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So JoJo is the adaptation? I think is very well made and love it more than the manga.
1st for best boy
Can someone get my a higher quality pic of this please?
lobotomykun for minor villain when?
I think it sucks
>more than the manga.
let's not get ahead of ourselves, it's barely 1/3 done. need to see how it handles later stuff
it's alright so far. some strange things were cut, and the OPs and QUALITY are just ok, but it also has some nice touches
1st for part 8
It feels like I'm read part 4 for the first time again.
Narancia fags BTFO
You mean rohan?
He already is one. And he's in this thread right now.
that's the original unfortunately
Do you mean Green Day?
Alright Sup Forums, Diavolo or Doppio?
You only get one.
if you don't take Diavolo you're a gayman
I'm in love with a cute Italian gangstar.
>being dominated
>you could've dominated a cute Twink instead
you made you're own mistake user
I vote DIO
God motherfucking damnit, my dad is drunk and is talking shit , he's not violent but god holy fucking monkey balls he talks shit like no tomorrow.
I'm in love with a fusion
dude he wants the high res
Hey that's my image faggot, give it back
Do you have the jolyne/pucci fusion
Are you gonna be alright?
Put Doppio onto diavolo's body
Well user, what do you wanna talk about? Let's sit down and have a nice king discussion about Jojo then.
Even THAT won't stop you posting? I can respect that.
can someone translate this? looks funny
Don't worry, I'm putting it to good use.
I'll be taking that Doppio as well.
I remember someone saying that 2chan made a fan part starring Shizuka, is that true?
Ah, I see
Here ya go
It depends on the episode. Some feel not as good, others feel better.
Morioh Radio is good stuff, though.
I'm sure I completely butchered the spelling
Yeah but fuck it, why the fuck he doesn't talk to me when he's alright.
Glad to see someone else apreciates the Doppio. Have some more fellow doppibro
>Jolyne dressed as a nun
I legitimately love King Crimson's design. I think it looks fucking great. I giggle every time I see Epitaph.
Hey Fusion user can you make an image like this one but with Doppio's head on Narancia's body?
What kind of stuff is he saying user?
>Koichi is there
>Josuke isn't
Sounds about right.
Epitaph has the best expresions
Gappy makes me happy
After that could you fuse spice girl and purple haze?
Life is like this user you have to keep going even when things that you do are useless shit
Shit about that he's depressed but damn it, you can talk without being drunk.
>your big brother jouta
I wonder what that must be like. Having your forehead feel like its splitting open having something sucked in then closing again.
Would really work around the time of Buccellati's death
Gangsta paradise
Gay priest coming through. Hope you got shit off your chest. Won't do this til next Sunday
>you will ever lobotomize Karera
you will never watch her expression twist into one of fear and despair before he operation as you tell her that her free weeling lifestyle has left her with no one to notice she's gone
>you will never watch her wake up post op, her eyes focusing and unfocusig as she desperately tries to comprehehnd whats happening
>you will never talkto her in the simplest way you can, watching as she can only barely understand your words
>you will never take care of her, Karera having lost her will to fight since she knows she can't escape
>you will never watch as your positive reinforcement techniques mixed with Karera's dumbed down mind cause her to rapidly warm up to you
you will never place vibrators inside her as a reward for good behavior
>you will never watch as she soon unlearns speech from your operation, only drooling and babbling baby talk as she crawls around in your home, nothing more then a sex beast for you to control
Yeah user I know what you mean kind of, sorry man I hope it gets better for you both
Epitaph is Cute! CUTE!
>part 3 Giorno
hi lobotomykun
Fuse DIO and Giorno
Thanks man.
Dio or DIO?
can you do one for JJL kira?
He said DIO.
DIO as in SC. I probably should've specified my bad
Anyway beside this, i'm actually learning english, i want to know if learning another languages is worth the time, is it useful i mean is people going to tell me "yeah but we don't precise people that knows italian/german/Portuguese"?
What's your first language?
Oh cool. What's your native language? I don't know a lot about learning other languages, but my guess is it can be useful depending on the language and what you need to learn it for.
Have the Blu-Rays been released for download?
Lobotomy-kun! long time no see
Night /jojo/
I hope you achieve 『HEAVEN』soon
Goodnight pucci. Sleep tight
what if I don't believe in God?
Hey guys I found a better Part adaptation. Almost no QUALITY at all.
There are a lot of cuccs that you can hang out with in hell Joshu
Spanish, my goal is to travel around the world so i want i something that allows me to accomplish this goal.
Waifu2X x2
Saw last weeks episode.
Wtf, wasn't Josuke supposed to win vs Rohan by drawing fake eyes on his eye lids? :V
Travel with anyone, or just go around sight seeing or one of those things where you want to find yourself?
That wasn't too bad user but I liked this interpretation of SDC better myself
What do you guys think?
What'd you guys think of the new episode?
>Pic related
A bit quality at times, but the content itself was still fun.
A shame they cut little details, but it kinda had to be rushed without turning it into a 2 parter, and given it's one of the more pointless fights in 4, I don't mind all too much.
So Jotaro never wondered why Polnareff disappeared in Italy?
Polnareff never contacted Jotaro even once after going underground about another bow and arrow existing?
Don't go to India, also, if you want to travel, you should probably learn to speak languages that are spoken in various contries, such as, well, spanish, english, or, well I don't know.
Does anyone have chapter 56 spoilers?
Making this fusion I just realize DIO have god tier blowjob lips.
Every week brings us one step closer to Killer Queen
Do you think they are gonna pull a part 3 intro where it changes once he has been revealed?
I can just see that part near the end where it zooms in on Josuke's face and you see Bites the dust in his eye and then his head fucking explodes as he is reaching for Kira
Did jots to even know he went to Italy? I don't remember anything saying they interacted after the airport and there polpol said he was going back to France so
check the usual imgur
Nicely done user, I dig. Now it's time for the best fusion of all. Lovers and grey fly
They retrieved one arrow after that and before Pol vs. Diavolo, I think.
Basically every single character has god tier blowjob lips