Prove to Sup Forums that your're a real human bean!
How do i get rid of this shitty captcha again?
I remember some fag saying wiping the cache would just make it go green straight away but don't work.
Sup Forums pass goy
Does this look like a human to you?
But I am cute little robot
Sometimes it happens for me without it. Sometimes not.
That doesn't seem sensible since i get banned for some retarded reasons over someone else in the area uploading CP and thus getting a range ban like every month.
Ignore the subject field. I have no idea how that got there. I only noticed after posting.
Why would anyone admit to or even want to be a meatbag?
Plastic and metal is the future, organics are living on borrowed time.
Go FUCKING SETTINGS change to LEGACY CAPTCHA type in FUCKING ADDRESSES for the rest of your life
Better than clicking on stop signs and food imo
This is now an age thread.
This is now an age thread. I'm 67
>Better than clicking on stop signs and food imo
Easier to just hit 3 numbers on the numberpad than 5 numbers for legacy captcha.
Mira a qt
Why does my captcha keep disappearing?
I'm on a laptop atm, can you actually do this though?
I forgot how old I am
With Sup Forums x at least. The ones that are 5x5 fug up a bit though.