Leafs and Straya are so bad at soccer they'll sperg out.
The most American sport is shooting sports. I still love soccer though. USMNT is playing today they have a slim chance of making into WC and even if they do they going to get destroyed, we suck sooo bad this year.
soccer is incredibly hard for young people, you need a lot of muscle in the crevice of your foot
I forget, is it called 'basketball' or 'Super Monkey Ball 2'?
Trump truly is the First White President
I was a Cleveland Browns fan before this NFL shitshow. I'm used to cheering for a team with zero chances of winning.
Funny because you're pretty shit at it.
You're portuguese, i can smell it.
This. I'll side with yurop on this one just to spite the nfl.
In football when you loose the ball you have to get back on defence. In Football when you fumble you sit down and watch the game.
I mean like IDPA.
>Kid is doing something athletic instead of sitting on the couch playing video games all day
>I am supposed to be mad about this
I was a three sport athlete in highschool (football, wrestling, track and field). Damn near 70% of my class did at least one sport or marching band with at least 30% of us doing more than one sport. Sports teach you more about life and people than anything you will learn in school and they teach you to work hard and improve. I went from a 1-20 wrestler in 7th grade to a state qualifier (broke my leg and didn't place) my senior year. It made me proud of my body and of my accomplishments in a way that I would else wise never have realized. I'm no big fan of soccer, but I 100% support any child in any sport be it soccer or otherwise.
Stop with this divide and conquer shit, we need more children in sports to make more successful adults and to fight childhood obesity.
>You will one day get to buy Barron Trump in FM
I bet he plays like shit. His father probably paid him into the team.
Is that a specific year? Because the US has won 54 gold medals and 110 medals total from 1996 to 2016. We have more gold than you have total.
>Trump pulls a 7
it really is his lucky number
Well better than him playing America Football with a bunch of kneeling traitors and cucks
He's like 6'2. If he's playing any position other than goalie, his talent is being wasted.
Cuz Barron should play handegg American Noggerball and get concussion?
Peter Crouch is 6'7 and still plays as a striker.
>womens world cup
Trump will shill soccer to fuck over the NFL
Soccer is a british invention you ignorant fuck
Nigger egg on the other (((hand)))...
You know what else is a British invention? Getting colonized by your former colonies.
I mean, if he was going to be an athlete that's what he has the build for. Wirey, strong, centre-back.
extremely underrated
tackle football is on the decline... here in W PA there were over 200 freshman football teams 15 years ago. today there are less than 20. schools are having to combine in order to get enough players. this kneeling bullshit could spell the end of American football as we have known it as PC / SJW ((leadership)) has already laid a pretty good beating on the golden goose.
You're just getting colonised by fucking Mexico.
At least the Mughals had a decent empire at one point.
Rec or travel team? Big for his age so he may be good at it and qualified for an elite team.
Yeah, Israel is another British invention. Great job ruining the world then cowering in a fetal position while the destruction plays out.
every American has played in a soccer league when they were young
Erik Snider?
You really didn't want to be colonized by spaniards.
>soccer is for puss...
The US (((IMF))) and the Federal Reserve forced open the Imperial trading blocs, effectively destroying the Empire. The US has then proceeded to champion Israel, destabilize the Middle East and topple all the key dictatorships keeping the flood of immigrants in check. I don't know how you can possibly sit there and blame it all on us.
the time when men were men. With awesome hair I might add.
that kid is a faggot. I'd gladly beat him up.
inches of my femur are visible
>time to run over to this lad and call him a cunt
This kid belongs in a boarding school in Switzerland.
It is damned near criminal to keep him here.