>Oh look, it's 'Kickass - the anime'
Oh look, it's 'Kickass - the anime'
One does not simply describe SamFlam with a single description.
You're in for a ride.
>there never was redraw of the "let me introduce you to my girlfriend" scene with Goto, Masayoshi and Mari
Strap yourself in.
We're about to experience some turbulence.
You are not prepared
Don't watch the show. It turns into gay power Rangers at around episode 10. Police boy and Mc get together at the end. Mc becomes power ranger that transforms into giant mecha
My single greatest regret is that I didn't get to watch SamFlam with Sup Forums when it aired.
>you will never watch SamFlam for the first time ever again
>there never was redraw of the "let me introduce you to my girlfriend" scene with Goto, Masayoshi and nobody
it was life changing
The best thing is this is 100% true but no one will believe it the first time.
you didn't even mention prime minister armstrong
You missed out on all the rape posting
>power rangers
It's Super Sentai, retard
And mechs are a regular part of every Super Sentai show
Now, kill yourself, you retard
>somebody still has the blood edit
I miss you guys
the sentai part was definitely the weakest arc, even though I didn't particularly dislike the characters. The cast just became too large and screen time for any individual became too little to care much about them. But the good thing about sam flam is if you don't like the genre, just wait 3 episodes and it'll be something completely different again
And everything has happened because saying "flamenco" grants wishes.
>he's butt mad over power rangers
I watched most of it with Sup Forums, but I got behind early on, so I was spoiled about Guillotine Gorilla by Sup Forums before I got to it. I really do wish I had been able to go into episode 7 completely blind.
I do have to say though that I enjoyed the first opening of the show.
I think it was less the large cast and that the sentai arc dragged on. At that point we were expecting some big twist to happen, but at points that arc felt like you were watching an actual Sentai show and not SamFlam's wacky twist on it.
And the potential girl love interest ends up lezzing out
Fucking awesome arc
>Mr. Justice
>bakery scene
>Dat reunion
>Aproval ratings, son
>whole PM fight
This was the most complex and layered anime ever to be produced. Thousands of years from now people will still be talking about it.
I only felt like it dragged a bit on episode 12. And while I do think it was the weakest arc I really liked some stuff in it, mainly Masayoshi's stressful reaction and how he dealt with the whole becoming a leader, From Beyond's attack and not knowing if they were doing the right thing by keeping it secret and choosing the people who would be put into safety, all while not being able to rely on Goto as much as he usually did.
Also, Red Axe's hero speech was hype as fuck
So how many Flamencos did we have?
SamFlam, Diamond, Ruby, Sapphire, Beyond Flamenco, PM Flamenco, Alien Flamenco...
>>Oh look, it's 'Kickass - the anime'
Five billion + the ones you mentioned
SamFlam and Mumen Rider crossover when?
I regret not doing that with Kill la Kill, but yeah this was kind of special, truly a ride
Was the original image not Sup Forums enough for you?
I wanted to buy the series to watch it whenever I want because it's one of my favorite ones and possibly with a horrible french dub but the official french dvd sets for the whole series cost a bit more then €100. Should I save money for that or should I reconsider?
>buying anime
That's some BAD JUSTICE right there, unless the price is reasonable and the dub is good.
I bought the japanese release so the price doesn't seem that outrageous to me, unless you really need the money for something else why not?
>French dub
>Monsieur Goto
I like having physical copies of things I like the most though.
>unless the dub is good
I don't really need the money on anything else right now but I want to save money for things that will happen in some years. And ,€100 can buy many other things so I'm hesitating a lot.
Oh shit OP
now that I searched for it too, why it's so expensive? It's because all the artwork of the characters or because it's divided on 2 box on some sites and 4 seasons on another sites? There's no official page to buy this?
I don't know, I found the DVDs in a store. The series is divided in 2 boxes, but maybe they did that only for a collector edition or something.
They had to clear the way for best boys to get together.
Manglobe is no more. It's waste of money, honestly.
Manglobe not existing doesn't mean there is no one to collect the money and make another season if they decide to.
Let's be reasonable for a moment. No one EVER will touch SamFlam. It was a business failure and will forever remain with a status of huge obscurity.
There is literally less than 0% chance that SamFlam gets another season under any circumstance.
I love this show for the same reason I love TTGL, it's insanely hype and ridiculous.
>second season of samflam
for what purpose really?
I played college ball you know
What was his name again?
Secator Simian is that you ?
there will be another original that can top SamFlam? I'm talking about the wild ride and aired after him obviously, right now I only remember Space Dandy but it's not exactly the same type
No more. Only one. And Number One.
My old friend Circumcision Chimpanzee.
oh look it's Amputation Baboon
Legit question, did they write this show while on drugs? IIRC wasn't gintama movie mostly written drunk?
yeah they used the weed of the same crop that used Hideaki Anno and company
I'm really late to this, but I just got the SamFlam Christmas card. It's beautiful and I wish I knew who to thank. If you are out there user that drew this, I know it's very belated but I love it.
I forget, was pic related just memesubs, or was that what he actually said?
>IIRC wasn't gintama movie mostly written drunk?
I think it was written in a weekend and first draft basically became the movie since the author was kinda done with the series anyways
>you didn't watch it
Should I? Is the ride fun? Even if I'm watching solo?
If it was it may have actually been good
Watch it all in one sitting, Don't give a shit about anything else around you
It's not like any of the girls had any chance either way, Goto is a top tier waifufag and Masayoshi, well
>there were people who thought Ishihara could (or even wanted) the SamFlamb owl
Remembering the good times.
Rank arcs from most favorite to least favorite
Armstong Arc > SIT DOWN arc> Kick-Ass arc > Sentai arc >Fight Club arc = Chopping Chimp arc
PM&AF > KT = Haiji > Kickass > FB
Kickass >>> Fight Club > SIT DOWN > Armstrong > Bankruptcy Baboon >>> Sentai
This is the most reddit post I've ever seen.
is it really kickass?
>Do people die?
>Does no one appreciate him
>Does he actually end up accomplishing something?
is his father murdered in prison?
Parents have already been murdered by the time it starts, lots of people die, no one appreciates him, then everyone appreciates him, then everyone hates him and he's on the run from the law, then he is the law, then things get weird. He accomplishes... something.
Not anymore.
Ah, to go through the ride for the first time...
I'm jealous.
Doing god's work user
It's beautiful user.
that fucking face, every time
Thanks, user, you a best
Let's get married no homo
That's some great JUSTICE right there.
Thanks user.
When SBR gets adapted
Justice finds a way!
More like SO
SBR is good tho
but only at the end
The only retards who are or were calling SamFlam as kickass are the same anons who never watched tokusatsu. The MC's literal inspiration is a pastiche of Kamen Rider.
My nigga Harambe
Fuck it's all coming back.
Remember how that kid at the end tried to get us to think he wasn't real, there was a pseudo-ending with the flamenco god but everyone was freaking out because there was still a ton of episodes left, the rape-posting, the censored neon barf, the creepy as fuck EDs, endless theories and guesswork. One episode ended with the idols getting fucked up on stage I think?
You missed out, user. It was one of the greatest rides ever.
OTP was never meant to be.
>One episode ended with the idols getting fucked up on stage I think?
I think you mean fucking each other on stage
Good times.
SamFlam had some god tier OPs and EDs.
Every OP and ED SamFlam has IS God Tier.
My regret is not being able to relive that for the first time again
Maguila Gorila
>Masayoshi didn't even consider dating this
Truly a fucking homo