The British Empire is the best historical example of White Supremacy. Discuss.
White Supremacy as it's finest
>ruled by jews since 1808
>white supremacy
Wanna talk about "liebestraum". While Uncle Adolf started the second world war in an attempt to gain a tiny slice of land from Poland,, the British Empire secured two Continents for Whites.
>>ruled by jews since 1808
>>white supremacy
(citation needed)
Wanna talk about bringing the light of civilization to the world? The British Empire ended slavery in Africa and wife burning in India.
> Looks at the flag.
Success breed jealousy.
What success ?
Fucking up Europe for ever through pointless wars and political subversion ?
just read about how the Rothschild build their fortune and what they thought about the King.
For Queer and Cuntry
They sit afk in their island, backstabing every nation and when they became the major power (XIX century) it only lasted for a hundred years.
But ey, you can always spam at Sup Forums with a pic of all that land u had for a couple of decades
fuck off pierre the shit your philosophers came out with was just as damaging to the west as the school of frankfurt
just face it franc,the la france empire will always be in the shadow of the british
and this is what we did to rebellious dune coons,blowing the gun and spreading their ass across the battleground lol
You're a moron who doesn't know shit about history, when England declared war on France in 1802 they gave their country to the Jews and when the Rothschild asserted control through the exclusive financing of the coalitions from 1808 and the Waterloo market crash scam they also took control of half of European wealth.
You spelled superiority wrong.
>White Supremacy as it's finest
ITS, not IT'S.
If you mean IT IS *then* it's IT'S. Otherwise it's ITS. There is no ITS' btw.
Learn this.
pierre just sounds mad that we put your napoleon on his little cuck island to rot
also it matters not where we got the money,its like saying america is fuck all because the jews now fund them
I'm not talking about money I'm talking about who controls the fucking country.
The west indies and the jewish bankers have been shitting all over your royalty for centuries and your royalty always gobbled it up asking for more.
You're not wrong
But hey, at least I'm not French
I meant east indies I was talking about dutch colonization in a another thread and got mixed up and the last time England was any good was when it was ruled by French kinds.
Sometimes I ponder if the world would be significantly different had the colonies never revolted and the British Empire remained intact.
The British had every right to go where they wanted. It was the racist inhabitants that wanted to kick out the white man.
Savages, all of them.
Only Hong Kong knew how based the British were.
>Fucking up Europe for ever through pointless wars and political subversion
Fucking up your enemies is a success mate, surrendering to them isn't.
Guys, us European folk need to unite if we're to defeat the forces that want to destroy us
I'll include the Japs - honorary Aryans - if they want to ally with us
Spit out Junker's junk and show flag faggot
yup amazing success so far, carry on, the Europe we have now is the Europe England fought for since the 18th century.
No, a unified Europe was something we used to oppose
Based nip
You have been ruled by The Jews since 1800 (
unironically Straya is a better example. The worst that the whites can offer has been dumped into a shithole and yet they managed to create a country that's second on the HDI.
The English aren't and weren't white supremacists, they're English supremacists, and they've done more damage to whites than any other group
>Subjugated, desecrated and destroyed a neighbouring white culture over 800 years, and continues to mock and shit on us to this day, despite that they're nothing but barbarian mongrel brutes
>Colonized the Middle East, destroying civilization in that region, then drew up retarded arbitrary borders when they left, ensuring generations of ethnic tensions that led directly to the refugee crisis and rise of islamic extremism
>Fucked over Germany twice, once with the treaty of versailles, and once more by siding with commies and signing over half of Europe to Stalin, destroying the culture and traditions of Eastern Europe and Germany.
>Fucked over China with the opium wars, eventually leading to the rise of communism there, and destroying their ancient culture
>Now that they've destroyed every other white nation and culture, they finish the job by flooding their own country with Blacks, Pakis and Pajeets
The English are a fucking scourge on this planet. Everything they've ever touched turns to shit
You sound just like a black guy whinging about how he'd be a kang if not for opressive whites
>they've done more damage to whites than any other group
Incorrect. If you replace "whites" with "Irish people" then I'm with you but all through history your people have had problems seeing beyond your coastlines.
Historical facts are historical facts. What the English did in Ireland goes beyond basic colonialism. It was evil, contemptible to it's core. I have no particular hangups about my country (which is doing far better than yours), but to suggest that the English are somehow bastions of the white race is a joke. The English are traitorous barbarians.
I have absolutely no idea what you think you're talking about. The Irish haven't had the power or population to make anything close to the impact of the British on history
>Hurr durr you're ruining the white race by being so poor and wretched, brb getting heavier boots to crush you with. Look at you there starving while we export food under armed guard, how pathetic you are
The English are animals. Fucking animals.
French is the only country to blame for the treaty of versailles.
If the English had left your island alone you would still be running around as primitive warbands that slaughtered each other whenever they met. Just like Africa, you owe everything you currently have to The English. Just like Africa, civilization comes at a price.
>Irish haven't had the power or population to make anything close to the impact of the British on history
Good boy.
>you would still be running around as primitive warbands
They'd probably love that though
>Fucked over Germany twice, once with the treaty of versailles, and once more by siding with commies and signing over half of Europe to Stalin, destroying the culture and traditions of Eastern Europe and Germany
The Treaty of Versailles was not our fault, Clemenceau wanted the treaty to be as tough as it was, and we did not.
We also did not "sign over" half of Europe to the Soviets, we simply knew that both ourselves and the Americans could not defeat them, or that it would just not be worth the lives lost. Hitler declared war on the Soviets, and was defeated. Accept it.
>Fucked over China with the opium wars, eventually leading to the rise of communism there
This isn't exactly relevant, seeing how this thread is about white people, but enlighten me on how we caused this by getting them addicted to opium?
I just love these Irish people who parade around in a victim suit thinking their shit don't stink.
The people of Ireland insult Irish Travellers (Irishmen that wander around Ireland fighting each other) and call them scum when in all actuality they are closer to being Irish than any "Irishman" ever is or has been.
The Dutch did it better.
>White Supremacy.
Agreed, id rather be controlled by jews then be French
Everyone hates gypsy scum. It's always funny how much the "celtic" nations make anti-English sentiment a part of their national pride. It makes their inferiority complexes so obvious.
>British empire
Disraeli was a good Prime Minister, and he became an Anglican when he was twelve years old.
>Ruled by masons since 1799
Fucking kek
>source: just look it up bro!
No it was the best example of bringing CIVILISATION to the world and dragging the human race out of superstition and barbarity, and promoting rational thinking and respect, something whites should NEVER be sorry for.
>implying Britain didn't reach its greatest heights when under the firm guidance of Parliament.
Notice how the brits have to look back in history for greatness! because they are too scared to look at the future /
they know whats waiting
>Fucking up Europe for ever through pointless wars and political subversion ?
>He doesn't get it
Fucking kek. Get on board scrub.
Oh, burn. It’s almost as if you’re taking out your aggression over the failure and global ridicule of your pathetic and dying country populated with degenerate retards out on the celts. Face it. You’re a joke. Nobody cares about you any more. Hide behind your computer screen in your mum’s house and talk shite, when you’re nothing but a pathetic little retarded pussy.
Fuck off.
Living in the past off other peoples glory because you have no honour of your own!
Biggest mosque in Europe is in UK
I suppose so, but in any case the British Empire was about British Supremacy, and more precisely British Elite Supremacy (some of whom happened to be assimilated Jews or Germans)
Sure they talked about the "White Race" at some point but they didn't really car. This whole pan-White Identity meme is more post-WWII thing.
Go back to where you came from if all you're doing here is complaining.
France and Germany always chimp out and get involved in wars that lead to the deaths of millions of white Europeans.
The British looked to the sea and decided to build new countries for whites free of German and French bullshit. More importantly, they did it at the expense of shitskins and savages, not other whites.
Hiding behind your meme flag invalidates your entire post. The 1 is because you made me feel like responding
Shame we fucked it up
>Fucking up Europe for ever through pointless wars and political subversion ?
Sensing some projection pierre
based nip poster
Unfortunately it brought pajeets into the modern England.
It’s not a meme. And fuck my bumholio if you’re not gonna reply. It’s everyone on here is hiding, retard. It’s an anonymous site.
you are retarded, if you didn't fuck over france and germany Europe would be united right now and devoid of shit skins.
England is literally the cancer that caused the collapse of the white man.
It's your proximity to those continental subhumans that's ruined your culture. For Christ's sake you lot even call soccer "football"
>not a meme
At least show your flag if you're going to take jabs at my country
>England is literally the cancer that caused the collapse of the white man.
I think you'll find that was the US with it's Jewmanities and its (((academics)))
American football is an American version of Rugby football, Rugby football is a version of football invented at Rugby school. Your football is called football because it evolved from our sport of the same name
Age of Discovery/Age of the Sail
The Renaissance
The founding and progression of Industrialization
The great philosphers
The modern world is completely a product of white minds.
It was all of us, we were all tricked by Jews, lets stop fighting amongst ourselves and unite agaisnt the common enemy already.
Australia was a creation of the British empire
Be British
>sail to shitty foreign lands filled with savages
>stick a flag In the ground
>it is now British land
>"we conquered them"
>stand in lines volleying into crowds of shitskins or advance rifles and gun them down with repeaters
>b-but best navy evar XD
>get ass kicked by dutch and german navys
>but we destroyed the Spanish armada
>with help from the dutch
>"The sun never sets on the British empire"
>it did and now they're letting the sun set on the British people willingly
>b-but brexit
>still listens to the eu
>"fuck you burger without us you wouldn't exist"
>you essentially sent your outcasts to the new world for having illegal opinions (like you do now with hating Islam)
>Also we slaughtered your soldiers to get away from you fucks
>it's ok britbongs we will save you during ww3 too
>thank you French for helping us humiliate britian by supporting us
>love you Germans but you guys supported the wrong side in that fight
Brits suck at everything:empire's, diplomacy, being a European nation, governing it's own people, etc
Still love you though dad (britian)
how did the greatest empire in history turn into a bunch of toothless braindead britbonglians that spread their anus for the first towelhead they see
shut the fuck up paki
What is else could White Power mean if it does not mean a superior culture
nah thats the united goys for israel your country m8
British Empire was nothing but suffering for countless continental whites at the hands of merchants.
Fuck off Im glad its gone
This. Germany and France were the Romes to Britain's Carthage
Liberalism stems from the Brits and it was inherited by the Americans so I don't see why we should thank them.
White guilt did that. The empire was simply shamed to death
>post ww1
>dividing ottomans
>draw lines in sand
>this is Palestine
>help America help
>post ww2
>we should help those kikes out
>oi I know let's put them here I know we gave it to the Palestinians but I don't think they'll mind
>70 years later here we are
Thanks for the history lesson, Nigel. You should also know that "soccer" came into existence to differentiate association football from rugby football
There's a common thread that unites White Americans, and that thread is identifiably British. That which made Britain great continues to make America great; Britain is a shell of its former self
Look at Canada and Australia when they had whites only immigration policy. Prosperous and free living spaces for Whites in land masses twice the size of Europe. Who could top that
While we do have some of the Anglo "values" ie the founding fathers
We aren't a Anglo anymore
>lost most Anglos during the civil war and ww1
>Germans came in during the last 1800s
America is mainly german or at least Germanic
At this point American whites belong more with the German sphere (Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, etc)
Kind makes sense why we became a super power after the large german influx
wasn't it also the greatest empire ever?
They had the right attitude
>best fucking post here
Why do so many (((british))) faggots here stir up shit they never would in person? You fucking nigger faggots.
>We aren't a Anglo anymore
>America is mainly german
That's wishful thinking on your part, most people are mixed Anglo-Celt-Germanic. I'd argue we're a new and unique Yankee ethnicity, but everything about our culture and way of life is British to its core
oy vey muh british empire run by kikes for kikes
fucks up white south africa boers afrikaners republics killed of and thousands of acres of farmland made barren and destroyed farmsteads across the veldts
fucks up somalia and now its a sharia hellhole but could easily have been a devoleped country similar to austrailia or new zealand
puts white people in concentration camps in south africa
lets multiple potential countries go to shit
makes a balls out of rhodesia and biafra in africa
support pedophile brunei sultan and support his cronies against the rebels there
millions of irish dead to feed their armies
makes an arsehole out of india and afghanistan
and the countries like austrailia new zeland south africa etc was built by the people not the freemason queen and her cronies
You bring the guns and burgers, we'll bring the beer and dictionaries.
I know you're meming, but every British person I've ever met in real life was loud, dumb, and obnoxious as hell--especially when you faggots drink. Also, none of you guys know how to hold your whiskey. The British aren't sending over their best.
Splendid isolation.
We need more of that.