Hey kids hop aboard my ship
I promise I won't rape you
Hey kids hop aboard my ship
I promise I won't rape you
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This is the third girl with blue hair and yellow ribbon I've seen today. are their more chicks with this style?
Yes. There are 3 other girls who look just like her.
Here's the cutest.
who are the other 2?
Don't know if brainwashed or just Koreans drawing shitty
Every thread until Dennisfag cards himself.
user, I....
If you could have any ARC-V character as a fuckbuddy, which one would you choose?
I still hate Dennis. Very much. He was truly garbage. If you feel guilty, suicide is the coward's way.
Rest in card, moron.
This episode has made my love for Sora bigger for turning good.
>It's a "Dennis kills himself and now we gotta put up with a shitty pirate" episode
Where are my Shunfags at?
But user, what if I'm a girl?
Dizzy Kiske and Mai Natsume. I was in an arc systme works thread and they came up
Don't compare this garbage with superior ZEXAL.
Did anyone an hero in Zexal?
Zexal's recurring cast wasn't really that big for how long it was. Especially if you consider the Numbers Club as just one big useless unit, since that's how they acted most of the time.
As if. We're in the 'lets pretend >half the cast doesn't exist' phase with a sprinkle of legacy character shilling.
Why did it take so long for this to come out? Hope this guy uploads more.
too soon ;-;
>Yuya mindbreaks everything with EGAO
>Yuzu is now Kotori 2.0 and Serena caught Yugo's stupid
>Yuri is still overhyped and not doing anything
>Ruri and Rin are memes
>Reiji is literally Misawa 2.0
>Lancers were a mistake with how much they suck
>Shun may as well be dead
>Kaito's stealing screen time like his dragon steals monsters
>Asuka is about as relevant as Ritual monsters
>Academia is a joke with their Commander and Soldiers being jobbers and Leo doesn't do anything
>Gon and Sawatari are still jobbers
>Nothing about Dragons or Bracelets.
>They brought back a fucking meme character when they're running out of episodes only to EGAO him and then have him fuck off.
Even Dennis killed himself after seeing how bad this show sucks.
Why are we still watching this trainwreck?
Cam ripping is harshly punished in nippon compared to other countries.
You know I'm really sick of you guys constantly complaining. Just accept the fact that Arc-V is flawed and not the perfect series you once thought it was and enjoy what little you have of it left. You're most likely not going to see these characters ever again since they're not Yugi or Kaiba so just watch with an open mind. I also think not having fucking generals 24/7 will help you keep your mind off of constantly trashing the show and you'll enjoy it more when the new episode airs. That's just my 2 cents since I only visit these threads when the new episode comes out.
Who made you king of the thread? I don't remember dueling you for that position.
Take your own advice and don't visit at all if the opinions posted are just too unbearable, even though Sup Forums is hyperbolic by nature. If people can't bring themselves to care much about certain characters, I don't see why they'd miss them. I also visit primarily on the weekends, and the reactions are about what I expect.
>Asuka: If you’re going to Duel, I’ll take you on.
>Dennis: A traitor like you should just back off.
Fucking gold. I wonder if they let Yoshida look at the script or something.
Ah yeah, Dennis, king of loyalty
stockholm syndrome and pic related
Because Dennis killed himself for it.
I love how they're cucking the only female legacy character from relevancy. YGO really has a thing against females kek.
I want to see what the fuck is with the Ruris and Yuus.
That's it.
I really like Yuya too
Women should just stay back and look pretty. Card games are a men's game and something only boys can understand.
But in the end he DID stay loyal, both to himself and to Academia. He said that Academia traitors should be carded and, lo and behold, an Academia traitor got carded.
so close user
>You're most likely not going to see these characters ever again
We barely see them in the actual show either way.
Holy Shit Shinji is such a faggot
serena a cute
Not sure if Traitor or just Yugo tier stupid.
He was the least flimsy named Academia character along with Yuri and Barret
I miss Sora and Reiji. At least Serena's back I guess
she's a traitor and stupid or just a trator
right,that's all from this drawfag for now
i'm gonna receed to lurking for a while but might ask for some more requests at another time
thanks a lot so far though
Have there been any comments from the nips on how good/bad the DSOD soundtrack is
you're a gift from god user thanks for your drawings so far.
Good job, you have not been a faggot.
>>Shun may as well be dead
The only positive thing
If Arc-V had its shit together Dennis killing himself would have meant something
Now it's really just a meme
I really don't think the crossover characters were a part of the original plans. The show was already really ambitious from the start. The crossover characters feel tacked on.
It's been out for almost 2 months now. You can listen to the whole thing.
What, are you saying that Kaito defeating Dennis for good and Kaito saving Ruri don't feel completely completely natural?
I had no idea, I guess I was under a rock
All they had to do was NOT say that you can come back after being carded just 2 episodes earlier and this would've meant something but Dennis death literally means nothing. Where's Kaz when you need him?
>Dennis's death literally means nothing
But especially with that knowledge his literal suicide attempt becomes even more grave. He knows that people can be uncarded so he tries to throw himself into the sea so that he can ACTUALLY die for good. Pretty dark stuff if you ask me.
Something just seems fishy with the uncarding thing. Leo said he would free everyone when the worlds are fused, but obviously since he's evil that's not going to happen. The show hasn't given is any indication anyone else has managed to find a way to do it themselves, so Leo is probably the only person capable. I'm probably overthinking it, but something about a main antagonist being the only person able to save thousands, even millions, doesn't make sense.
>but obviously since he's evil that's not going to happen
How do we even know that with how little he's gotten? Yugioh's not new to the whole misguided antagonist who's morally gray thing. Doing bad things for a greater good like his son isn't that big of a stretch. Godwin was ready to sacrifice the entire world, billions, if it meant a new world that was allowed to thrive without god dick-waving contests every 10k years.
Even if Leo can't uncard everyone, there'll just be a powerful reset button granted to someone who can, like Yuya.
Man read inbetween the lines, the cards are not used to detain people, they're used to power Leo's genocide machine
She was always a baka.
>giving the Ruris differently sized Ruris
>giving Ruri the biggest Ruris
Then again they don't even treat the Arc-V cast well so who knows. Only Yuya and Kaito are treated well by this show. I'll never not be mad about Xyz Dimension.
I want to be raped by this mannish girl
Waiting for him to save Kaito's ass.
Waiting for him to save the day with his Rank 12 Ruri Raptor.
Kurosaki got treated well before he got hit by a rock.
Shunfag here. Kaito can go get buttfucked by Diana for all I care.
>Why not Ruri?
You really want Ruri to have her Rise Falcon anywhere near him?
I seriously hope they both die
Which is a shame, because now Yuya is fucking annoying and Kaito is the new Crow, IN A SHOW WHICH FUCKING HAS CROW IN IT
Butthurt by a children's card game commercial
>I'll never not be mad about Xyz Dimension.
Academia was right, and Clover should've been decimated by the Tylers, not Spade.
where's muh masumi
I'm a Shunfag and a Kaitofag, and I'm not happy with how Kaito has Cipher Projection'd Shun's screentime.
Accel Synchro SOON.
>Kaito's stealing screen time like his dragon steals monsters
>Asuka is about as relevant as Ritual monsters
Hey fags, remember when Yugioh was good?
Deepest lore.
Why is Banana so phallic? I mean cool?
Exactly. I love both characters but fuck, Kaito is being treated like a God. He isn't even shilling many cards. He used 2 new ones this episode. Edo was the one shilling a ton of cards and he got treated like absolute shit.
Sure wasn't with your boring ass, that's for sure, Yusei.
Your file name is most definitely wrong but yes 5DS was the last time I genuinely enjoyed a YGO series from start to finish despite all the post-64 bullshit. I did enjoy Standard arc of Arc-V but its highs weren't as good as 5Ds. I'm just riding the show out to see how it ends and then quitting YGO for good just like I did after 5Ds ended. That goddamn movie got me back into all of this shit but thankfully I'll be able to see it and Arc-V end around the same time by Spring 2017.
Keep telling yourself that ARCfag. Your protagonist's a faggot.
Who wants BBT2?
All 5 protags in one big duel seems nice.
I don't want to see Yusei lumped with the likes of Yuma and Yuya.
Someone list the reasons why Yusei is awful
They'll probably give him some personality
Kattobingu vs egao?
There's no way Arc-V will get a movie with it ending soon, so it'll have to be the next series.
And a duel involving 6 protagonists would be too much of a clusterfuck.
What an over dramatic faggot looking forward to him being uncarded.
Yuya isn't popular enough... I think. Which is a shame.
This. It'll just end up as nostalgia favouring in the end, which is why we haven't gotten a legacy character vs legacy character yet.
He's popular enough for someone to come out of Arc-V.
Major shame. He has the best design yet.
That may be the "Ceremonial Duel" of this series, only due to Reiji being irrelevant and Yuzu being so far behind Yuya in terms of kayfabe power right now with no signs of getting better, and no other suitable opponents besides the other three Yus.
I did want to play Ciphers, they're releasing them even slower than they were Raid Raptors.
Also DN and YGOPro are kill.