Us: Yikes ok then birth control?
Us: Wait so maternity care?
Us: Childcare?
Other urls found in this thread:
>demanding gibbs
The government isn't a maternity ward or a daycare you massive faggot
Control your own fucking sex life and create a stable environment for your kids. That's nobody else's fucking job
if you can't afford your own birth control then you're the problem. it's not even expensive
Then the government shouldn't have an opinion that influences my life.
But what about Viagra? So you get pills to spread your seed wherever but a woman cant prevent that?
Fuck you, shill. The only people that want gibs are lazy niggers, spics, and degenerates that don't want to work.
People need to be responsible for their own actions.
Don't cry to other because you can't keep your legs closed or take care of your kids.
You shouldn't ever have the expectation of gifts, gibs, any type free shit from anybody much less the government
>Don't have sex until you're ready to have children
>Don't have children into you're married and financially stable
Seriously, what the fuck is so difficult about this?
You buy viagra. It's not given out freely. They are not saying "No birth control pills," they are saying no FREE birth control pills. Money makes the republican go round.
women are already a money sink and people are tired of them finding ways to cost us more money just because they have an extra hole.
Holy shit this better be bait. Republicans have never said they want to ban birth control or other contraceptives, they just don't want to give it out to sluts and use taxpayer money to finance it.
You are literally a gibsmedat/negro right now.
>no murder
>no gibs
>the right to bare arms
Yes it really is that simple
This. The left has to exaggerate whatever the right says or does in order to prop up their shitty 2nd grader-tier arguments that wouldn't even make sense otherwise
>Either let me murder a child or give me free things!
You know what's free? Abstinence.
Viagra doesn't just benefit the man, user...
No one wants to ban birth control, we just don't want to pay for you to sleep around.
it's $3 a month for birth control if u don't have insurance. If you can't afford that kys
No you can still get all the abortions and birth control you want. What? You want it free? GTFO nigger.
How is abortion gibbs? If anything it curbs demand for gibbs more than anything.
why should a working man pay for some college slut's promiscuity?
It doesn't. Take care of yourself.
>Yikes ok then
>Wait so
fuck anyone who talks like this
It's called "keeping your legs together unless you want to face the natural consequences or do something to prevent them", whore, if you don't want kids and can't afford any of the many completely free methods to prevent them, you can always just not have sex, it won't kill you, maybe it'll give you a tiny bit of empathy towards men who can't just do it 24/7 any time they want (although you'll still be able to). Pay for your own fucking birth control if you're such a slut you refuse to have any self control.
And you can get birth control, they're not banning it, just creating an extremely rare way for a few specific employers to "only" have to treat it the same way as insulin, antibiotics, anticonvulsants, and literally ever other important medication where people will die if they miss a dose.
would solve the whole leftist problem pretty quick.
daily reminder that we should end female suffrage
what are rights?
rethink your bullshit and come back when you grow up.
stop being a whore
One way or the other women are never going to vote again.
you dont have a right to other peoples money
asians vote democrat?
But its actually the poorest of society that breeds and fucks the most. What else are you gonna do? I don't wanna get surprise robbed at gunpoint by a future crack baby cuz of people like you against family planning.
But Trump won the white female vote. All your blue is minorities faggot. Learn to read your own data.
I'd be fine with taxpayer funded sterilization for the poor who want to have tons of casual unprotected sex. Or we stop incentivizing poor people having kids for gibs. But abortion/birth control have only been effective in reducing white population.
Then find another country with a better government and move there you useless uppity fucking mongoloid
Republicans only want to ban abortion because they want to torment more people with their passive aggressiveness
They just want retards like you to have a fighting chance, user. Don't be ungrateful
"Assault rifles" haven't been legal since the '80s, welfare trash. Possibly consider suicide?
>Us: Yikes ok then birth control?
You're not entitled to free birth control. GOP isn't banning condoms or something, just getting rid of gibs.
Private citizens using their funds to get an abortion vs state subsidized abortions
I gotta hand it to the tards who actually want to make something of themselves and so something productive in whatever extent their disabilities allow. Plenty of perfectly healthy people out there doing nothing but mooching
>GOP: Okay free shit for everyone
>Sup Forums hates niggers and spics
>wants to make it harder for minorities to get abortions and birth control
"M-m-muh free stuff!"
no one fucking cares that girls want to be complete degenerate sluts that take no accountability in their actions. if you want birth control pay for it, take some responsibility. i can't fucking wait to see the dried up roasties as they grow older because they could never have enough and they wasted all their time riding the cock carousel. the arguement you're making is one of the main reasons for the abundant degeneracy we are witnessing.
There's no way you're unironically this fucking brain damaged. Minorities aren't using free birth control or abortions tho whites are which is a big fucking problem. I'd support taxpayer funded sterilization for people in poverty but I doubt they'd use that either.
>no accountability in their actions.
Welfare that goes to single mothers says otherwise cuck.
Why do leftist act like people have children as if they were walking down the street and bam a fucking child pops out?
"There are consequences for fucking around? Gimme dat!"
The government isn't stopping you from using contraceptives you slut
Close your legs, why do you have to have sex all the time?