The video game Wolfenstein II, the latest iteration of an exercise in killing virtual Nazis...

>The video game Wolfenstein II, the latest iteration of an exercise in killing virtual Nazis, has angered Nazis with an online presence because it is about... killing Nazis.
lol. are you guys offended?

Other urls found in this thread:


I bought it and haven't advanced (((their))) storyline at all. Just LARPing as a regular citizen in the perfection of this Nazi paradise. If only we hadn't chosen the wrong side....

Good bait to weed out the nazi sympathizers.

We need to get rid of this poisonous ideology.

This, and I say this as a white male.

Women now have equal opportunities, and do you know what? They're starting to out smart boys in school, look it up.

Meanwhile, the pathetic conservative HATES this as it diddles his fragile masculinity. Men are just jealous of women, and it just shows how they get all worried over her sexual experience. It intimidates men.

Meanwhile I live a laid back life

>Be me
>Canadian white male
>my doctor is Indian
>my nurse is Jamaican
>my boss is Spanish
>my car is German
>by favourite anime is Japanese
>my president is a typical dumb white American and republican male
>my shop clerk is Turkish
>my favourite food is Thai
>my favourite genre of music is Korean (kpop)
>my favourite coffee at Starbucks is Mexican
>my favourite beer is Cambodian
>my favourite politics is Russian ((((Marxism))) Leninism)
>my favourite tobacco is Cuban
>my favourite male pornhub star is Nigerian
>my favourite female pornhub star is Norwegian
>my avocado is Congolese
>my toast (bread) is French
>my favourite economic union is Belgian (EU)
>my wife is Colombian
>her son is half Muslim
>our adopted kids are Chinese
>my favourite language Danish
>my favourite clothing is Italian
>my favourite nation is Sweden

I have a diverse life with connections

And there's (You). You, being a backward and monoculture retard who faps over Mosley, Hitler, Mussolini, Drimpf, Cesar, Powell, and Farage, because you want these daddies to deport all non white people and opress your women. You're fucking sick, and you don't know what you're missing out on. You believe in backwards fascist conservatism, and you hate Muslims, women and LGBTQHTINS+ because they're happy, in the current year, and you live with backwards conservative and right wing ideals.

I'd hate to be a conservative fascist like you.

buy the game then.

no real people will but it knowingly.

so that's good.

>just because someone is against sjw bullshit, they are a nazi
They just don't learn.

>no real people will but it knowingly
no im sure itll be successful

No one's offended, they're just using this to advertise they're game

I'm more American than you faggot.

I'm so offended that I wont be buying (((their))) game. Just like I wont be buying CoD altWW2 and didn't buy Niggerfield 1.

droves of people to redpill, good.

you are born with the bluepill and you seem to cling to it.

gl with that

I actually thought the advertising for it was clever, little TV spots showing old TV shows and comics but alernate reality Nazi style. I wasn't a big fan of the other Wolfenstein though.

>Nazi LARPer
>real american
I remember high school, you'll grow out of this. Its just a phase


Are you people illiterate? Do you even read the tweets they've posted? They don't even talk about Nazis.


you do that fagflag

>swede flag

i love how easy is triggered a Sup Forumstard

Nope, I'm not a nazi.


being a swede is not a choice


Your statement is contradictory.


hungary is based

who cares, modern wolfenstein games are shit

Noone seems triggered to me

it is if you are a somali


why are bait posters so politically uneducated?

Leftists don't play FPS. Wolfenstein is going to sink.

> Have kids and their not even yours
Might as well get the rope

Do they censor the imagery in Wolfenstein in Germany? I'm curious because I know they censor other games like "I have no mouth and I must scream" (removed an entire chapter, made the game unable to be finished) and I think the Civilization game where they darkened the leaders background.

So basically this tweet to me read as.

>Our game sucks
>We have no real selling point other than the same old tripe shit about killing Nazi
>Lets falseflag an outrage to get free publicity for our garbage game.

Something isn't adding up

Yes, always have

more more

>Canadian white male
>my nurse is Jamaican
>my shop clerk is Turkish
t*rks are absolutely subhuman roaches, the only quality they have is cutting hair.
>my favourite genre of music is Korean (kpop)
> is that way subhuman
>my favourite coffee at Starbucks is Mexican
What the fuck am I reading
>my favourite beer is Cambodian
Asians beers are fucking naff, are you high on some stuff?
>my favourite politics is Russian ((((Marxism))) Leninism)
Marx isn't Russian you subhuman
>my favourite tobacco is Cuban
Also illegal
>my favourite male pornhub star is Nigerian
Are you a fag or do you actually think sheboons are attractive?
>my avocado is Congolese

okay I'm not replying anymore to that shit, here's your well deserved (you) for making me lol


Yes, absolutely no swastikas or other iconography very directly associated with Nazis

Is this (((((game))))) using denuvo? If not I will pirate it to see just how pozed it is

>Men are just jealous of women


I live a pretty diverse lifestyle and don't hate anyone, doesn't mean I want to throw my country into the trash so no one has their feelings hurt. Lets be real here, nazi is just the new buzzword lefties use. It was "ignorant" 10 or so years ago, then it became"bigot" not long after, then it moved onto "racist" and now that it no longer has an effect any well adjusted person is called a "nazi". The left can suck a dick, what are they going to call me once I embrace being called a nazi?

They'll call you a nigger.

Uhhh, the original Wolfenstein was about killing Nazis.

It's honestly pretty great that there's actually opposition to just a dumbfuck arcade shooter because the opposition in the games are nazi's.
Not really any negative way to look at this, a decade ago there would not have been anybody complaining.

Pretty great stuff honestly.

Fuck, that's the plan they had all along. If we are all niggers then no one is a nigger.

Any proof it 'angered nazis' or is it just the fake news media making shit up yet again?


yeah it is kind of amazing. nazis were basically interchangeable with zombies as video game villains up until 2016

>my favourite economic union is Belgian (EU)

lol what the fuck

Being non-white in America is un-American

I'm offended by the cringe mary-sue characters and samey boring shooter gameplay

didnt ruskies crack denuvo?

a non american deciding what is or isnt american is the most unamerican thing ive seen yet

>I bought it
good goy

Even Sup Forums has to respect the fantastic timing of this game.

Let's dig a little deeper into the story...

>In 1961, After his fight with Wilhelm "Deathshead" Strasse, William J. Blazkowicz is severely injured and resting at Eva's Hammer, the U-Boat that BJ had stolen for the Kreisau Circle. After he awakes in initially rather poor condition, soon recovering as he continues the fight against the Nazis to ignite the second American Revolution. For this goal, he must regroup with a local resistance group and fight the Nazis in iconic American locations while using technological weapons such as the LaserKraftWerk and Dieselkraftwerk to reawaken the sleeping giant that gained independence in 1776.

So you're literally killing Americans because of their political position. I thought there would be some spin on it, but from the plot line it seems that Nazi's have infiltrated the political system and are trying to cause a revolution.

Hold on, that sounds exactly like what ANTIFA is currently doing.

No probably it's just you who will be a nigger.

Horst Wessel plays.....

yeah Bethesda is going to lose a lot of sails for going political for sales. Fuck off Bethesda and OP is cancer


Can we get a game where you kill kikes and sjw?

>everyone who doesn't like killing people for their political beliefs is a nazi
You fags realize America is National Socialist right?
>republicunt- Nationalist
>demonrat- Socialist
2 party system, end result: National Socialist.

The irony is that actual Nazis are on the rise and I hate you faggots.

But you gotta give (((them))) some credit; this is some bald faced brain washing.

Actually yes, swj don't play videogames and gamers are not sjw en masse.

fucking pathetic. The guys who made this genre were high IQ white male Western military/death/bomb making fetishists. The whole genre descends from that and its modernized permutations are deformed byproducts that will never escape the original motivations and viewpoints that enabled this medium to become as popular as it currently is.

they are parasites and fair weather travelers with weak spines and misguided concepts of what is 'right' and how to purvey it.

That's ok, I'll just pirate it.

That game was called WW II

The irony is ANTIFA have become fascists who violently appose the constitution and white have allowed themselves into being forced to show no pride in their race because an foreign enemy who we fought and defeated decided to stand behind his race.

At my work we have "Pride" groups for every race besides white. I am being discriminated against daily because of my privileged, and I get paid less than my peers because I do not participate in their racist diversity groups.

>buying a game

fags are anti-american.

kill them all.

>criticizing non americans
>meme flag

Show us your flag faggot

Why would you want to play it in the first place, you fucking cuck?

>her son is half Muslim
>her son

explain the genres original motivations then.
genuinely curious


If you buy a game made by people who are trying to genocide you, you deserve to be genocided.

>Get game
>Mod skins/audio
What's not to love?

Your effectively stealing from them. Why wouldn't you want to steal from these "game developers"

lol I will never buy another wolfenstein game, or bethesda/machine game ever again. Fallout is shit now anyway, I'm done with this shit.

This is really ironic because wolfenstein has always been popular with actual neonazis

Well in the case of Wolfenstein it was made by closet naziphiles.

We need Gamergate 2....only this time with more Fascism and less Cuckery

Yeah sure you did faggot

>having a favorite male pornstar

Found the poor faggot living on welfare and food stamps

I am not joking
You're probably on a list
White people arent going to just lay down and take it forever
And people like you
dumbasses with no clue
That gloat over the situation
You're in for a treat

I'm going to fucking murder you subhuman niggers when the time comes.

I'm going to laugh my ass off when Jamal hangs from his gangly nigger neck and then I'm going to raise a mighty salute when we nuke our beta cuck faggotry to the north.

Wolfenstein new order was good, I'm gonna play this one when it's like 30 dollars or something, chumps buy new releases

I hope you're only pretending to be retarded.

the game is probably going to be pretty ok like the last game, but its these fuckin marketing people who ruins these games.
Just look at these titles from bethesa united cuckdom

Because it's a fun game?
The game looks great, I just don't want to financially support a company that politicizes its products.
I'm fine with killing """Nazis""", because these are exaggerated and comical depictions of Nazis. If you actually identify with their portrayal in the game then you're probably a fashy natsoc pede faggot who owns a Kekistan flag and needs to kill himself immediately.
"Nazi" these days means anyone who drifts even remotely right of wanting to perform sex changes on infants and let illegal immigrants vote, and I don't appreciate Bethesda essentially saying that it wants to murder half of the population.

>current year
There's no angered Nazis, there are angry anti-SJWs/Trump supporters for being called Nazis for the 25,000,000th time.

stop giving Jews money you idiot

>wolfenstein came out in 2017

using politics to advertise your product is and has always been unaccaptable.

You're an utter faggot.

Maybe you could make a kike-kill game if you were to work in a muslim country, take your chances!

What makes you think that? And also it's not that big of a deal, people already hated Nazis,

Nice pasta faggot.

shills are getting lazy these days. try harder

So you're actually so retarded that you can't see the propaganda behind making cartoony exaggerations of nazis?
All villains used in propaganda are exaggerated caicatures, but they're still supposed to represent their real life counterpart, you absolute fucking moron.
Would you be fine playing as a black guy genociding white people, as long as the white people are portrayed as evil caicatures?

You really are a next level cuck.

>lol this makes you angry huh
>lol they angry

k, dont care about a videogame im not gonna buy. especially not with that much virtue signalling before its even out

Compared to RTCW, the New Order was so bland and uninspiringly dull.

>he wastes his time on the video jew
Always remember, the only thing you will NEVER get back is that time.

totally agree.