No Shipping war
Bleach wil End in Less Than 10 Weeks
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>10 weeks
Why cant it be fucking sooner?
Also IchiRuki true end.
>No shipping war
That's right. fpbp already said what had to be said about shipping.
Should have ended with Deicide.
So what will the butthurt be if IchiOri occurs?
Remember when all the NaruSaku shippers got BTFO.
Wonder if it will really going to end or is it going to be like naruto's "ending" of the manga?
>It still won't most certainly end with "Deicide"
If Orihime wins I'll literally eat my shit. It's not going to happen.
Thank fucking God show shit
Why two threads? Regardless, they need a fluffy Sajin.
>So what will the butthurt be if IchiOri occurs?
Kubo will give us one last ruse cruise. Expect IchiOri. Hope for IchiRuki.
Dont know, even if Naruto is big 3 garbage, i was a Hinatafag.
Im Rukiafag in this other big 3 garbage.
Anyway, get ready for "The End" until the end.
Hoping for IchiAizen personally.
>the anime will never be concluded a la Inuyasha: The Final Act
>the last scene will not be a quick pan to the sky as the first opening plays
It has the potential to eclipse the NaruSaku butthurt. Everyone that IchiRuki/Rukiafags picked fights with over the years would probably come back just to laugh at them.
There are so many more IchiRuki fans than there were NaruSaku. Metric tons more.
The butthurt will be really severe. I imagine that japs would even be pissed about it.
Finally. I stopped reading this shit when Ichigo was found flat on the ground after being missing in action for who knows how long.
I can't wait. Jesus fucking christ I've been forcing myself to read this for 6 years now.
I would be butthurt but I honestly wouldn't care for too long. Stopped giving two fucks about Ichiruki for some time now. I will say that my interest in Bleach would rejuvenate if it does happen though. Similar thing happened to Naruto, I had dropped it years ago but knowing Naruhina became cannon made me go back and read/watch everything again. I'm not touching the Boruto shit.
Probably, but the meltdown would be comedy gold to watch. Especially since nip IchiRuki fans are as insane as hardcore idolfags.
>Ichihime becoming canon would cause a massive outcry
I'm favorable to Ichiruki but I also kind of want to see this hapenning
I hope the fans don't kill kubo.
I unironically like him. His trolling isn't as good as some others but he is definitely at the top when it comes to shonen.
Ichiruki is A LOT more popular than narusaku. With narusaku and naruhina, it seemed like 50/50 in both the East and West, but with ichiruki/ichihime its like 95/5. A lot of IRs don't even like to admit that Ichigo and Orihime are friends-the massive outcry over ichihime becoming canon would be on a whole diffferent level. Probably the worst in shounen pairing history to be honest.
No, Ichigo's hollow side is fused to his shinigami powers. The fact that Zangetsu still exists speaks to Ichigo's benefit. It means that he did not lose all his quincy powers and definitely not all his hollow powers. Yhwach took Ichigo's original quincy powers that he had inherited from Masaki which were tainted by white. White then left those quincy powers and instead latched onto his shinigami powers, becoming Zangetsu.
If we get an OVA or whatever for the Thousand Year Blood War, they'd better bring back Sagisu to do another amazing score.
>No shipping war
You just made me remember last week a couple of analblasted Orihimefags from here tried to "raid" the 2ch Bleach thread just because the Japanese fans were dissing Orihime.
So you're correct, IchiRuki is more popular in the East and West. And most Japanese just love Rukia.
>You just made me remember last week a couple of analblasted Orihimefags from here tried to "raid" the 2ch Bleach thread just because the Japanese fans were dissing Orihime.
You do realize that most of those people were just reverse trolling, right? Or are you that retarded?
That...sounds hilarious.
In the worst way. But all the same, hilarious.
It was regular trolling/shitposting. Admittedly, they were probably not sincere Orihime fans.
>most Japanese just love Rukia.
No wonder Japan hate us
what is this picture trying to say?
Rukia got rank #1 in the polls here
>most Japanese just love Rukia.
The other user was probably talking about female characters. Overall the most popular characters are most likely toshiro/rukia/byakuya/ichigo/uryu, and maybe grimmjow.
If I were Kubo, I'd up my house security.
Maybe hire a bodyguard or two.
Fuck off ESL fag.
He's just being retarded.
He's been getting death threats for what, ten years now? He'll be fine.
I stopped reading around the time Aizen cam back Is the manga still a clusterfuck or has the quality started improving?
Still a clusterfuck.
Naruhina a shit.
>So what will the butthurt be if IchiOri occurs?
NS and SNS fags butthurt combined, with a little of SS post gaiden anal devastation
People underestimate how popular IR is and how demented its fanbase is
>NS and SNS fags butthurt combined
Basically. The devastation would be like no other.
I can't fucking wait. It'll only be a few more weeks.
What these shippers don't realize is that Bleach will end with neither of them together. Tite Kubo has previously said that he doesn't want romance in Bleach. If he were to put Ichigo with either Orihime or Rukia, he'd just piss off half of his fanbase. He won't do it.
>expecting Kubo to deliver
He'll make IchiRuki canon or leave it wide open and the shitstorm will be tragically small.
>toshiro/rukia/byakuya/ichigo/uryu, and maybe grimmjow.
Well, that is how the last major character poll went...though I don't think Uryu was there?
Who knows how the chips would fall if they did one today though.
>Tite Kubo has previously said that he doesn't want romance in Bleach.
He actually said that he doesn't want to focus too much on it because more important things are going on, but it is one of the themes in the series. Despite ichihime and orihime being hated in both the east and west, he developed her feelings into love and still likes to remind us that she's still very much in love with ichigo.
>He'll make IchiRuki canon
Keep telling yourself that. I'm sure it helps you sleep just fine.
This is the latest popularity poll. It's two years old.
Big deal. Her crush has been used solely for comic relief in the current arc. Ichigo's not going to just develop feelings for her out of nowhere in the final chapter when it could have been developed in the entire rest of the story.
I don't see a popularity poll anywhere...just some avatars, wallpapers and advertisements.
It is going to be great when IchiRuki get BTFO. This cancerous fanbase and MUH PARALLELS is literally NaruSaku 2.0. The anal devastation is so rightly deserved from all their shitposting, and ship faggotry. IchiRuki is not a thing.
Like Tite Kubo would chose something so obvious and blatantly unpopular as to put Ichigo with Orihime. The "relationship" between Ichigo and Orihime is completely constructed and shoved into the plot, not unlike Sakura and Sasuke's "relationship" in the Naruto Gaiden.
Ichigo and Rukia's relationship is entirely organic and needs no cheesy plot elements to awkwardly shove them together like a child making two action figures kiss.
man, your meltdown is going to be a sight to behold
>he'd just piss off half of his fanbase
No, you misunderstand. Half is overvaluing the Orihime side by a lot.
I know, just look at this post. I honestly can't fucking wait.
You're going to feel really, really stupid my friend. IchiHime is so vastly unpopular in both the west and Japan. Ichigo and Rukia have been destined to be together since the beginning of the series. Do you really think Kubo would chose something so blatantly unpopular and obvious? The entire series started with Ichigo and Rukia, and is founded upon it,
>Her crush has been used solely for comic relief in the current arc.
This delusion is literally unreal.
>mfw Bleach is actually ending
And I still remember the HM arc threads, time sure flies.
I would normally agree. But wasn't the Naruto and Hinata thing kind of similar?
I don't really remember but it felt the same way, then they went and made material after the mainline story to tell how they fell in love.
>Do you really think Kubo would chose something so blatantly unpopular and obvious?
Do you really think Kubo gives a fuck? He obviously knows how hated orihime and ichihime are yet still developed her feelings into love when it would've done him A LOT of good to get rid of them or have her fall for someone else.
The order of the pictures is the order of the most popular characters.
Ichigo and Rukia are 1 and 2 respectively.
>Ichigo and Rukia have been destined to be together since the beginning of the series
no they haven't
IchiHime has literally nothing but shitposts and empty taunts. Their only hope is Kubo making nothing canon so that they can claim that Orihime's one-sided feelings "win".
Irreplaceable Nakama.
Both trash.
Kon-sama is the only one that understands Ichigo the best.
That arc was long as fuck. I seriously cannot believe how many years have passed since then.
I don't like these realizations user.
>IchiHime is so vastly unpopular in both the west and Japan.
>dictating ships in a dying manga
Delusional IchiHime shitposters once again accuse other people of being as awful and cancerous as they are.
Wait, so Orihime is third? That can't possibly be right.
>He obviously knows how hated orihime and ichihime are yet still developed her feelings into love when it would've done him A LOT of good to get rid of them or have her fall for someone else.
He can't do that, you twit. Everyone in the cast is slobbering all over Ichigo's cock; his number one fangirl can't suddenly stop being attracted to him!
Oh hey, look't that, shipshitposting time already!
Gee! It's almost like Kubo doesn't give one single fuck about this shipping crap, and is developing Orihime as a character regardless!
He's not wrong. I'd post that one pic of him feeling up Chad, but I don't think I ever saved it...
>The entire series started with Ichigo and Rukia, and is founded upon it,
Death and the Strawberry, and so on and so forth.
>Not Renji
Why I aughta...
Why do you guys always fall back to shipping? Why not just talk about all the cute girls in the series?
It's a well known fact that the editors always forced Kubo to make Rukia/Byakuya/Toshiro appear whenever the sales were falling.
Shit, Byakuya wasn't even allowed to die. I really believe that was the work of the editors telling Kubo that if he really killed him off that it wouldn't end well for him.
I kinda feel bad for the guy.
You understand now why Tite Kubo remove his tweeter account now.
IchiHime will be canon.
Because Kubo is known for giving two fucks about what his fanbase wants
He probably removed it because cancerous IchiHime whales were spamming him.
>Wait, so Orihime is third? That can't possibly be right.
The other user was wrong. We weren't told who got first/second/third etc. We just know that those ten characters are the most popular.
she is 10th
This is almost as fun as when Naruto ended. I really hope the shitstorm is even bigger regardless of who wins.
also Kubo pls give Chad a big win
More OrihimexRiruka yuri pls kthx
Do y'think if he'd actually been allowed to kill off Byakuya, Rukia would've dusted As Nodt without any intervention to snap her out of her panic?
>He's not wrong. I'd post that one pic of him feeling up Chad, but I don't think I ever saved it...
part 1
You really are terrible though fandom though. You're just blind to it from the hug boxing over the years. We've excepted it long time ago, just your delusions keep your from going from full insanity the moment your ship sinks.
you guys are fucking retarded
the Big pictures are the top 3. The other are from left to bottom from right to bottom
kill yourselves
It's not Yuri, it's just cute friendship. Orihime is not for lewd.
and part 2
Lol, no no no. You faggots bitch and moan about lack of Rukia in the last 5 months is probably what did him in. Like you keep proving your delusional cancerous fandom knows no bounds.
>no shipping war
>shippers still shitting up the thread
>the Big pictures are the top 3.
So ichigo got first, rukia got second, and toshiro got third. We just don't know about the others.
Is this your first bleach thread?
Putting that in the OP has been happening for years.
It's basically just an invite to start shipping shitposting.
>implying it wasn't because of obnoxious ichiruki and rukiafags
screencapping this
>the Ichigo/Orihime FC
>implying unconsensual rape is romantic
Alright so the ranking is...
>1. Ichigo
>2. Rukia
>3. Toshiro
>4. Yoruichi
>5. Kenpachi
>6. Yamamoto
>7. Yhwach
>8. Riruka
>9. Orihime
>10. Mayuri
>11. Aizen
>12. Kon
If you're going to funpost at least post the Webm.
>draw an almost kiss
>make Ichigo's nose gigantic