What went wrong after Bake?

What went wrong after Bake?

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Absolutely nothing, more screentime given to best girl as is proper

Maybe it's not that it went wrong, just that it'd be unrealistic to expect them to keep everything up to that standard.

iirc, Nise was never supposed to see the light of day. Nisio wrote it as like, fanfiction about his own characters. The rest of it has been very consistent though, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about

>What went wrong after Bake?
Shinobu got more screentime.

Tatsuya Oishi had a much reduced role after Bake. Shaft also lost a lot of its more talented staff after the Aniplex buyout which is why their stuff has been so unremarkable for the last few years

With Hitagi, Monogatari, or Shaft?

more fanservice, less dialogue

It got better.

Everything. Nise was disgusting.

Meme left

Nothing. It improved, unless you're a Crabfag.

Nothing. Fuck off now.

No those stayed pretty consistent the entire time.

Nothing went "Wrong"
The other seasons just had less emotion, though were still of very high quality.

>less emotion
There was plenty of emotion.

We didn't get Kizu immediately.

How can you say Nise was shit when we got this scene out of it?

That's one of the shittiest things about it.

thanks, i almost forgot how little emotion it had

Nise is better than Bake, bar ep12

>shinobu bath scene
>ararraargi/senjougahara vs kaiki
>walking home slowly
>tooth brush scene
>shinobu monologue
>shinobu shinobu and more shinobu everything

I could go on

>ararraargi/senjougahara vs kaiki
But you only listed one good thing


The direction isn't quite as good. Some of the faces get uguu'd sometimes. Other than that, the quality of the story has significantly improved. Plus, whatching crabfags desperately make excuses as their waifu slips into irrelevance is icing on the cake.

If you haven't jerked off to Shinobu monologuing for 2~ minutes in ep11 at least 10 times by now, you might be gay.

I'd be gay if I fapped to her worst form.

Kizu comes after Bake in reading/viewing order, so nothing went wrong. Kizu is the high point of the series and Tekketsu-hen was amazing.

>The direction isn't quite as good
This is it. The story may have gotten better but the storytelling got worse.

Tsubasa Tiger and Owarimonogatari were pretty good though.

The series became uninteresting and shitty after bake. Can't stand the sequels at all.

i hate that escene

Bake was already bad enough, but unfortunately it gained popularity so it became even more drawn out pseudo intellectual literary masturbation.

This. Nisemonogatari specially is the worst kind of otaku pandering faggotry that exists. Only subhumans enjoy that kind of trash.

Kizu Shinobu?

Oh shut up. Monogatari was "otaku pandering faggotry" from the beginning.


Name better Otaku pandering faggotry though. That is the entire point of Nise, Nisio wrote it for his own amusement and it is the exact archetypal perfection of the craft of Otaku pandering material. And it still manages to have some backbone for various reasons such as being the introduction for the rest of the ghostbusters or the discussion on their ideals.

not to the degree shown in nise though


Owari was the strongest the anime has been since Bake.

Esoteric, uninteresting and borderline pretentious dialogue, animation and scenery not as remarkable as the first season, save for a few moments, focus on uninteresting characters and many poor character arcs.
Eh, it was alright I guess.

Koyomi was better.

Nisemonogatari was the worst because it reeks of pseudo intellectual literary masturbation.

>muh fake is better than the real thing

probably the worst kind of self-indulgent garbage I've had the displeasure to watch.

What's esoteric or pretentious about the dialogue?

>it reeks of pseudo intellectual literary masturbation
How'd you manage to get that out of Nise? I don't recall any literary references or allusions being made at all, much less claims to philosophical importance.

Post real intellectual literature in animu

>pseudo intellectual literary masturbation
Do you expect people to take your opinion seriously when you throw out strings of words like these?

Ah I see, you don't want anyone to take you seriously at all.

>all the people defending the shit after bake are in it for waifus and the fan service
As expected.

Fanservice and dialogue are literally the only reasons to watch Monogatari. If you were watching it for any other reason you're probably a pretentious cocksucker.

Lurk more.

Cancerous faggots can't deal with the fact that Nisio is a fraud.

nothing it got much better after

No Oishi.

>more buzzwords without substance
All I asked was for you to clarify what you meant, and this is your reply so my guess is that you can't clarify anything and are just a shitposter.

Still waiting. Post real, respectable intellectual animu.

You're not one of those people who complain that everything isn't up to your almighty standards, yet refuse to share what you think is good, are you?

A fraud for what? What did he lie about? Do you just use words without even knowing what they mean? You can just say "I don't like it," you don't have to use terms you don't understand to dress up your opinion as critique.

One of those two went to shit after bake.

Nise happened. It's basically every fucking cliche taken to the extreme. Also, why the fuck would the author make Araragi cheat on the Crab girl and then make all the other girls be ok with that? It's trash.

Has Shaft done anything on par with Bakemonogatari lately?

at least most moeshit doesn't take itself too seriously unlike monogarbage

It's harem shit. It was always trash. You're trash for watching it. Fuck you.

Crab had her own fun with Cat too.

t. nigger trash

That's cute, the go-to response from a hundred years ago when you literally have nothing to say.

Should have used something a bit more modern, like complain about all the forced animation or writing.

>forced animation

You sound pressed.

Nothing went wrong. The only issue is that NisiO hasn't given us the college years of the Exorcists or at least more of Tooe outside of Hanamonogatari and Zokuowari.


It has always been mediocre. There was that one amazing episode, tho.

Too many girls.

What went wrong after second season you mean. But thankfully with Owari it went right again.


it went from a decently cute love story to generic harem bullshit, that's ok though just pretend nothing after bake (ok nise if you really want to push it) happened and it can still stand on its own

You mean the one with the plastered **nny?

And then it went to two simultaneous and superior love stories in Kizu.


The art direction has been generic for a while now. While Bake was certainly self-indulgent, Nise took it to another level and the series lost part of its charm.

Came here to post this.

Meme was one of the characters that carried Bake the most.
Her arc was the most uninteresting arcs in Monogatari. It was even duller than the cat arcs.

not enough monkey

The cat arcs were great, so I guess hers was too.

Good taste. I just wish Nisio introduced her early though, even if just as a random angry classmate always picking fights with Araragi.
Cat arcs were mostly good as well.

>Cat arcs
>Math arc

Get some taste, faggot.

Everything looks better in the Nichijou artstyle.
>cat arcs outside of the original Bake arc
>not more ZZZ inducing than Hyouka
Get some taste anons.

dude CUTE GIRLS lmao

Tsubasa Tiger was one of the best arcs period.

Maybe if it wasn't the third fucking time she dealt with the exact same issue. Instead, it's yet another case of Snorebasa discovering that she's a real girl.

This. Tsubasa tiger was amazing.

Bake had an amazing first episode, and really good backgrounds during dialogue. I personally liked the letterboxing and photos incorporated into the story-telling, even if they can be seen as lazy. There were more animation-number sequences, and the bgm was better. I guess if they kept doing it, people might have complained it was repetitive.

She didn't dealt with any issue at all in the other two times
>Got defeated by Araragi
>Got defeated by Shinobu
>Feelings still there and being suppressed
>Finally confront them on Tiger

It's like you were not even paying attention.


Forgot picture.

If you don't know what I mean, you need to strap on that retard helmet. Yeah, she finally resolved it, but it doesn't stop 80% of the story being a rehash of what happened twice before. It doesn't make her long-winded blustering interesting. Barely anything was learned about her character. She just finally went through with something she should have back in Neko Black.

10 days till kizu bd.

There's a clear character development in those three arcs, and they culminate in a satisfactory conclusion. Using an "ad hominem" won't make this fact go away.

Shaft lost a lot of their better staff members and Shinbo just has fucking nothing on Oishi in any regard besides the fact he seems to be more of a fan of the series than him.

There was also some poor choices made even with Nisio overseeing the adaptation, such as vital scenes/lines being cut from Nise and Second Season.

Beyond that the tone and subject matter of the series just changed a lot as time went by. It was less "kai of the week" and had characters recur more frequently, adopted mystery elements for several arcs, expanded its scope from small-time problems to inter-dimensional/time-travelling mishaps and gods, and ramped up the pandering.

Nice Zelda character.

Shinbo isn't directing Monogatari

>Beyond that the tone and subject matter of the series just changed a lot as time went by. It was less "kai of the week" and had characters recur more frequently, adopted mystery elements for several arcs, expanded its scope from small-time problems to inter-dimensional/time-travelling mishaps and gods, and ramped up the pandering.

OP asked for what went wrong, not what went right.

Tsubasa Tiger, Shinobu Time, Nadeko Medusa and Hitagi's end were really good.

Only pretentious, jerking off, faggots think Bake is the only good thing about Monogatari.

It's been a long wait.