Hunter X Hunter

Is Gon gay for Killua?

No but op is a faggot

Sorry my question was for fans of Hunter X Hunter only

I am a HUMUNGOUS fan of hxh. I just can't fucking stand the doujin. It's gross

You're not a real fan of HXH if you haven't jacked off to Killua being raped by Ikalgo and Meleoron at least once

Your not a true hxh fan if you praise the chimera any arc as the best story ever written (actually the entire series), created fan stories, called other anime shit in comparison, and always stayed optomistic whenever it went on hiatus (like now)

HXH is actually the best manga ever written 2bh my dude

Fuck Ye. But I like more stuff to. (Been Very Interested in mob psycho 100 and big-0. Also like Fmab, anything by Atsushi ohkubo, hellsing, flcl, lain, ect.


Save us manga dumpfag.

post gender bender Pitou

No but I am

here, friend.

a penis? That's just regular pitou.

That can't be regular Pitou because my penis isn't inside her vagina.


FULL METAL ALCHEMIST is best manga ever. HxH is 2nd and Naruto is 3rded.

I feel like it could someday be the best manga created if Faggoshi would just nut the fuck, hire help, and stick to story boarding and writing. As it stands now its only a great series.

What if yourubbed one out to Hisoka raping Gon does that make you a real fan and/or faggot?

FMA hasn't pushed pass safe zone territory since Hugh's death, you can do better than this.

Hugh's death is extremely overrated. It meant literally nothing to me.

Welcome to the club

My reaction was 'ain't that some shit.' but then again it was back in the day when FMA had the 'noone is safe, anyone could die' air around it.

Just marathoned the 2011 anime. Not entirely sure I like the changes, but seeing the fights animated was nice.

Are the movies worth watching? Or are they crap?


Phantom Rogue was shit and Last Mission was even more shit.

Phantom Rogue pure garbage but has just enough pandering that you won't hate it, while Last Mission is unforgivable and anger inducing.

I'll skip them then, thanks.

Now to wait a few years for the hiatus to end.