Why didn't Homura wish to revive Madoka? Would have been better than repeatedly going back in time only to fail.
Why didn't Homura wish to revive Madoka? Would have been better than repeatedly going back in time only to fail
Probably wouldn't. It does seem like the more obvious wish to make though.
She wished to be someone who could protect Madoka. And it would not have been better, because then the Incubators win because Rebellion never happens.
Madoka wasn't the only one who died that day, so just reviving Madoka wouldn't really fix things the same way as redoing everything would.
Also, Homura clearly didn't foresee that she would be stuck in a time loop.
Because it's literally impossible to wish a proper wish under duress and the show shows this numerous of times when Kyubey usually comes to the girls when they aren't in a position to think clearly, from either being in an emotionally violate state (from grief or desperation) or they simply don't have the capacity to understand what they were trading for.
Plus, reviving someone is probably extremely difficult and require someone who has a lot of potential magic power. Who knows, if Homura did pull it off, Kyubey would probably revive Madoka just before she witched out anyway.
>Her last name is first and her first name is last
I'm triggered.
Homura is her first name in english, Akemi is her first name in Japanese.
Because then she wouldn't be able to take Madoka's first time multiple times.
Because homura would still be a doormat sissy if she didn't unlock her waifu power levels
The world was fucked/getting destroyed
She probably didn't want Madoka to experience the pain of death at all. If Madoka had just been revived she probably would have been emotionally scarred from the experience.
Akemi is her family name
Homura is her first name
Japs reverse the order of how they introduce themselves
I just cannot stand it when people say their name backwards. Her name is Akemi Homura. You wouldn't go to Japan and say everyone's name backwards, would you?
>You wouldn't go to a foreign country and shit all over their culture.
No it wasn't. Madoka's suicide attack destroyed Walgreen's Night. Remember that Homura didn't know about Krimhild Gretchen until she was in the loop.
>Walgreen's Night
How long have people been doing this for? Calling walmart some other name similar to it?
>I am hungry
>I wish for a fish
>eat a fish
>hungry again
Obvious failure
>I am hungry
>I wish I know hot to catch a fish
>eat a fish whenever gets hungry
Possibly work
>I just wish I will never get hungry
>coobie would do some fishy job so it will all be fucked up
Obvious failure
For at least as long as meguca, if not earlier.
So your """"last name in English"""" will be your """"first name in Japanese""""?
Fuck off retard
This, Madoka would've come back wrong somehow. And Walpurgis was still gonna end the world.
Did we ever get a proper origin story for WN aside from being told it's somehow a mishmash of witches? There's potential there.
Avoid confusion, don't say first/last name, say given/family name.
Akemi is her family name.
Homura is her given name.
English puts the given name before the first name, Japanese uses the opposite order.
>English puts the given name before the first name
*given name before the family name
Fuck, I'm retarded.
Just finished this and my heart hurts.
How are the movies compared to the series?
The 2 first are just an alternative version of the series. A little different OST, a few added scenes, a few removed scenes. Basically the same.
The third movie is a sequel. Opinions are really divided. Personally I think it's the best thing that has happened to the franchise.
Are they worth watching or should I just skip to the third movie?
The first two movies are recaps, and you should go watch the third movie now if you don't want to get spoiled like for example Homura replacing Madoka as a god at the end.
It has potential. I guess most of settings are still on InuCurry's desk. It's fun to notice that Kyouko appears to know what Walpurgisnacht is.
Skip to the third, unless you REALLY want to rewatch a condensed version of the TV series.
Well, to be fair, people don't really care the calling order of their names. To be called by one's full name is quite rare and formal occasion only.
Of course a person with terminal autism would call you in full name every single time. Just like a certain girl did in the show.
>YFW Homura Akemi is Saki Yoshida's (from Emergence) daughter
>They look nearly exactly the same in pigtails
>Homura has heart disease because of her mother's druggy habits
"I wish Madoka was alive again."
>Madoka comes back to life
>ASSUMING Madoka doesn't come back as a mentally scarred girl in a physically rotting corpse body, Walpurgisnacht is possibly still out there, in which case she just goes off to fight it again and dies again (we never see it killed in the first few timelines and the city is completely ruined).
>ASSUMING she had actually beat Walpurgisnacht before she died, she comes back as a magical girl and eventually dies to another witch or worse, turns into a witch herself.
>ASSUMING she doesn't come back as a magical girl, hope that Kyubey is never able to find a way make a contract with her again, or you'll be in the above scenario.
>ASSUMING that Kyubey isn't able to make a contract with her again (no two wishes granted to the same girl), you're now stuck fighting witches with Madoka tagging along uselessly until she inevitably gets to see you killed in action or turn into a witch yourself, in which case good job you've just done to Madoka the same tragic scene that just unfolded before you
>ASSUMING that Madoka doesn't come back with her memories from the time when she was a magical girl, she now has no idea who you are and you can never let her find out, or get close to her in any way.
[spoilers]Homura did nothing wrong.[/spoilers]
because rabu
>ASSUMING Madoka doesn't come back as a mentally scarred girl in a physically rotting corpse body, Walpurgisnacht is possibly still out there, in which case she just goes off to fight it again and dies again
This is the most likely scenario. In TDS, Madoka wishes Sayaka back to life, and Sayaka returns as a magical girl with no memory of turning into a witch (she merely thinks she was killed).
Good post though, pointing out all possible scenarios.
No. Fuck that seriously.