How did you feel when the best girl returned and stomped the shit out of everyone?
How did you feel when the best girl returned and stomped the shit out of everyone?
Never finished it desu senpai.
Still havent read last volume. Seen chapters from it though. Maybe I should finish it finally.
>How did you feel when the best girl returned
because best girl died and not returned
Dat blush
>best girl
>Not Rafaela
Come on, son.
pyhrric victory.
I stopped disliking Claymore because of it. I still don't like it, but at least I don't dislike it.
As far as asspulls go, it was a good one. But
>Teresa before going into battle calls out each of Claire's team and gives them individual words of encouragement and thanks for being with Claire.
>Doesn't mention Tabitha, who's still cold on the ground after giving her last bit of strength to get a little more intel on Priscilla.
No one cared about Tabitha
I liked Tabitha, but she was the worst of the 7 ghosts.
Cynthia > Yuma > Helen > Miria > Deneve > Clare >> Tabitha.
>not acknowledging her as best gril
This user has excellent taste.
I would buy a spin-off Cynthia series so hard. She's too good for that world.
It was the only thing that redeemed the snorefest of a final boss that was Priscilla.
Can anyone spoil Claymore for me. I never finished it, I kinda lost interest after the Northern Battle and couldn't remember all the names.
How did Teresa come back? Was she really stronger than Priscilla?
Worth it.
I was waiting for her almost 4 years. but fuck, I wasn't that hyped
>author said she was too OP so he had to kill her earlier
>in the end had to resort to her to kill the big bad
What's the possibility that we will get a Claymore sequel with the unresolved stuff revealed?
Claire transformed into Teresa as her awakening since she was made into a Claymore using Teresa's head to begin with