This gohan will never come back

>this gohan will never come back
What the fuck went wrong?

All the goku and vegeta fans getting butthurt that someone either than those two was in the limelight.

He got married.

Toriyama bowed to otaku demands and shovelled out garbage.

he's been churning out a lot of garbage and I feel he did it on purpose to see if Dragon Ball could finally die, but it doesn't matter what he comes up with, they keep consuming.

your dumbass didn't pay attention

The Japanese government's campaign for rising the birth rate. It's actually working, Japan's birth rate hit the rock bottom on 2005r but since then it has been steadily rising up

I have honestly no problem with Gohan choosing to distance himself from fighting. I just wish he didn't look like such a fucking bitch while doing so. Like seriously, what the shit is this. At least make the dude look cooler and not like a fucking beta bitch.

Some people just can't wrap their brains around the reluctant part of "reluctant badass"

Pussy destroyed his gains.

I wish I had that chart about proximity to vagina and gains in DBZ.

Gohan ever looking cool was 100% due to Piccolo's influence

As that influence has waned, so has his sense of style

Remember that fucking monkey suit Chichi had him in when he first appeared?

The dude it's even close to a badass anymore. If he was, Frieza wouldn't have made him piss himself like he did in Resurrection of F.

I think he could still get back to the level he was, or even above that, but he won't be a front lines character. That's okay. He's one of my favorites, but if you think about it, he probably doesn't want Pan to feel like he did as a child.

Lets be real here, no story shit or anything. Toriyama or whoever is responsible is purposely trying to make Gohan look like as much of a bitch as possible.

>He is not super powerful edge fighter anymore so I hate him

Original time line Trunks found the blueprints of shutting down the 17 and 18 and didn't need to become strong to beat them. In the long run this fucked him over and became easy prey for cell unlike the other Trunks we know from super that got strong and easily killed cell so the original time line cell and took the time machine and started the time game of thrones. The Original time line is like the most fucked time line to date since majin buu and goku black fucking shit up in that time line no trunks to save it. Christ

Toriyama decided he didn't want to do anything with Gohan's character anymore. You see a similar pattern with the humans, piccolo, buu etc. He's arguably the worst author when it comes to cast utilization. I'd say even Kishimoto does better.

If Super goes on long enough I guarantee the same will happen to Beerus and Whis. Mark my words.

>What the fuck went wrong?
he got what he wanted
its you who needs to let go

He doesn't have the hearth of a fighter, so he stopped training, that's it. You knew this from the very beginning

He never wanted to be like goku

> What the fuck went wrong?

Gohan got what he wanted since childhood. That's what went wrong.

>le Toriyama hates Dragon Ball meme

Even Buu Saga was still concerned about school. In the middle of fighting no less.

That's not the original timeline though, since Cell mentioned that they could have collected Trunks' Cell from when he killed Freeza. It's some fucked up alternate timeline created by Trunks' first time travel, where the Z fighters still somehow all got killed off by the androids in spite of his warning, leading to a future very similar to his own.

Women were always a bane of power levels.

>no wife - proper development in DB
>gets married - dies in a fight against Radditz
>stays away from wife in afterlife - beats Saiyans and Frieza, gets Kaio-ken, gets SSJ, can into teleportation
>trains for THREE years while staying with wife - no power level gains, gets heart cancer
>spends one year in Hyperbolic No Wife Chamber - SSJ mastered
>seven years in afterlife - jumps to fucking SSJ3, learns fusion
>back to life and wife - no progress
>spends some time with Beerus - SSB
>goes to Hyperbolic No Wife Chamber - KKx10 SSB
>goes back to wife - instantly loses control over ki, suspicious as fuck
>runs away to Kaiou - healed

>stronger than Goku until meets Bulma on Namek
>wise enough to fuck his gf and run away - gets SSJ
>Hyperbolic No Wife Chamber - SSJ Stage 2
>stays 7 years with wife - only gets SSJ2, completely outclassed by kakarot
>runs away to Beerus - surpasses Goku in 6 months

>useless aside from rage autism until Piccolo kidnaps him
>gits gud with Piccolo
>gits gud on Namek
>trains three years with mother around - no gains
>Hyperbolic No Mom Chamber - SSJ2, surpasses his father
>spends 7 years with mother - actually LOSES power
>goes to Sacred World - surpasses his father again
>gets married - cannot even into SSJ

Coincidence? I don't think so.

>Champa has female supervisor - fat fuck, no one treats him seriously
>Beerus has male supervisor - magnificent cat, gets all pussies

I dunno -- give her some catharsis? Maybe an opportunity to say anything to Goku she wasn't able to do when he was alive? Or just let her know that there is a timeline where her son gets to be happy?

But ok, even if we pretend there's no point ot him visiting her -- just asking how she's doing is the bare minimum he could do if he actually gave a fuck about her. But he doesn't.

>tfw I'm a Gotenfag and will never even get to experience anything close to what Gohanfags have

He got replaced.

Alright anons, we did it. Get those hands and dicks ready!

>doesn't love Super Gohan
come on, he's easily best boy in it

Market forces or trend towards effeminate men as japanese boyfriends.

But Trunks was able to solo the Buu saga and reach SS2 even with waifu.

He was ready to beat the shit out of Kibito once he became a SSJ2. That form makes him really aggressive.

On your knees!

He only met Mai after Black appeared.

From what I gathered, he didnt meet Mai till Black started fucking shit up and the world created that militia group she joined. Buu happened before that

The point of Super Saiyan is that it increases agressivity.
It's a rage induced transformation.

Even after Goku and Gohan learned to stay calm and control themselves in SS1 that probably doesn't apply to SS2.

New DBS chapter raws are out

>source: your ass

They knew each other when he was telling that story to present Mai and him fantasizing how their life would be together without Goku Black wouldn't make much sense if they met because of Goku Black.

I dunno user. Even as a SSJ3 Goku was serious but also a bit laid back. Even when he went SSJ2 he was easily agitated.

so lets say it turns around later and he was right? what does he get in return? does he get to rape some hands?

post link

>hey knew each other when he was telling that story to present Mai
No. He specifically says Mai was a human resistance leader. This makes pretty clear he knew her as that.

>fantasizing how their life would be together without Goku Black wouldn't make much sense if they met because of Goku Black.
Yeah? Fantasizing usually doesn't make much sense.
Maybe he thinks they would meet under other circunstances.

Which is coincidentally when he instantly started getting his ass kicked. That is suspicious as fuck.

As for Future Trunks
>Over a decade with future mom
>Only manages to barely reach SSJ, can't beat androids
>Travels to the future, spends a year in the Hyperbolic No Mom Chamber, SSJ Stage 2
>Returns to future, destroys the androids
>7 years pass with mom, has only reached SSJ2
>Mom dies
>Waifu dies
>Travels to the future again
>Probably going to spend another year in the Hyperbolic No Mom Chamber and get SSB with Vegeta

You know, you really can't argue with the facts.

Hopefully it goes unnoticed, but I'm the user that made that bet. Luckily we'll have to see if Gohan is present for the Black battle.

My hand and mouth are safe for now.

SS3 is weird. Goku is never as angry or agitated using it as he is with SS1 (pre-Cell) or SS2.

I wish we got to see Gohan as a SS3 since he is the poster boy for blind saiyan rage.

Why can't Bandai get Ufotable to help Toei out with DBS?

When did this become a meme?


What's even the purpose of showing Gohan in the show?

Seriously he is used for filler episode like the one this week.


Maybe in the future user. Let's hope for the best that Gohan at least can access SSJ2. Or someone kidnaps Pan.

Anything I don't like=Meme.

Just wait user. Once you lose that bet I'm going to hold you down and hold your hand furiously and sensually interlocking our fingers and clasping our hands together

You will never be pure again.

>why is a major Z character showing up in Super?
gee I don't know.

Well, SS3 is obtained only thorugh training, and we don't know what the requeriments for it are.

Maybe it's not a fury transformation like SS1 and 2.

For a major Z character he sure doesn't show up a lot. Roshi has shown up more than him.

>No. He specifically says Mai was a human resistance leader. This makes pretty clear he knew her as that.

Or it was just the most notable and appropriate thing to tell to a younger version of her asking what she's like in the future.

>and get SSB with Vegeta

>major Z character

Fuck off, in DBS he is not a fighter anymore.
He is a normal citizen.


I like how they show the difference in Gohan's SSJ2 forms in the manga. You can see how weak it is. That small aura.

>this week ep
give it up gohanfag
he will never be relevant again

He said major Z character, not major Super character.

Also if he did not appear you would be bitching about how Gohan never appears, like people were during U6.


It's not about rage. Giving power to someone who is not mentally prepared for it makes them misuse it. That's why Gohan becomes cocky and starts making retarded mistakes any time he has the upper hand.

my only problem is the way he shows up.

Hes a major character but hes never there for any major moments, hes always shoveled in to these slice of life moments for an episode and then hes gone for 4 episodes. He should be able to sense ki since you know hes been able to do it since he was 4 years old. he should have sensed blacks ki and in an attempt to keep him family safe been ready to fight.

Im fine with him not being a fighter like goku or vegeta, but i would like him to at least be involved in major episodes. He still has to "fight for justice"

i would also like to see him fight crime as great saiyaman again those were my favorite episode desu

What I don't get about Gohan fans is

They seem surprised by this

When Gohan literally spent the last time there was an extended period of peace doing jack squat, which resulted in Goku and Vegeta both being stronger than him in the exact same fashion

I always saw it as being similar to Vegeta's ascended Saiyan form he used against Cell.

I know, should a major Z character be appearing less frequently than a secondary Z character?

I was the last Gohanag on Sup Forums. ME. I've had it! Fuck you Toei! I'm gonna rape someone and make them call me Gohan!

Let's not him becoming the strongest fighter and then jobbing immediately, getting eaten by Bubblegumman, and dying.

That makes sense. Gohan doesn't have a martial artist's mentality and discipline.

His undoing in both Cell and Buu saga was his arrogance once he achieved greater power.

>I'm gonna rape someone and make them call me Gohan!

So we now get to see how different the Future Trunks/Black manga saga is from the anime.

Considering you're a Gohanfag, the most you'll do is get your ass kicked and end up crying for your daddy.

I honestly could give 2 shits about Gohan being the strongest again, just at least be top 3. There is no good reason why Gohan shouldn't be stronger than FTrunks right now. It's like when your not the MC or his rival or and a bad guy, Toriyama hasn't a fucking clue what to do with you.

he shows up as a loving dad. when he got his shit kicked in he thought "aw shit I need strength to protect my family"

he'll eventually do something. this episode just shows Gohan is oblivious to the Black problem.




>tfw you don't care enough about Gohan to be angry or happy about how super is handling him.

I never understood this Gohan boner people have anyway. He's cool, has his moments, but ultimately, eh. Was never my favorite.
I liked Piccolo, Krillin, Future Trunks, and in recent years Vegeta more than him.


Well aren't all the viewers also oblivious to this "problem"? Goku or Vegeta could of instantly wiped Black out of existence as soon as they saw him. Showing Black actually hurt from just fighting SSJ1 Goku was a mistake.


Many view him as the kid they grew up with, if that makes sense.


Except Black clearly gets stronger every fight.

This is Cell all over again, Goku and Vegeta fight boner will allow Black to become a real threat.

gohanfags are usually autists who grew up self-inserting themselves as him

>Goku going right for the Vegebutt
>Trunks mad jelly
>Cabba is just "Hello who are you?"

Where my Maifags at today?

Why not turn it into a message about how even if you don't want to fight, sometimes it's necessary to protect those you love - especially if you are the only one capable of stopping it?

That sounds a lot better than "Just wait for Goku to save everyone"

>doesn't care about gohan
I enjoyed his journey as a character. went from a crying snot nosed kid to a loving father.

I want to see him develop even farther as a character.
>projecting like a retard


The real question is will Kid Trunks go down the same path of being a pussy whipped?

>Goku goes Blue
>Black gets that power boost
Good fucking job Vegeta

Fuck, why the ssuffering never ends for FT?
I felt really bad when he cried after remembering mai and best mom. Also he was happy but kind of dissapointed after seeing gohan so underleveled.

Hope these fuckers dont kill FT but since they are kinda focusing on consequences of messing with the timelines they might end killing him.


Because Toriyama is a hack. And I'm a fool for even following this series.
