
Episode 16 : At the End of Disgrace (醜態の果てに)

Emilia besto girl

bumping for non-meme first post

People defend other characters for being self interested but hate Subaru for being self interested altruism is just a meme

People dislike Mitsubishi mostly for being dumb and autistic

I want off this ride.

He's not though. Basically everyone he met liked the kind of person he was until he got sent through the torture grinder a few (more) times. Trauma changes people and it's usually negative. Anyone watching him without understanding that is way more autistic than he is

Did i miss it?

miss what?



more like worst girl

damn jew loli, why does she have to be so cute



Why the fuck isnt there one likeable character in the cast?

Al is kind, strong, handsome and level headed. What's not to like?

When is toyota going to stop being an insufferable cunt?

probably ep 18

Reinhardt is pretty likeable. Al and Wil aren't bad

>disliking characters just because they aren't in-your-face amazing people
emilia/rem/ram/reinhardt/julius/felt/al/wilhelm are all likeable

she is shit

i actually keked at this

>he can't tell anyone about the witch's curse

So why doesn't Subaru just tell everyone he can see the future? Problem solved.

You can't escape this MASSIVE plothole.


So why did they remove the spoon? Like what was the point?

Why didn't others notice the whale?
What physically happened to the guy in the caravan? Obviously Subaru remembered him, where was he?

>first trips
>now dubs
Jesus christ this is the answer

>Believing the ramblings of a madman
>Believing anything SUbaru says

The witch will kill them anyway.

Subaru is literally retarded.

He has money.

In a fantasy land.

Doesn't considering hiring a bunch of mercenaries or some guild fags to raid the mansion.


The whale eats the memories, and names of people.

>hey Subaru what happens next
>don't know, I haven't died and done this loop a ton of times yet
People would constantly treat him like a crazy person and on a successful loop they would just constantly ask him what happens next when he doesn't know.
It's a cheap way of dealing with a loop.


This is the third time you post this in less than an hour, are you ok?

I know that

That wasn't what I was asking

>I'll help you if Emilia gets removed from the candidacy.
>Well, she'll die if she doesn't get help, and I don't want her to die. Sure.
>Actually, now I definitely wont help because you didn't specifically say that you wanted to help Emilia.

>I'll help if you lick my foot.
>That's really degrading, but okay.
>You clearly enjoy it too much, get the fuck out before I kill you.

These bitches.

He was like that from the beginning. The torture grinder refined it so that it's coming out.

since when did anyone mention mercenaries? Why would he think of that given not since episode 1 has there been mention of any

>there are waifufag retards who will actually defend Crusch


Kill yourself faggot. Subaru is retarded as hell too for what he did in the last few episodes.

He's a servant to a bitch like Anastasia.

He can just prove it.

He would prove it to them and they'll know he's legit. Then he would explain that he can't see infinitely into the future, but only to a certain extent. Every time something unexpected crops up, he can just kill himself and go to the last save point like he's already been doing.

>Using Rem's money

Even SUbaru isn't that much of an insufferable cunt.

You monster!

He'll be tested if he tries to claim he has future sight, and will inevitably fail.

without hesitation

I want to fuck this thing.

>wants to rule
>wont help innocents
>knows hes not lying

If he fails he can try again.

How would you prove it?

He does something similar in Arc 4 AU

It doesn't end well.

>Every time something unexpected crops up, he can just kill himself and go to the last save point like he's already been doing.
He wouldn't do that because he doesn't understand how the power works and where the reset points are.
Put more thought into it user.

Who is the best girl and why is it Satella?

The best girl is obviously Subaru

Re zero GO when?

Don't be retarded.

When in a world of knights, witches and magic there are ALWAYS mercenaries around and some guilds.

So you're a filthy peasant in Lugnica shithole. Who will decerve your vote?

>"Lick my ass, trash."
>"Hello, slaves."
>"Remove the Dragon! Break the wheel!"
>"I'm not witch. I swear \(´・ω・`)/"
>running away while you can

Choose wisely, peasant-kun

It's funny how you cannot fuck any girl in Re:zero.

user think about it.

If someone is EXTREMELY pathetic would you even consider helping them? I definitely wouldn't.

Shes just a shit character created to show how superior and for easier self inserting for main harem cast.just deal with it.

Better Crusch 'nuh uh you didn't specifically say 'emilia' Karsten

Nothing happens: The episode.

Here's a good test for future vision.
Someone tells you they have future vision. Right there, you decide to put five apples on your windowsill tomorrow morning. Then you ask them what'll be on your windowsill.
Subaru will always fail this because if he can't come up with 'five apples,' he's already proven himself a liar and there is no need to put five apples there. It's not info he can learn by returning by death.

Meant to

Felt looks like fun.

Reinhardt is great and Julius was great as well, even if Subaru didn't recognise the favour he did for him.

I want to feed this thing

E m i l i a

Can she move checkpoints backwards?

You know thats not really an excuse when you are running for President, you know that right?

Reposting the brilliant analysis from last thread:

People underestimate how great this episode is. It was such a huge call out on Subaru's behavior.
This episode in context, actually cuts deep through Subaru's persona like butter.

>Haven't I already told you Natsuki Subaru? If your own lies do not convince you, they will not convince others.
>Because not once have you said you want to save Emilia.

Crusch spells it out for anyone still in fucking denial. Subaru doesn't do jack shit for anyone other than his own ego.

>What you just displayed was neither loyalty nor devotion. It was the dependency of a dog or the greed of a pig that knows only it's own desires!

Priscilla lays it all out. Subaru doesn't treat others as people. Only as objects of need or desire. And his inability to recognize the humanity others deserve makes him a beast himself.

And how does Subaru respond?

>Stuck up bitch forgot I saved her when we first met.

IN CASE ANYONE DOESNT STILL GET IT the narrative is drawing a parallel to every interaction and forming of relationships Subaru has had. It is a direct call back to both his rationalization that Emilia "owes him a debt she could never hope to repay" and a direct call back to him "rescuing" Rem, where afterwards him and Emilia discuss if he even saved her, or even was responsible for her harm in the first place.

>If you want to convince someone you are righteous, you need to show them something of merit. I see no such thing in you, Natsuki Subaru.

And Anastasia delivers the coup de grace for Subaru and the viewer. Subaru pretends he's the noble hero of a light novel or video game based on his own sense if self-righteousness. And the otaku viewer who has been self-inserting into Subaru this entire time, and probably sputtering outrage at these "bitches and whores who just don't understand what a Nice Guy Subaru is and how much he sacrifices for them" is left in a state of impotent rage like Subaru is.

It's a boy!

Nice Reddit post.

This came from reddit

Well Bruh,explain it as it only reveals in some occasions and rately.Done.

>He wouldn't do that because he doesn't understand how the power works
But he does.
>where the reset points are.
He doesn't need to know where they are to do what I'm proposing, broseph.
Put more thought into your responses, fag.

Join the Witch Cult, fuck people's shit up

Then why would i help another candidate?

Check m8.

It's all Emilia's problem. Her people, her land and her authority.

Post link

I usually don't agree with subaru but this ep I wanted to murder all these dumb bitches.They have no tact or empathy but Im sure it will be played of as a teachable moment

Why does Julius follow Anastasia?

He tells them that isn't how it work. All he has to do is predict things that would be unpredictable and then it'll be proof enough.

>It's all Emilia's problem
>Witch Cult
>Emilia's problem

expose this shit


He does not seem very changed.its his mid battle mode (like with the wolves) he could go back (he won't but he could) What is hilarious that all the other characters who claim to have insight are really autistic
maybe if it was attached to a better girl

I enjoy this show as it is fairly decent but the sudden influx of redditors really turns me away from these threads.

Now he's just admitted that his future sight is not reliable and has conditions. Now they ask about the conditions. Now he has to dance around himself not to fuck up and come up with a mechanics system for a consistently conditional but unreliable form of future vision.

I wonder how different it would be if there was a male royal candidate?

those points makes sense but it doesn't change the fact that this episode was hilariously rushed and felt incredibly underwhelming compared to the last one.
I'm just hoping that they won't fuck up episode 18.


Join the KKK in hopes of gaining Satella's favor

rem is too good for this world

Whos cult?

Why doesn't Subaru just ask the witch to show herself to him and explain shit since she's obviously constantly stalking him?

Sorry, cat.

They're going to her land and Emilia has to deal with them herself.

Again it's her own problem. You seem to not understand it works better for her if they raid emilia anyways.

You mean the same shit you've posted in the past 5 threads? Yeah we totally need that.

>Now he's just admitted that his future sight is not reliable and has conditions
No, he's just admitted that he can only see what he's already seen and has no direct control over it.
>Now they ask about the conditions.
There don't have to be any. This isn't like a light switch you flip on or off. They are visions.
Nigga you are dumb.


The episode was frustrating because of Subaru constantly getting bitchslapped by sociopaths but I wouldn't call it bad.