It's time.
It's time
We just had a thread
Looks like the cancerous daily thread forcer is back again.
>Forcing a daily thread yet again.
We just had a thread that ended in complaining and shitposting.
Please report, I'm sure it's the autist who claimed he would destroy the threads.
Every thread ends in shitposting because of the bizarre paranoia these threads have about themselves. In the last year or so about half the posts have been discussion, and about half have been complaints about the thread. If you don't have anything to discuss, just don't post and the thread will die once it falls off page ten. It's not hard. This is the way Sup Forums has operated since the day it began.
Stop bumping the thread you stupid fuck.
>Every thread ends in shitposting
That is untrue. Like I said, the thread on the 9th was fine.
>I'm sure it's the autist who claimed he would destroy the threads.
Yep, it's pretty obvious it's him now.
Ler the thread die or that retard will start his cancer again.
Season 3 never and I doubt Battery will be good enough to fill the baseball void. Why can't more sports series have this kind of relaxing pace and normal looking boys?
Fuck off daily cancer forcer
>Ler the thread die or that retard will start his cancer again.
It hilarious how he trying to force discussion now.
Ofurifags confirmed cancer.
there is a lot of manga material but they will never adapt it
fuck off
Ofurifags turned out to be cancer in the end.
Wow how desperate is the daily thread troll now to force the same discussion all again?
It's not like it sold poorly, you would think they'd consider more. Maybe even something to boost manga sales now that there's more out.
I show up when there's a thread, whiny bitches be damned. It's not like there is a strict schedule about when people can talk about homo. If you want to pretend to be a mod go ahead, but you're ruining your own threads.
You should stop assuming there a giant conspiracy to destoroy homo thread and more people who didn't care/didn't check the archive.
>Ofurifags confirmed cancer.
>Ofurifags turned out to be cancer in the end.
Sad. I though only Fangfags that are that awful.
Mods, we just had a thread, the same person that was creating daily threads is back again
How do you know it's the same person?
Then it's another troll doing the same thing. Both are cancer.
Suprise, it is autist-chan. Be sure to report and sage.
Fuck off cancerous newfag
>Suprise, it is autist-chan. Be sure to report and sage.
He really wants to ruin it by forcing daily threads.
I didn't expect Ofurifags to be cancerous too.
>I didn't expect Ofurifags to be cancerous too.
You sound retarded.
>I didn't expect Ofurifags to be cancerous too.
I feel really sad about this.
It's a Fangshitter pretending.
>It's a Fangshitter pretending.
I wouldn't be surprised about that.
It's just our local autist, stop giving it attention.
I'm actually really impressed. This level of trolling is pretty dedicated. We had that one guy who used to post that he hated us, and the occasional post but this obsession has ruined these threads more thoroughly than anyone else could have.
You think people who like a series are a part of a single hive mind or what?
Fuck off cancerous thread forcer.
>I didn't expect Ofurifags to be cancerous too.
It's that Fangfag from yesterday's thread.
How do you know it?
Don't give the troll any more attention. His only purpose is to ruin the threads and he will keep bumping this thread. Maybe he give up after three hours.
Stop replying.
Stop giving it attention. His samefags are easy to notice. Don't reply.
Redpill me on why it's bad to have a daily homo thread.
I hate cancerous newfags that try to fuck with the threads. Go back to tumblr and stop forcing generals.
Lurk more, newfag.
Because people like these get butthurt and sink their own threads.
Fangfags literally did nothing wrong.
What exactly is her endgame?
Triggering retards who haven't learned about hide threads functions?