funny thing is, she's not going to jail for 15 years for reading it. you are.
>average Sup Forums poster
Sup Forums is dead
and no one cares
if there is a hell
I'll see you there
Who the fuck cares?
You need to go back and stay
Daily reminder to report and sage spam threads
>Waaaaaahhhhh we're being exposed
How about you go back instead?
This board manages to be the worst of both worlds: super old people who are newfags.
Please die from heart disease already.
the estrogen in the comments.
Exposed to what?The stale and unfunny picture of a fat trump supporter holding a cake that retards like you keep posting?
alright, funny slide thread. Now, did the police pay you or are you ready to go to jail for 15 years?
The cringe is palpable.
>jail for 15 years
quick rundown?
there was an article some time ago that "british citizens could go to jail for 15 years for visiting "far right" sites"
about how "british citizens could go to jail for 15 years for visiting "far right" sites"*
Divide and conquer shareblue faggot thread
The scientologists were much more subtle and better than you faggots at this
That was just after a terrorist attack right? britain's dead
did the cake taste good, trumpykins?
what a surprise,retarded drumpfkins want to destroy Sup Forums too
>implying you shill aren't the one destroying shit here
get the meme flag off, canadian.
I'd rather hang out with him than a pestering toddler like you, and I fucking hate trump.
Literally my only goal in life is to not end up like this guy
>muh shareblue shills
You actually believe that people get paid to troll you? There's no way you're even old enough to even have participated in Chanology, let alone remember it.
>being this assblasted about being exposed as a faggot
Gib pics of mommy magapede
>calling others a toddler while "waaaahhhhhh muh internet is serious business"
You Sup Forums retards cry about the weakest shit. You're the joke of the internet. To think that this place used to have good discussion but it's been over-run by redditors and stormfags.
at least these people will never go to the boards outside of Sup Forums
Uh oh... Sup Forums's influence is reaching across generations.
>participated in chanology
You think that makes you an oldfag? Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit, not even the anons that were around then wanted anything to do with that shit. It was in direct violation of the first rule of the site, they were the redditors of their time, and the majority didn't want anything to do with it.
Implying women are intelligent enough to understand Sup Forums
her body her choice man
Is... is this photoshopped?
I'm pretty sure most Sup Forumsacks don't even know how diverse Sup Forums really is. The more people we get lurking here, the more redpilling there is.
I never said I participated in it, but a retarded Sup Forums shithead would read too much into it and try to swat my remark down because of their shitty interpretation. If you had read the comment I was replying to first, what I said might make more sense. It was wrong of me to assume that Sup Forums kiddies had any reading comprehension at all.
i already failed at that goal
no, why?
Image relevant.
>"Sup Forums will defend this"
>Sup Forums defends it
Sup Forums confirmed reddit board
>literally defending it
Rather that old roastie reads reddit and votes for (((Trump))) than reading CNN and voting for that rancid old cunt Hillary.
> defends it
Oh yeah, cause we're pointing out the fact she's old and not that everything in that thread is the general impression that Sup Forums gives to the rest of Sup Forums. Leave it to a retarded Sup Forums shit to look right over that.
>Sup Forums confirmed reddit board
For a long time now too you delusional fuck
Is this why Sup Forums suddenly got a massive influx of mommy dom and femdom fetish in the past year or so?
I somewhat agree with this. I am no boomer, but I am an older user. I don't exist in social media. I never facebooked etc. I only recently got a twitter to troll people...somehow I am plugged into a vein of antifascist professors....Somehow I debate them, they add me/I add them and now I get to listen to this stupidity. These people exist in echo chamber. I know one can say that about this place, but at the end of the day I have a great career that I worked for. I never had financial help.
I don't exist on the internet. My real name does not return correct info on google...I was really glad to find out some retard in minesotta has the same name as me, and he is a total douche. He pretty much covers my tracks.
I love my anonymity.
No shit sherlock, it was rhetorical.
Spare me.
Your all just trying to subvert us, the fact of the matter is that since reddit/Sup Forums's conception there have been cross visitors. To tell the truth that only helps our influence spread to even greater reaches.
I mean we did get Trump elected so... Suck my dick.
The 2016 election BROUGHT OVER most of those cross-visitors.
Good job "getting Trump elected". I'm sure it had nothing to do with other factors and it's all because you guys posted frogs. Fucking retards.
Im a hairless cute 19 year old hapa any Sup Forums mills here can hmu
I don't like knowing I'm interacting with people older than 30. That's probably why this site is so stupid. Like alzheimer's or something.
These people are our allies and instead of being an autistic little secret club elitist fucking nigger, work on spreading the truth and fighting for our future you worthless piece of memeing fucking sacks of shit. Most of them go to /ptg/ anyway and just lurk.
Here you go grandma, everything you need to know.
why are fat people never taken seriously. they're like sub-human joke characters. I feel sorry for anyone with excess pudge
>I mean we did get a Neo-con Zionist sock puppet elected so... Suck my dick
> mfw the Sup Forums I loved is gone and has now became a Reddit containment board
>being this much of a defensive faggot
>crying about Sup Forums
Bongistani BTFO
>muh internet war
Oh my god you guys are pathetic.
I'm laughing at you lmao. You guys take yourselves so seriously it'd be a shame for me NOT to troll you retards.
>tfw there are a bunch of magapede old women browsing Sup Forums right now
What has this board become
To think that a dumb meme flag nigger like you actually believes his opinion has any merit or value here. Go back to whatever shithole board you crawled out of you little kike.
How has that one kid been here since he was 13? I thought this was 18+? How could this possibly have happened?
>having this little self-awareness
you are the absolute laughing stock of this website. chanology could not even hope to match this
If you do anything on this board other than to come and laugh, you're doing it wrong. Sup Forums became wounded after GG, but died with the election. Sup Forums has turned itself into a community that takes itself too seriously. This is the death marker of any and every community worth being in.
This. There's a reason why Sup Forums is a containment board
>I was into them before they were mainstream maaaann..
>now all these normal, well-adjusted fags like what I like, jeeeeez
>muh jews
>muh kikes
>muh niggers
>muh degeneracy
Try typing a sentence without using your buzzwords. How old are you, 13?
>i'm laffin at u
>trold u hard
Wow stop the presses, you're even more of a faggot than I thought you were.
>proud of self for being retarded
Ah, so boomers are responsible for the Kekistani "meme". Makes sense they'd come up with something like that.
God your tears taste so good.
>Implying 18+ works
Loads of kids love to browse Sup Forums because they see it as edgy
Damn son. Guess we need to have more Hitler did nothing wrong threads and holohoax threads to redpill those boomerfags.
Alright kids, I'm out for now, have to go to work. It was fun, I'll be back later to start some lefty threads and shill the fuck out of you.
>I have nothing to say so I'll post a reaction image
HAHAHAHA see ya later, kid.
It's not just a war for the internet but the for control of our entire futures you insufferable piece of apathetic trash.
Fuck off Mohammad.
Triggered you degenerate little kike nigger? You are nothing.
>17 posts by this ID
What a worthless piece of nigger kike trash.
Holy fuck I can't breathe
is someone mad?
You do not have permission to use my intellectual property in your baking endeavors. Delete this fucking picture or you will be hearing from my lawyers.
Oh shit, she blew our cover. Now all the anons will know I'm actually a 80 year old demented old meemaw!
You know, someone asked me what flavor Trump would be, I said, 'You think it'd be Orange right'? And I was like, really, it's imPEACH.
>audience howls with laughter and cheering
youre still larping? holy shit this is special. Sup Forums is the gift that keeps on giving
You guys have to dig deep - the post is almost two months old, yet your ranks are filled with trigglypuffs, Carl the cucks, and aids skrillex. You're humorless low test wimps.
only a samefag would laugh at a post that doesn't even have a punchline.
Im 18 and have been lurking every day since 2011
Sup Forums was a great rolemodel
>the absolute state of Trump supporters
Are you even allowed to be on this site mate?
Shareblue, correct the record, and several smaller organizations now defunct. You're locked in here with us.