I want to fuck a 12 year old princess
Alderamin on the Sky
they're rushing it so fucking much
She wants it so bad
Alderamin sounds like some kind of vitamin supplement or haemorrhoids medication or something like that.
>12 year old princess
Picked up.
2 cours please
Does Ikta ever stop sperging out? I get that he has legitimate reasons to be pissed, but you can be pissed without threatening to kill a nation's princess.
She ruined his life
He doesnt give a shit
she destroyed everything he spent his life building for his future, and made him the very things he never wanted to be
those are good reasons to be pissed forever
Like I said, I get that. But if this wasn't an anime he would have been killed then and there for acting like he does.
Manga any good?
Are the translators active?
I want to fuck swordgirl. She is sexiness incarnate.
yes.. translator is up to date by one time scan.
he basically became a slave because he saved someone
>You saved my daughter, I will grant you anything you desire.
>You will all become knights now
he must love his daughter,, sadly later princess will slaughter him during sleep in vol 7.
Poor soul, you don't know that
Yatori is ded
The manga is good, but that's, like, my opinion. I don't know the LN, and I don't plan to read it, as I hate LNs for it is an insanely bad medium and form of literature.
Also, the chara design is much better, I don't even know what the anime's staff thought when they came up with theirs.
what rushing? that scene is after army practice arc basically later in episode 5.
I know. I would also fuck her when she was full of holes.
Manga skip a lot from Light Novel..
I wasn't talking about that specific scene, but as a general matter. Typically, in episode 2, that confrontation in the camp at the border has been cut so much that it sounds even more as a forced asspull than it was in the manga, or that scene where Solork is thrwoing a trantrum at the general has been cut so hard that you can't grasp anymore how rotten the empire is or the anger that drives Solork and the Princess, despite this anger being a fundation of their characters and what drives them.
this show is so fucking shit
why did I waste 20minutes of my life on the first episode
>you can't grasp anymore how rotten the empire is or the anger that drives Solork and the Princess
Speak for yourself. I don't need to be spoonfed incredibly obvious backstories every time, and it was perfectly clear that the empire was knowingly throwing that army into a meat grinder, because the characters said so. If the empire is so corrupted or tyrannical it should become apparent as things develop, not because of some info-dump at the beginning of the story.
I'm just watching the anime by the way and have no interest in reading the manga or the LN. I'll avoid all the threads from now on though, since LN readers apparently hate themselves and love nothing more than to do a disservice to the stories they wasted all their time reading by cheapening them reducing them to a bunch of spoilers on a messageboard.