Can Nvidia even compete?
Cute AMD doing AMD things
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Well I guess I'll buy a 480.
That's the spirit.
If only any of these were available worldwide
I need this
When are we getting an anime about cute girls running IT store or alternatively taking part in school IT club? It could be similiar to Bakuon with every girl presenting one company and being vehemently defensive of their brand.
But what should they bant about?
Not that I am against the idea of a Sup Forumsirl being a Sup Forumsentooman.
>But what should they bant about?
Just look at Sup Forums or any other tech forum.
Then it'd be pooposting vs Nvidiot right now and Win10 being a creepy stalker.
Huh. I actually kind of want that.
Which is better Sup Forums?
Google nvidia fairies OP.
>nvidia fairies
In before leafblowers.
>buying a 480
>when the 1060 is only a month away
not Sup Forums
also just looks like a jp trying to self advertise old stock that aren't selling
It's like you don't even care about Vulkan async compute user.
>Doom Vulkan
>3DMARK Async
not after these issues
>nvovideo retards
I want to make my own controller casings :(
Where to start?
Cute boy?
>buying a 1060
>when vega is only 6 months away
480x and 490 when?
>Card is not watercooled
That's Vega.
>Not wanting the superior Megumin card's BLAZING FAST speeds
Just go buy a 970 at that rate.
Not him but I thought that was Polaris?
Anime micro devices?
750Ti or RX460? Yes, I don't live in freedomland.
>implying it's not a magic seal that releases water when the card inevitably starts a fire
Dis nigga knows
>Releases water
>That means it just floods your PC and destroys everything
Polaris is low/mid-end, so 480, 470 and 460. The more powerful cards with HBM2 will be using Vega.
I'm going to buy a 480!
What does japan have against other gpus?
It's because they don't care for miracles.
AMD makes GPU's for the PS4 and the WiiU, both of which are really popular in Japan. Might be because of it.
AMD makes the APU for all the consoles right now.
This is partly why the Nep CPUs are all getting along.
But Aqua's water is pure.
Pure water conducts electricity poorly.
Your PC would be fine if you cut the power and let it dry.
They also get involved in anime from time to time
AMD products have been pretty shit from my experience, but Amanda is a cutie at least.
Is that fucking real, cause if it is then I need it.
Last one I had was a Sapphire Radeon 128mb.
amada is mai waifu
thanks amd
>cute girls running IT store or alternatively taking part in school IT club?
yuyushiki xD
AMD is team red.
Only the Radeon team has been consistently red.
Why are mascot girls so cute?
>Needing to power off your PC cause your cooler exploded and flooded everything
See, now I feel conflicted that years of seeing the ati logos has screwed me over.
Thanks for pointing out the obvious though sometimes I forget which logo is used..
But nipd odnt need graphic card for his eroges
To trick you into joining the botnet.
>buying a card now
>not waiting for a Deus Ex game code to get packaged with the 480
Poor form
>a month away
you mean 2 days?
AyyMD btfo, Novidya wins again
Polaris is pretty mediocre. Competing with Nvidia's low-mid end with bang-buck is usually ATI's schtick and the 1060 is gonna undercut it. The 1060 also looks just as, or more powerful.
Vega will have to be much more impressive if they hope to compete with nvidia's midrange.
I used to be an AMD fanboy back when the Athlon came out. Those things were the tits and ati cards were decent even though they weren't acquired by AMD yet.
AMDs processors are fucking archaic compared to Intel at this point (I own an fx-8350) and I'm going Intel probably with my next build. Sometimes you gotta ease up on being a contrarian.
yeah, I was expecting more from Polaris , especially since their aim is money/performance it doesn't even have that in the regions it's aiming for.
>Polaris is pretty mediocre
For the price it's pretty good, if it didn't have the power issues it would have been a really good card to put into shitty pre-builds. But yeah, I agree.
Did anyone else get a short ban for posting in this thread?
MSI also has their own character.
Nice hobby. Almost like mine: sit on the ass
>Buying amd
Straight out of the '90s.
Also screams Gaymur
AMD a cute
a cute
Her mom though.
>got it done