Imagine how great would be architecture if we were living under a fascist governement.
Architecture & Fascism
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Needs more ornamental stuff Tbh
Italian and German fascist architecture were trashy as fuck though
Thomas ouwe kankerneger
more like how good would it be if religious buildings stopped getting planning approval
Too much ornamentation leads to decadence (french style over use).
How trashy?
Hey, I think I built that house out of LEGO blocks when I was 3
We don’t need fascism we just need a culture that isn’t self hating so we would be proud to ornemant our structures in traditional and cultural air instead of building bland soulless structures
hahahahahaha it's beautiful
>German fascist architecture were trashy
Spot the mindless Muslim posing as a frenchman.
de enige thomas die ik ken is een stoom locomotief, smousjong
fuck postmodernist jewry
Oh god.... I can't look at it :'(
Imagine having this Germany instead of the cucked Nu-Germany we have today
Certainly an improvement over the current German
Do not mourn it. We can try again. Dream bigger. Have faith.
Totalitarian art is atrociously bad. Absurd gigantism. Cold. Sterile. Alienating. No sense of proportion. And hilariously homoerotic. Fascists are as uncultured and barbaric as communists.
its shit desu
Those who can not build great societies to last build great monuments.
Shouldn't you be taking your clothes off to prove your political points?
Libertarian Candidate Strips Onstage at Party Convention
Go play in the mud. This thread isn't for people like you.
All the fascist architecture looked like ass
Don't worry. If you need visual refreshment I'm sure there's a
McDonald's open somewhere near you.
>Mein Führer we need an art style and aesthetic that epitomizes the German people and the German spirit
>Here's some options:
>A style based off of the traditional and Gothic styles we've been building up for a thousand years
>Rectangular neo-classical
There are no really GREAT monuments without GREAT societies. Being beautiful and marvelous is not enough, add to it it's context to the historical moment of the society and it's leaders. It transcends the stone, the spirit that led to it's construction is really what makes it bigger than life. Thus why those african monuments made by Chinese of giant statues do look good, but are just retarded. And thus why German monuments will remain an eternal symbol of their great struggle.
Too bad the only thing left of his work is a giant cement cylinder and some red marble in an ubahn station here in berlin
When you work at such a super scale- the larger you get the more the simplistic
the layout is. Adding Gothic Ridges to everything is not only a waste of time but its
depressing. There is a reason that style didn't advance.
German Architecture was upscale because that is the scale that the Germans were
planning for. More of everything. Larger buildings to house More people. Larger Trains to
haul Super quantities of goods.
Both look good to be honest. I like some of the communist statues.
Thats the red marble which is now in the Mohrenstraße U-bahn station in Berlin.
Mfw. when I know that eagle.
imagine how great everything would be
This thread is depressing
Now lets compare to soviet buildings.
Most of the showcased buildings are simplistic neo-classical buildings.
There is nothing trashy about neo-classical architecture. It will always remain one of the best styles.
I like this
Yes, but this isn't exclusive to fascism.
Soviet buildings tended to either bulb or resemble prisons.
If the nazis could have peace with the americans, after total victory in Europe and not have an alternative cold-war rush towards total destruction of the planet, things could be great. But if a competitions for world domination started against both, I think a grander and wider war would have happened before the XX century ended. We could never know how the NSDAP would go around Europe after Hitler died. Maybe it all got corrupted and fucked up to the point of becoming a total abomination. Who knows what the next leaders would do with their total power.
I have no problem with minimalism or concrete buildings. Both ornamental traditional buildings and inoffensive simplistic buildings have their place. But no historic or classical building should ever be torn down to be replaced by some gaudy kike atrocity.
There are two versions of the building. One more boxy than the other.
I'm not sure which they were leaning towards building.
if thats fascist architecture and thats what we would get under fascism then let us never speak its name again and make it a crime to do so holy shit
the elites subvert every government
your shilling for fascism is merely shilling to give the elites more unchecked power.
a decentralized republic with a strong constitution, rebuild the united states in accordance with the original vision of the founding fathers and put in place safeguards to prevent the corruption that occured before
let 1776 commence again. small government not big government
I have to go out. If i had more time i would do a better in depth analysis of the two
competing styles, there current "ruins" and how they look today.
I don't view either as a right or wrong style. But had the structures been completed
both by what the Germans and the Russians had planning the world would of been
a more visually interesting place. that's for sure.
I actually like both of these. The fascist neoclassicism is better but I don't think they're ugly.
Great post leaf.
That's just childish
he specifically said he was posting commie architecture for comparison
sorry but both fash and commie architecture look trash in comparison to older european ones
That style is Russian brutalism aka commie blocks.
(lots of concrete.)
Hitler fought against Jewish Globalism and central banking and invented
in a political ideology racial nationalism joined with a form of socialism
and tried to destroy class hierarchy. The results of which sprung Germany
from eating out of trash cans to a world power. The results speak for itself.
It took the combined weight of cannon fodder troops from all the other world
powers to bring Germany down and still to this day they are occupied for there
Jewish talmudic Satanic Globalisim is a danger to the world, and Hitler fought
this evil. Jewish Victory in the second world war speaks for itself.
a quick comparison with for example the winter palace in St Petersburg will show you
and inside
See Le Corbusier who was inspired both by fascist and commie ideologies.
I for one don't want a concrete world.
Architectural engineer here.