How much anime have you watched today?
How much anime have you watched today?
None yet, might load up something off my backlog later though.
None, but thats because its just past midnight.
Watched 5-6 episodes yesterday though and gonna keep going now.
I finished GTO, pretty funny but gets a little boring if you marathon and see how formulaic it is.
Driver's High>2nd op
None. Still need to finish Nozaki-kun and I'm about to drop my NGE rewatch because its fucking boring.
I've been reading a lot of manga though
Just another episode of Zan SZS, getting through it slowly as it's the last season.
2 episodes. I remember when I could sit through a one cour anime without tabbing out to Sup Forums.
>5 months without watching any anime
I just checked my folder properties and apparently I've been putting the first season of Sailor Moon on and off for nearly a year now. I'm just at the Youma arc when it gets incredibly interesting.
4 episodes of Dragon Ball. Just got to Tao Pai Pai.
I haven't watched anime in months. I just can't leave this fucking place.
>gets a little boring
None because my hotel has shitty wifi. Tomorrow I'll catch up when I get back home.
Re:Zero, episode 18-21 of higurashi no naku koro ni kira (it's ok, but I'm the type that tries to suffer threw it and finish is) Not sue what to watch next? I'm open to suggestions, I'll watch almost anything.
Filthy streamer
I haven't watched anime in 2 years because I dont know what's even good anymore.
What kind of shitty hotel are you staying in? I've been able to get a 20GB or 30GB anime before while staying in one.
Nigga just watch something
I dunno what to watch
4 episodes of Honey & Clover, 3rd episode of Orange, and about to watch the 3rd episode of Days.
Are there any anime you haven't seen?
Like I said, haven't seen anything in the last 2 years. I dunno what's good right now. I may watch Re Code or whatever it's called
Episode 16 of Re;Zero. Don't like how each episode is 24 mins though so I might drop it until everything finishes
You won't know what's good until you start watching it
I finished playing oblivion and now feel like shit because skyrim is next. All I want to do now is just shitpost.
Two episodes. They take me one hour each because I keep pausing to look at details or appreciate the delivery of certain lines/animation better.
None yet, because Sundays are for Dwarf Fortress. I read manga ( in Japanese!) for a couple of hours, though.
3 animes
I'm at a casino that has free wifi.
I see Gamblor has taken another one in his neon claws.
None, I spent the day watching Spencer Tracy's films
Katherine Hepburn is hot
none, my internet is about to be cut and I have been full NEET status for the last couple of months, probably gonna an hero
So you want to watch it all at once? I see your reason but it would be hard to come on Sup Forums and not get spoiled with the amount of threads.
8 episodes, about to watch active raid.
Scrounge up enough dosh for a trip to nippon. Max out a credit card. Might as well spend a night in Akiba before you throw yourself in front of an authentic Japanese truck.
I watched all of ReLife and todays episode of Re:Zero
>want to watch anime but also want to play video games
I just watched the whole tourny arc in dragon ball super. God DBZ sucks now.
I haven't watched shit since two months
RE:zero ep 16, about to start an episode o CCP Sakura (I'm rewatching because of the new series) and I'm considering starting S2 of Natsume Yuujinchou since I'm only watching like 2 shows from this season.
I just drove 12 hours to Wyoming for work.
>tfw watching anime in the mountains
About 7 episodes of different series off my backlog, god I want to marathon the shit out of Twelve Kingdoms but I'm limiting myself to one or two eps a day.
I just woke up so none.
About 8 hours so far, today was my day off, normally around 6 per work day 12 on the weekend.
Nice blog
8 today, 8 yesterday, 8 tomorrow
Congratulations! You're free.