That crisp animation

>that crisp animation
>that art direction
>that soundtrack
>that voice acting
>that plot
>those philosophical themes
>that metacultural impact

seriously, is there something Trigger can't do?

Make good anime

Came here to post this. Also luluco was the fedora tipper choice last season.

shit son, nice.

That's right, they make masterpieces.

And Kiznaiver.

Have good writing

Making its fanbase not behaving like obvious kids.

>crisp animation

Stopped reading there. While I love Trigger's shows, their actual animation is shit. Everything looks awful. But it's ok, because they're stupid comedy shows, and they're fucking hilarious. But don't start saying that they have good animation, it's objectively false.

Is that her natural hair color?

Considering Luluco is the best thing they've made other than the first little witch, not much. Kiznaiver was hilariously terrible and KLK became garbage at the half way point.

Luluco is their only good anime.

Fedora tippers hate Luluco because the alpha chad won the girl.

they couldn't make kiznaiver good

Why do people hate kiznaiver so much? It was a lot of fun, the visuals were solid and the ED was outstanding

pic not related I assume?

trigger couldn't make kiznaiver goof

I thought kiznaiver was pretty interesting

>philosophical themes

Blame okada

You have no idea what it means to have good animation.

>implying you or OP know what animation means

I fucking hate you retards. Artstyle =/= animation

You set yourself up man. Trigger is fantastic but no one on Sup Forums cares because it's not moeblob garbage. Luluco AOTY.

Porn. What's your opinion on the porn?

Kiznaiver was fucking shit


>is there something Trigger can't do?
Stop fucking referencing itself and come up with some more original things

Anal is fucking shit, kiznaiver was pretty fun.
I watched it until the end so it couldn't have been that horrible.

>not moeblobs


Just because they're adorable doesn't mean they're moeblobs.

The only cut worth anything was in the space boat where the camera turned and showed lulco making the Gainax pose. Everything else including the Imaishi cut was uninspired.

yo you need to censor that shit

luluco was self wanking garbage
really really bad
Way below average

Being different doesnt mean its good


self wanking is redundant
as are your other points
just because you're contrarian doesn't mean you're right

3/10 bait

this. Half the anime was "HEY YOU REMEMBER THIS FROM OUR OTHER SHOW XDD" retarded filler

They can't remove the sticks that are up the asses of anons here.


>3 episodes out of 13
>half the anime

Did you miss the last episode or something?

People talk about how Trigger shows are shallow but they always fail to recognize the most obvious things, and the most obvious jokes and callbacks. Holy shit.

I went to Trigger's Q&A panel at Anime Midwest a couple weeks ago and they had a couple of interesting answers about Luluco:
1. When asked what was up with Luluco and Nova showing up in Kiznaiver, they said there was a planned Kiznaiver crossover episode that never went through, but that little easter egg is an indication that there were more planets that Luluco went searching for Ogikubo on besides what was shown.
2. When asked if we'll see the other Trigger girls in future works, they said they'd like to make origin stories for them like they did for Trigger-chan and we could very well see them at some point

I wonder what the other Trigger girls do

I didn't say anything to indicate my thoughts on what good animation is. Fuck off.

I didn't mention art style or say anything to imply I was talking about art style. Fuck off.

Luluco is a good show with shit animation. Get over it.

Why is Luluco's animation bad?

I thought the animation was fantastic, especially that final fight scene

Animate worth a damn

So Nova-kun confirmed for still dead in another dimension then?


They said Luluco will meet him in a future work

All of Trigger's anime are shit. Apart from Witch Academia.

Luluco could of been soo much more than a shitty crossover anime showing all of triggers shitty shows.

I cant believe that people think Kill la Kill is better than Gurren Lagann.

>could of
Stopped right there
You're an idiot but at least you like LWA so that's something

>I cant believe that people think Kill la Kill is better than Gurren Lagann.
They're both shit, but Kill la Kill has more cute girls.

Luluco was their 5 year anniversary anime plus their mascot's origin story, the crossovers are justified.

Was gonna say exactly this, Luluco was nothing special at all. Inferno Cop was absolute shit and Kill la Kill was rubbish.

You'd have to be 11 years old to like any of them.

Worst taste in the thread



They wouldn't air something as lewd as Kill la Kill on Nick

Tell that to Dan "Finger Inside Her" Schneider.



He's also the Omega

I want to be bullied by that alien!

>yukata Secretary
>normal clothes Lalaco
Hot damn.

>I cant believe that people think Kill la Kill is better than Gurren Lagann.
That's objectively correct though. TTGL was overhyped mechashit for tasteless Sup Forumsirgins. KLK was a half-decent high-school comedy.

They sucked with their fanservice though. I still think Trinity Seven was the best.

I think the fact that KLK was ultimately just a worse Utena really dragged it down for me. At least with TTGL, it didn't suck shit compared to Armageddon.

never even watched ttgl but this'll go down in my bait collection

"I never watched Luluco" -The Post

kek lel xD


>KLK was ultimately just a worse Utena

It isn't fluid, when things move fast you don't actually see the smooth movement, you see a few frames with nothing in between to pad out the motion. Also, there are several scenes where literally one thing moves. I'm not saying everything has to be in motion all the time, but they obviously didn't put care into making everything feel alive.

Also, when a character speaks, it shouldn't just be the mouth that's moving. People shift their weight, move their hands and head while they speak. To be fair, a lot of anime does the "lip flapping" scenes with nothing else moving. But that just means that a lot of anime has shit animation.

But again, Luluco is still a great show, because animation isn't everything. Inferno Cop is brilliant, but no one will argue that it has good animation. It wasn't supposed to. And neither was Luluco. It was a fun, quirky, 8 minute show. It wasn't supposed to be a masterpiece of animation, so don't try to make it into one.


>this other show has superficial similarities
>that totally invalidates all the plot elements it
has with the other, more famous show

how can luluco be good when episodes are only 8 minutes????

I want a triggerxClamp crossover/collab