What is the biggest obstacle to achieving full communism? Trump? The deep state? War on drugs?
What is the biggest obstacle to achieving full communism? Trump? The deep state? War on drugs?
>What is the biggest obstacle to achieving full communism?
Communism itself.
What kind of reactionary rhetoric is that?
Came here to post this
that we are humans and not insects you fucking nigger faggot
The biggest obstacle is common sense.
Human nature.
>war on drugs
you'd be lined up against a wall and executed ,living in a real communism society
Bad goyim who do not want to be slaves of G-d's chosen people and dont want surrender all the property to them. Only after all the goyim enslaved and mongrelized true Talmudic Communism can be achieved.
Youre hated by the masses. Is that rhetoric good enough for you?
Well, you'd know all about it. After all, it was your country that failed miserably at communism.
Communism is self defeating:
For the Commie, "freedom" = "reactionary"
As BLM said recently "the revolution will not support the Constitution"
>What is the biggest obstacle to achieving full communism?
The laws of economics.
They aren't insects and don't all have the same mindset.
Except Chinks, but even then, they realized state capitalism with socialist policies for the people works better.
"Chinks"? Are all anti-communists as racist as you are?
Most people are fucking retarded, but still not quite retarded enough to fall for communism.
They were doing ok until they started trying to compete with a capitalist society that went all in, and the people were subverted with Western propaganda.
>the inferior races and cultures must give way
Communism itself need ethnonationalism to work, as any form of tribalism means it'll fail.
Human nature.
>Communism itself need ethnonationalism to work
No, communism just never will work. And that's that. Stop trying to sugar coat it for this commie retard.
Stalin was too lenient
"will just"
Me you Mohel!
Same obstacle that prevents anarchism: Human nature.
Money, borders and tribalism.
Real socialism is National Socialism. That's why it is so vilified and why corporations are so accepting of Marxism. They know it's the wrong path.
human nature.
>What is the biggest obstacle to achieving full communism?
A basic understanding economics.
Gas yourself commie scum
Actual sensible and intelligent people.
>What is the biggest obstacle to achieving full communism?
Having an economy that isn't sustainable. This is why America won the Cold War.
Common sense
>What is the biggest obstacle to achieving full communism?
Human nature
communist fucktardry stand against each and errything that's Human
while capitalism stands for each and errything that's Human
deal with it, worthless hive insect.
>What is the biggest obstacle to achieving full communism?
you know the answer
>What is the biggest obstacle to achieving full communism?
Apart from the fact that it is an aberration of God and nature.
Well armed citizens, homogeneous white European population, Christians, and self sufficient working and middle class.
Of course (((You))) already know this, or at least you should. It's like Gommunism 101.
An informed public.
living in the real world.
Fuck your dreamland, we are not equal.
To be honest the major hurdle to establishing full communism would be the people fighting for it now/ Most of the proponents of communism in America are bourgeoisie. They claim that they are the working class but they are really the middle and upper middle classes who think that communism will tolerate them.
What you need for communism to take root is strong military support and the cooperation of the laborers and working poor. The current crop of communists are young idealists who villainize both of these groups,
In the end they will either get discouraged that their efforts do not bear results and become part of the system they hate, become more hostile as they see failures mount and will end up in prison for it, or they will drop out of society all together and retreat to more sympathetic communities and lifestyles while still claiming to be fighting for the dream of communism but will really be no more that leeches to the current system and any communism that would be established.
Every time it's tried, it fails, and "it's never been tried before" after
t lolbertarian
Take a good strong look at the execution of a communist state being it's own downfall mister roads
Human free will. Hypocrisy, greed, pettiness, abuse of power. Communists do it too.
funnily enough, COMMON sense...
human nature