
As a Jew, happening upon this website today has been one of the most eye-opening experiences of my life.

I used to think that the left was exaggerating about the level of racism out there. Sure, I've always known about the underlying biases and prejudices that white people have. Part of being Jewish is being faced with those realities every day.

But this level of bigotry and outright vitriol towards myself and my family merely because of the race we were born into?

It truly is sickening to realize that there are people like this out there in the world. I guess this has reaffirmed what I've always known deep down. If whites are not controlled they will be free to become the hateful beasts they truly are.

I can definitely say that my drive to stand with my Jewish brothers and sisters against bigotry and white supremacy is stronger than ever, so thank you for showing me today who you truly are.

Other urls found in this thread:

Copy pasta.


God job. Now go tell your uncle how you have earned that raise.



" I guess this has reaffirmed what I've always known deep down. If whites are not controlled they will be free to become the hateful beasts they truly are. "

so you are saying the whites were always right when they thought the jaws are all evil and want to control them...


>Actually falls for the bait.
>didn't even SAGE
Fuck you people are stupid.

Shut the fuck up racists

So, yeah.


It's only wrong to hate, unless it's the kikes who are doing it.

Your "big discovery" is nothing new


nobody likes you filthy khazars, you're all going to die and burn in hell.

>the jewish race

The jew cries out in pain as they strike others. Hasn't changed for millenia. You fuckers punch a bee without thinking of any consequence and then cry when you get stung and blame the bees that are trying to go about theyir lives in beetown. Fuck out of beetown and back to whatever khazar hole you decide to occupy

Bait post, but still posting gif

Your country is literally guitly of ethnic genocide against Schwarzes

Hey fellow Jew, been browsing through this board for the last couple of days after the Las Vegas shooting happened, thought I might find some answers on this mysterious "lone wolf" attack. Apparently every post on here is filled with bigotry and racism against Jews and I seriously thought this shit doesn't exist anymore. They all have some deep hatred on here so all we can do is ignore :)

>As a Jew,
I stopped reading right there, just to tell you you can fuck off, rabbi.

I’m a Jewish female & I love it here. Ignore the Jew haters here, they are sociopathic, who cares.

But your LOVE for the LEFT is fucked up shit. The LEFT are actually the ones that have always murdered us & Hitler was a SOCIALIST.

Stalin. etc. Trump actually LOVES US JEWS.

A lot of people are misled into thinking all jews are bad, but Jesus warned of the FALSE jews that say they are, but not. There's nothing wrong with real jews
race info,

Retarded leaf, Israel literally has dna tests to be a citizen. Hence jews are a race. Hang yourself and die in pain.

>''as a Jew''

Stopped reading right there kike

>Sage goes in every field.

Its always embarrassing when poltards fall for trolls like these...


sage you fucking kike

No-one here gives a fuck.


I feel like I've read this already. Word for word

Nothing wrong with real jews? Like the ones that give blowjobs to babies and then give them herpes ? ? Nothing wrong with that at all?

that's because it's pasta

>As a Jew

a jude that doesn't pretend to be white, its a fake peeps.

Oh so suddenly Sup Forums trusts the media? Shut the fuck up, anti-semitic trash

Fuck off leaf

Okay, you go in the chambers.


Larping leaf. Sage.


Far leftists truly hate Israel, as did their President Obama.

this was for the keks... no?
the racist joo always claims to be a victim of racism. pathetic. get your ass to Canada. oh, nvm.

you won't win. the world will feast upon you.


Hey leaf, good to see you again. Yesterday's thread went pretty well huh

As a Jew, happening upon this website today has been one of the most eye-opening experiences of my life.

I used to think that the left was exaggerating about the level of racism out there. Sure, I've always known about the underlying biases and prejudices that white people have. Part of being Jewish is being faced with those realities every day.

But this level of bigotry and outright vitriol towards myself and my family merely because of the race we were born into?

It truly is sickening to realize that there are people like this out there in the world. I guess this has reaffirmed what I've always known deep down. If whites are not controlled they will be free to become the hateful beasts they truly are.

I can definitely say that my drive to stand with my Jewish brothers and sisters against bigotry and white supremacy is stronger than ever, so thank you for showing me today who you truly are.

Yeah, he hated them so much he gave them 4 billion annually. Neck yourself dummy.

Oh, hey fellow jewish femanon. I've got a question maybe you can help me out with. My bf is from Germany and is übersensitive about the Holocaust. How long do I have to wait to ask my him to indulge me in my greatest — and, until now, unrealized — fantasy: Nazi role-play? He is very delicate around me because I am a secular Jew and the descendant of Holocaust survivors. To be clear, I am not actually a neo-Nazi — just your garden-variety self-hating Jew. :^) His attitudes persist even though we’ve spoken about my anti-Zionist politics. Evidently he was indoctrinated from a young age with a hyper-apologetic history curriculum. I appreciate that he thinks it was wrong for the SS to slaughter my family, but it’s not like he did it himself. I know it sounds really fucked up, but I promise this isn’t coming from a place of deep-seated self-loathing. Even if it were, it’s not like we’d be hurting anybody. We’re both in good psychological working condition, and neither of us is an actual bigot (except I don't really care for black people or mexicans). It's also a little difficult to communicate with him because I don't speak German and his English isn't the best and also there’s a big age difference.