If white people are so superior, why do they let non-whites 'destroy their culture'? Surely if they were truely superior they would be able to subdue all supposedly inferior races.
If white people are so superior, why do they let non-whites 'destroy their culture'...
Do you want us to? We probably will once enough people realize it is morally preferable to the alternative. I know it's probably hard to understand for a nigger or spic with an ape-tier ''gimme dat'' moral system.
So basically you are saying it's other whites' fault? Doesn't sound that superior to me. Also good luck.
White people absolutely dominated the globe a 100 years ago, then we fought two world wars in which most young, able bodied European men perished or became heavily traumatized, then these severely enfeebled nations either fell in the clutches of Communism or mindless Consumerism.
Us white people wuz vikings n sheeit!
No doubt we played a huge role in our own destruction, pride is the greatest of sins and we are paying a hefty price for it.
How do you explain white culture turning into this? (pic related)
So basically the only race strong enough to bring down the white race is the white race? That sounds a bit backwards to me
Some ugly people got together? what's the problem here, uggos can mingle together just like niggers.
That's not white culture. That's white people with no culture. Whites without culture act very similarly to black minorities in majority white countries, since those blacks also have no culture.
Because once you've beaten starcraft and it becomes super easy you put it on hard mode and let the zergs build up a nice resistance for a challenge
Those gloves they're wearing belonged to the white man in 3rd which is why they have one of and he has none
Those people don't look like ugly is their ownly problem...
Sounds like mental gymnastics to me. Wouldn't the more logical conclusion be that whites simply aren't inherently superior to other races?
Starcraft, another thing whites suck at.
>So basically the only race strong enough to bring down the white race is the white race
At that moment in time, yes, Europe was so strong, it could only self-destruct and self-destruct we did. I'm not saying we always reigned supreme, the Ottomans, Mongols and plenty other "races" gave us some very tough times.
But wouldn't a race that self-destructed be considered inferior to one that didn't?
Have niggers ever won a game, from chess to poker to videogames, has a single nigger ever had the brainpower to compete globally?
It's a universal pattern really, all empires and nations have a life cycle. The question is, what do they achieve while they last and there can be very little doubt, that White people have advanced humanity like no other race.
Too much (((TV))) ... Don't worry when white are gone you be next only the (((chosen people))) will remain chumpfag
Depend on what you consider "white". It's a soo imprecise term that half of the world can be considered white.
I've seen burgers believing that even jews are white
everything you do is a product of white culture, and thats why retarded niggers always say whites have no culture. all you have is bix nood ghetto trash culture that produces the most degenerate music in the universe as of right now.
It doesn't stop being culture just because they don't follow your ideology
"White culture" is what impure mongrels have.