>this is the Norwegian minister of defence
Comrade Minister to you
We have this law that says the minister of defence cant have been in the military. To prevent cronyism and being an echo chamber. That excludes most men above a certain age since we have conscription.
she cant even defend her haircut
>People in charge of defense can't have any prior first-hand experience with defense
I love how weak, millennial and pathetic the European armies are. They will crumble during the joined Fascist Anglo - Russian invasion of Europe.
Is that a masculine female or a feminine male?
Finnish Spam is Best Spam
>minister of defence cant have been in the military.
>we have conscription for men
Is she going to defend Norway by sucking the dick of all the mudslimes and invaders?
I have no idea what kind of prey animal requires teeth like that.
it's a different structure than you have. There is a seperate part which is all army people.
The minister mostly deals with the economic aspect.
activate blow job barrage
Soon to be foreign affairs minister
>former dutch minister of defence
she looks like the default male breton
>I have no idea what kind of prey animal requires teeth like that.
Rug muncher.
>give women serious roles in the life of your nation
>less than 100 years before they actively work to destroy your people
she looks moisty af
why are they all dyke lookin mutants. just why? is there some sort of positive profiling going on in peoples heads subconsciously or are they grown in a lab for the purpose of being secretary of defense.
>former dane minister of defence
Why is this news?
Wtf an I any to be looking at?
Is she Norwegian or "norwegian"?
>another norwegian
whats up with her upper lip?
possible reptilian?
Is Marutei Tsurunen mentioned?
> Tsurunen served as a representative of the Democrats in the House of Lords of Japan in 2002-2013 as her first Western-born member.
It's a hell of a hell of a thing when you think about how dubious Japanese are foreigners. Sure Finland is a kind of exception, the older population knows and values Mannerheim and the Finns.
Apparently, he is a conservative politician and so do you like it
Her face is pretty solid defense desu
I dont know much about her personal life, but her name and apperance are both pretty Norwegian.
Our former minister of defence (now the minister of foreign affairs).
That makes more sense
Why do (((they))) want women to be Ministers of Defence?
>pic related
so the world's 3 superpowers have men that are lifelong military soldiers who have seen combat, and the impotent EU have liberal feminist cunts who probably never fired a gun in their lifetime.
Makes sense.
WTF is that?
Northern Norwegian with sami genes
she looks like a washed up middle school teacher.
well not for long though, they are in the process of making the new gov after the elections.
It might be her again, I dunno. Might come from another party, might be the same, we don't know yet. They haven't agreed on which parties will be in the new coalition gov even
I've been looking for this pic. Thanks.
omg she was just horrible
Female ministers of defense were a mistake.
Actually, any kind of female minister is a mistake.
well a minister is really just a beureucrat here, the generals still run the show. The minister determines their shekels and shit, they always give them too little.
The King is the head of the army
Let me guess, the jews right? Conspiracy theory moron
idk user, but here are the swedish
she is norwegian ofc
I have to hand it to the Poles here.
>Polish Defense Minister.
why is the russian a gook?
zyclon-b canisters in a gun, nice I like it
i guess so, norway
Its really irrelevant who's the minister. Its a politically appointed position for the cameras and appearance of democratic representation.
You have to look who's the State Secretary / Permanent Head of Ministry who runs the ministry regardless of the politician appointee.
t. Actual civil servant
Thank you for the photo. It is very telling. Some things are so far out of calibration that my brain is having trouble comprehending them. This issue is one of them. I need to stop doubting myself so much.
lit have no idea who that is though
>Shoygu was born on 21 May 1955 in Chadan, Tuva, to a Tuvan father and a Russian mother
testing if country banned
(((coincidence))) could be anyone, that's the point it might just be a statistical anomaly. the whole point of the ((())) is that you can't prove anything
this is our defense minister
man dem russian age fast
This it's our future president and her future vice president.
basically a mongolian... nice
So+ what's wrong with that picture of women?
The women look happy, and the men look like they're about to watch the world end
Why wouldn't you rather the happy women? Oh that's it, you hate women, right?
Pic related is literally hung from the wall at various burger military bases.
I wanna lick her clit
Jesus Christ. It's like real life satire or something. It's true what they say: Europe is committing suicide. It actually *wants* to die. Fucked if I'm going to stand in its way. Into the trash it must go.
Fair point. I stand corrected. I persumed it was the jews because of all the Jew-blaming inbreds on this site.
hahahha thats as dumb as the transport minister not having a drivers licen -- ohshit
we need to gas them now
>Eldbjorg Lower, former norwegian minister of defence between 2000-2001
to be fair, pic related are argentinian ministers of defence
Nice bait. Try Reddit or the youtube comments instead user
Our secretary of defense
The Albanian looks Amazonian hot...
She could service the American, Russian, and Chinese all at once!
Schlomo, how can we get women into top military positions?
easy, just make a rule that says any leader of military cannot have military experience.
only women left in the potentiality pool.
This is actually great, now we should demand that politicians cannot have prior political experience in order to prevent cronyism and corruption.
acromegalian sami/10
Know it's bait, takes it anyway. What an idiot lel.
>This is actually great, now we should demand that politicians cannot have prior political experience in order to prevent cronyism and corruption.
Why do you think america chose trump?
>We have this law that says the minister of defence cant have been in the military
Most stupid law I've ever heard of.
Are they required to be waman's studies PhD's too?
>yfw u realize you'll carry out her orders in like 2 months
Has she been a good minister of defence?
>escort culture
Maybe the commies should have stayed . (((Pinochet))) was a cuck anyway
Another like worshipper, the burgkuck worships.
Isn't he a literal faggot too?
Kill them with fire
woah norway must be super hard to attack
Would fuck
Is that castro
Lol, I told him to go bait on Reddit instead kamerat. Ikke kom her og forklar meg hva jeg tenker tulling. Gå og sug Jonas Gahr Store
i can top that...
Uk IS the most cucked thing in existence
Stay mad