I just watched the first seven episodes of this show, does it get any better? Spoil some shit for me, I liked this guy back when he was just good 'ol autismo, not competent and loyal.
I just watched the first seven episodes of this show, does it get any better? Spoil some shit for me...
I remember back when it aired people said it was generic, sucky crap. So I never watched it.
I'm guessing it does not get any better.
just wait till the hitler arc
lol sheep, as if the garbage overrated around here was not generic crap to begin with.
Is it MC or Gai that becomes hitler? Because if not I don't care.
>I just watched the first seven episodes of this show
do you eat shit?
MC goes full fuher
After the airport fuckery, I thought it'd be over. Then I Casper the Unfriendly Ghost appears and the rest of the show went downhill. Should've ended at the airport
If you wonder as to whether or not he's going back to being autistic, he's not gonna.
However, if you're worried about him being a static character for the remainder of the show, don't be. See
You better not be memeing me here. I've let myself get meme'd by Sup Forums like 3 or 4 times in the past few months for some reason.
Best shitstorm since code geass.
Why don't we have fun shows like this any more?
you haven't lurked long enough
mayoiga was on the edge of fun trainwreck and horrible shit.
Honestly without Sup Forums I would've dropped it
its got some sizeable ups and downs in tone; Shu becomes Hitler for a couple episodes then gets betrayed by the losers he was working to save and gets BTFO by Gai, then becomes Jesus for a bit and has one of the worst fates short of dying of any Anime MC's in recent memory.
its a fun watch, not as long as Code Geass so the insane plot twists wont feel as dragged out and you should look into the prequel OVA that helps make a little bit more sense of the overall world that the show forgot to build up. at worst its a gorgeously animated twisty ride with some idiot characters, glorious Red Juice character designs and the best OST of 2012.
>lost his arm, eyesight, and girl
Still in disbelief.
Is it just me or have people been much quicker call others new recently? It seems like people put up with my bullshit a couple years ago but now it feels like someone is calling me a newfag now every other day.
Are you compensating for anything, user?
>Are you compensating for anything, user?
my lack of original posts
It's a shitty attempt at Code Geass
he cures cancer
Remember, flying rollerskate cripple-chan a best
>in love with a literal chad
>best anything
She learns to love Bismuth Hitler instead
I can't stand this show. I stopped after 13 episodes. Shu is just a coward all the way through, it's fucking annoying. I understand being afraid at first but after 13 episodes you should grow some balls. And it's not even just about the fighting, he's so fucking dense and acts helpless. And its so unrealistic how he lets everyone down time and time again and magically everyone forgives him when he finally attempts to make somewhat of a stand.
Still haven't finished it but,
>MC isn't her hatsukoi
>best anything
She is not mentally pure anymore.
shu did nothing wrong
By episode 10, I dropped it, seeing how much of a fucking wuss the MC was.
Too bad he doesn't die.
Just realized how much it would have sucked to had MC and her be end game. Especially with what happens to the MC.
He stops being a wuss eps later but goes too edgy. Not to mention it felt rushed as hell.
Can`t blame you. It didn`t make sense, suddenly he became Ray Charles because people cry when they see impaired people. And let`s not forget monster mutant Inori (why?)
you missed out. everyone following along during the original airing "dropped" the show after every episode, but the ending did pay off. especially after episode 18 or so when Shu's development comes to a climax
The very beginning is the best part of the show ie the song at the start of ep 1
Then it's all down hill really. Ends okay though.
Cripple love is the purest
>guilty crown thread
see you next week
don't get memed bro
it's true he starts acting like a dictator halfway through the show. but the show still sucks balls
Can someone explain to me this Hitler meme?
It affects whether or not I pick it up
MC becomes hitler for like four episodes, one of which aired on holocaust memorial day.
>MC is a clone of Shinji
>Becomes hitler
>Still ends up fucking it all up
This show was great just for the experience of watching it with Sup Forums
It made some top-tier threads, that's for sure.
>elisa still alive
this reminds me the only guy who one in the end was that guy who blackmailed her for sex
>a dropping this show every week
The threads were hilarious.
There were people that did though, yet we all lurked the hitler threads. For me the flags were episode 3, stayed on till they killed the cute schoolgirl, pretty sure that was the later half of everyone is a kitchen appliance episode.
It went fuhrer after but too late for me, even that hype wasn't enough for me to watch a train wreck.
I'll always say it, cloning Syaoran with a Shinji type personality is the most retarded thing you could do. He also has to follow his dick, not his brain or heart when cripple or school girl was 100x better.
Inori was a piece of meat and he followed her like a lap dog, nothing alpha he tried to do could fix that.
This show didn't deserve such a top tier OST
Inori dies and Gai becomes the villain.
Just drop it while you're not too far.
It's total shit to the end.
Hitler meme is just a meme.
Because unlike code geass it wasn't fun
It never gets better, the only enjoyable part about it was talking about how shit it was with Sup Forums.
Problem with the Hitler is it came out of nowhere and ending out of nowhere