Should Spain give Catalonia independence, or annex Portugal

Should Spain give Catalonia independence, or annex Portugal

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I'll take the mystery box

Portugal wants to join Spain, according to polls done last year. Catalonia independence will never happen.

The Iberian Peninsula will be one in our life time. We are just waiting for Britain to leave the EU already, so we can rescue the monkeys in The Rock.

>Portugal wants to join Spain

Resultados del referéndum ilegal. Pese a que los resultados definitivos comunicados por la Generalitat son incompatibles con los que había publicado con el supuesto 95% escrutado, hay una cosa que no cambia: el apoyo al sí a la independencia es muy minoritario con respecto al supuesto censo. Logra solo el 38% de los 5,3 millones llamados a votar. Varios medios internacionales han subrayado ese bajo apoyo, junto al hecho de que el referéndum sea ilegal, para concluir que Puigdemont no está legitimado para proclamar la independencia.

Spain can definitely try to annex Portugal, but they have been BTFO enough times already. They should have learned the lesson by now.

Filo de puta caralho

first of all: MANY catalan people WANT Spain and HATE independentist

Conquer Portugal, rename it Catalonia
Release Catalonia to independence on the condition it changes its name to Portugal

For what pvrpose?



come and take it

Watch out, the world fears the deadly Portuguese military


>or annex Portugal
lol let them try

The guy in the middle looks like one of the leftovers from the Jihad. Of course he wants Catalonia to be part of Spain, its just easier to convert a single country to Islamic law than it is 2.


literally North Korea-tier

>not knowing that the drone is a nuclear submarine in disguise

>16% of the population
>19% of Spanish GDP
wtf you told me Catalonia was an economic powerhouse??

how is it down in ooga booga land?

How did Portugal ever get out from under spain anyways? Spain should finish the migration and make all portuguese move to Brazil.

see I know you americunts are not very fond of reading, but please make an effort

>calling xarnegos catalans
Fuck off nigger always the same wannabeism bullshit.


what's it like to live in a country even less white than the anglosphere?

It's ok. You're surrounded by retards 24/7 but eventually learn to not mind it too much.
Portugal is a weird country. Like the romans said "there lies a country that does not rule itself nor lets itself be ruled by others". Spaniards never had a chance there.

But are you ethnically portuguese or a nigger?

What's the difference?

it flew on the second try
and you don't need drones to beat spaniards, just a peel

>Annex Portugal
This will surely work out just fine

There are a lot of non-xarnegos non-independentist too lad.
And a lot of xarnegos are indepe, i mean just look at Rufián. Actually, the most hardcore indepes are usually xarnegos, since they need to proof their "catalan status".
>it's another episode of indepe deciding who is catalan and who isn't
Kek, aight Jordi Pérez García

oke manolo....




>There are a lot of non-xarnegos non-independentist too lad.
Just no.
>And a lot of xarnegos are indepe
Some are, the majority are not.
>it's another episode of indepe deciding who is catalan and who isn't
I don't decide that and neither you do, a catalan is a catalan. Period.

I don't know why you manolos are so afraid to admit that unionists are all immigrants but that's the truth so less lies and more facts.

Portugal are our iberian bros, no need to annex.

On the other hand England can go fuck itself

Spain should crush Catalonian separatists, annex Portugal for slave labor, and retake Gibraltar.

i was told you enjoyed banter

>Americunts are not very fond of reading
You're absolutely right. The literacy rates in the two most Portuguese counties in the US, Bristol county, ma and Bristol county ri are fucking embarrassing. Even for americunts.

All Europe should crush Germany, genocide its population and give the territory to Poland just for the lulz.

Careful now, careful!

They should pic related

t. muhamed


>not enslaving the population

That gave me a hard-on

També sóc català, amic meu (:
And no, i am not a xarnego, and i am not an independentist. Too bad indepe delusions dont let ya see that many of "actual catalans" are not separatists. Well, next days are gonna be confy af, hope for big happenings.
I tot i que sé que no passarà (perquè el rajoy és un covard), estaria bé veure el putxi i companyia cagats quan els detinguin :^)




>are you ethnically portuguese or a nigger

What's the difference?


Sit down lad.

>Sit down

You mean lie down.

neither you retard

100% pure celto-germanic-ibero-roman haplotype unmixed pure masterrace

Those digits don't lie.

>supporting (((them)))

Piss off, Portugal is and will always be Portugal

Yes pat yourself on the back for helping serve french and british interests, keeping iberia divided. Meanwhile today you are poorer than andalusia. spain's poorest region.

>Annex Portugal
Twice they tried and twice they were btfo in such a way that it's easier to annex France

Annexing France is so easy that even Algerians can do it.

I don't see why they shouldn't, both Portugal and ASSpain economies are shit, maybe they could figure it out together.

Huh I wonder which country made sure Salazar's regime would be overthrown

Salazar was a good guy, he probably would have made an iberian union with franco.

>he probably would have made an iberian union with franco.
lol read more

Well you would know kraut

This thread just got 56%'d.

You should shut your mouth. This is an internal issue of Spain.


I don't see franco or spain mentioned.

Unions can happen voluntarily.

like with the american south or the EU?


America was voluntary at first. You really care that much if the government is in lisbon or Madrid? Seem like Madrid know how to run a country better than lisbon sense you are doing worse than andalusia right now.

C'mon man, that's plain not true. I would be all for tighter relations between Spain and Portugal, whether greater economic cooperation, cultural exchanges or military help, but I respect my Portubros, and I want their culture and history, which is related, but not identic to mine, to keep existing.

It's all about protecting and preserving one's heritage.

Aaaaand, wrong image.

Still, European world.

there can only be two states at a time in the Iberian peninsula

Sucks having a bunch of foreign cunts giving their uneducated opinion about your nation's Constitution. Check out some meme flag second amendment threads when you finish up here.

our unemployment and deficit is better off than spain, and we have no separatist movements either

You realize Portugal has nothing to lose joining Spain right? The entire fucking country generates less PIB than Andalucia alone.

>libertarian flag
>shilling for internationalism and fake unions

À Madêra srá independént!

com esta bandeira fantastica nem importava

The Crown of Castilla should be independent

Nothing to lose besides national sovereingty and independence, you mean. Value is not measured only in financial gains. If Portugal were to become one with Spain, whether in a federation, a confederation, a unitary state or any kind of political structure bigger than themselves, they'd lose a measure of control over themselves, over their political and social life. And that's just not worth it.

It's why the EU started off as a good idea, as a big trade zone, and now is such a shithole; because politicians took more and more power from the people and turned it over to a supranational entity that gives not two shits about culture, history or heritage.

Portugal literally spawned from Galicia.

Just here to see spain burn.

What country are you again?

Yes, and with time it evolved in a different manner to spanish culture. They had a global ultramarine empire, flourishing trade negotiations and influential history; and so did we, but in a different way. We all were incredibly influenced by the Romans, but the Italians are also their own people.

On an unrelated note, I love Galicia. Such a beautiful place.

>desastre natural
>Bem, é tempo de esquecer o que está para trás e seguir em frente com a ajuda e solidariedade do continente. Afinal, somos todos irmãos.

Philipines = Philip (King Of Spain)

You name is ours, please give it back.

One of the things that worried Salazar was Franco invading.

He made the Iberian Alliance if that's anything

Galicia is wonderful as a territory. Shame for galicians tho.



Oh right, thanks.

>Portugal wants to join Spain
Fuck that lol. Last thing we need is a new big ass Comunidad Autónoma with people we can't even talk with

One Andalucía is enough

I would unironically give Portugal Ceuta and Melilla back, they are not worth having around.

Only if portugal wants to be annexed, they would be worse than andalusia

It was made by an SPANISH ROYAL institute that is Spanish think-tank .

Madrid can't get more Jewish than that.

> it was constituted under the honorary presidency of the Prince of Asturias

> The topics are: foreign policy in Spain, energy and climate change, security and defense, European and international economy,

Btw in the same (((SuRVEY)))