You are granted the power to remove one anime from history. Which do you remove?
You are granted the power to remove one anime from history. Which do you remove?
Lucky Star since it invented moe
Your favorite anime.
Sword Art Online.
Schlocky nonsense that spawned tons of clones that replace the nonsense with being boring; even Danmachi with its OP MC falls into the sleeping pills category
The fate franchise
Just the anime? Mob Psycho 100.
The entire existence of a series? Boku no Meme Academia.
Objectively the correct answer.
Eva, just to see how much things change.
This, I like Lucky Star but the industry as a whole has been downhill since.
>I would never have gotten into writing if not for Eva
Have to respect it for that alone.
Angel Beats
Dragon Ball
aggreed, no eva would change the anime industry a lot, would be interesting to see
also would be intersting to see what would fill it's place
Code Geass. It try's to hard to be a copy of Death Note
Astro Boy.
junjou romantica
Fucking this.
No Dragon ball means no DBZ
No DBZ means this trend of 60000 episode animes where nothing ever happens never would have started.
Do DBZ mean no naruto, no bleach, no one piece.
The world would be so much better off.
yea because dragon ball is to blame for light novel garbage. Shut up
>people actually believe this
Apart from Mary Sue OP intelligent MCs, there are a ton of differences between Code Geass and Death Note.
Fist of the north star or Dragon Ball Z.
Would be interesting to see how the action shounen genre would develop without those.
dragon ball z because it invented anime and anime was a mistake
you're waifus anime
And then I replace it with a more vanilla theme, maybe like Fate, and make happy end
I wouldn't say a lot of differences but if you look at the two anime's side by side it just about the same set up.
>Lucky Star
>invented moe
It only made it main stream view of what anime is when people heard of it. Before that, people think of Dragonball, Sailor Moon, Big O, and even Cowboy Bebop when they thought about anime. Lucky Star is only guilty of being cancer because it attracted cancer.
Boku no Pico, just to spite Sup Forums
Whatever the first Jojo anime was.
Whatever is responsible for all the high school magic battle shit.
Melancholy of Haruhi Suzimiya. I'm sure there are worse anime out there, but none with a titular character I've felt such irrational hatred towards.
Spirited Away
delete all anime
Kiniro mosaic
Difficult choice between these two.
I would probably pick Dragon Ball though.
Out of curiosity, what have you got against Dragonball? Is it because its probably the biggest gateway for newbies?
Bakemonogatari or Madoka
it's a tough choice
Dragon Ball was actually awesome.
Dragon Ball Z and its anime adaption is a fucking blight on television.
I agree with you about Dragonball, it had a lot of charm that Z just wasn't able to capture, one of the reasons why GT was so bad was because it tried to bring back the things that made Dragonball so good but it just doesn't work after Z.
I wouldn't say Z was terrible, it had some really good moments, theres a reason why a lot of Shonen use similar plots and devices that it created. In saying that, it is full of flaws, the Abridged Series does a good job at making a joke about them.
Eva, to agree with the above posters reasons.
Lelouch loses far too many times to be a Mary Sue
Fairy tail, it shows new fags that garbage is tolerable.
>I don't like popular things
That said, whichever anime I have to erase to stop this trend of light novel adaptations.
Madoka. Maybe then Sup Forums will be how it used to before the "deconstruction" came to pass.
the 2016 Berserk anime
Not Nichijou.
Just Yukko.
Something that wouldn't affect the industry that I love. Yamato something something or Ideon, nobody will care about obscure mecha shows.
Sao why to save anime.
Madoka Magica
Lots of cancerous tropes that infested anime for years would *poof* away...
No... it just popularized the concept, but it was just a thing in the otaku community.
You're not getting at the root of the problem. SAO is bad, but it's a descendant of a long line of anime, that really, probably, starts with .hack
Lots of people seem to think that deleting the root anime of a genre they don't like would make that genre not happen, it doesn't work that way. If Lucky Star didn't come out, anime would've still descended into CGDCT, because it sells. What would've happened is Lucky Star would've never come out, that's it.
That's why I would like to delete Kampfer, most shows that I watch that I didn't like I typically forget about after a season or so, but this fucking shit was so bad it actually stuck with me. Even now, 7 fucking years later I still think that this shit was the worst. It took every harem and ecchi trope that's terrible and packed them into a fucking series with some of the most QUALITY art and animation I've ever seen. Show had 0 redeeming qualities.
Probably NGE just so the edge lords have nothing to cling to.
All of them.