>TFW some jerk she hates suffers
TFW some jerk she hates suffers
Can't wait for her to come back next episode.
absence makes the heart grow fonder
Asami Kazari doesn't need to pleasure police directors for promotions anymore.
We Ghost in the Shell now.
Even better, posting HENSHIN
A webm of that fight between Oscar 2 and the Gigaduck would be awesome.
Interesting their regulation underwear is white color, due to the lighting always thought they're darker color.
Asami-chan in unit 9 uniform would be epic.
Couldn't decide which has better ZR thigh high boots or stocking like her underlings.
how'd this get a season 2?
Unit 9 should be fun, I hope they're not all JUSTICE like Asami.
Already decided in advance. Also, it's decently popular in nipland. It has now over 30k twitter followers (quite good for an original anime production), has male seiyuus that are considered hot by otaku grillz ("normal" ones and fujos), sold not too bad when one considers that its discs are double price (although they do come with content worth as much as two discs) and is quite lighthearted silly fun.
According to this tech screen, that's what this standard off the shelf-willwear is called.
It's the Gigaduck Centaur.
Im calling dibs on the girl to the left of middle
she's mind. I saw her first.
>Asami's unit 9
Interesting Asami's monologue in S1 E1 actually came true, albeit not running unit 8 but a different unit.
>all JUSTICE like Asami
Wonder how she runs her unit? Lets hope a little bit of bossu rub off on her.
while I don't imagine the old Asami would laugh hysterically when someone got kidnapped even if she hated his guts
I'm glad Japan likes it, didn't see too much promotional stuff for it back when I went there on vacation in April.
Only Active Raid thing I saw was this poster for it in Den Den Town in Osaka.
Asami is probably still justice chuuni'ing.
Good taste. Gold-eyed girls are cute.
I see, thank you. What a stupid name. Sorry it took so long, is this what you want or do you also want the bit before Oscar II get an upgrade aswell?
Polish Hussars
Thank you very much. Awesome fight.
>do you also want the bit before Oscar II get an upgrade aswell?
I sure wouldn't mind that if it's not too much of a hassle.
Alright. Here you go.
dat mechanic
I have a gut feeling that Unit 9 are more or less normal people (except for Asami, obviously)
If they're willing to do that pose, then they must have lots of trust in Asami
>Kazami-san is an elite and she saved all of Japan
>she knows what is best for us, so we shouldn't question that thing
Who broke her mind?
She's just on a power trip
So how badly do you think they're gonna fail?
Utter fiasco or we riot.
I don't know, Unit 9 look very shounen-like, like the typical Super Sentai show with hotblooded leader and such.
they only put up with her for a paycheck
she's gonna overhear them in the breakroom one day shit talking and then be sad
That would be too sad. I hope is right and they just ignore/emulate her eccentric traits and believe in her because she help saved Japan, geniuses are often a bit weird in the head afterall.
Since eye color has so far been consistent with the color scheme of each person's power armor, black-haired girl would be sentai red. Megane is blue, and thus red's best friend and rival. Tanned dude with spiky hair is pink. Blue-haired girl is yellow (and thus has a boyish personality). Big breast is green. Green is always the big guy, or in this case the well-endowed girl.
I would switch Sentai Red and Pink, since Red has traditionally been a male character and he got the look of a hotblooded team leader. Though you may be right, from the image on the website Twintails does have the serious expression fitting for a team leader.
>that last scene
that's scary
Her Great Asset.
I think we can all agreed who has the best butt in this whole series.
was season 1 even worth finishing? i dropped it at like ep 8
If you've gotten that far and still doesn't like it then the series is probably not for you.
>Best butt
Shouldn't you be posting Bossu's fight with doggu to show off Bossu's ASSet?
Her henshin only highlighted her DFC.
I don't remember much from s1 much less bossu's butt.
According to the glossary
>Baba Michi
DFC is a good asset too.
A normal supersentai team would have 3 dudes and 2 gurlz. But they have 2 dudes and 3 gurlz.
black twintails is a trap
I'm just wondering, how much time has passed since the first season?
I know she's blonde but COME ON.
Hey mang, it could be that she simply doesn't know that word because it's 1000-times folded nihongo.
Is this some AR app that allows dress up Liko?
I think there's some code that allows you to download rare Liko-skins for your Liko-app when you buy the BDs and DVDs.
Long enough for Mythos/Tomohisa to grow long hair.
>complains about illegal immigrants
>bad guys are all japanese
mfw.Its hilarious though, still waiting for some illegals rampaging in a willwear.
Those silly nipponjins.
I want to fuck her butt.
Always wonder if it was Asami's engrish version of 'please stop'.
So they are still face with bureaucracy.
Hope their website will publish details of Sena's contract.
It's important that they do not abuse their contract with private contractors, or else, it will lead to bad precedence.
Oops. Forgot the subtitle.
>do not abuse their contract with private contractors
Agreed. But by the nature of their job, won't the contract already include dangerous / life threatening situation?
Since Sena is the first of the contractor, I don't think they've full fleshed out or prepared the contracts yet, first episode was kind of an emergency anyway.
boss looks mature in this shot
Did this show go from having a MC to an ensemble cast format between seasons? Something feels off.
Whatever, so far season 2 is great.
After S1, you take QUALITY with stride, so that you can enjoy the entertaining parts.
Kuroki is now more the focus character, but the other characters are still relevant. Episode 2 was also about establishing the personality of Emilia Edelmann beyond being blonde gurl that can speak in impeccable nihongo better than any natural-born nihonjin. Episode 3 looks like it will show Asami Kazari and her justice squad. Episode 4 will probably then deal with scopophobia-chan.
Perhaps also an episode about what happened to Madoka.
She probably went back to become Bloody Mary and make millions of yen through gambling.
So when are we getting the actual OP? Halfway through like S1?
It's not mind hack, it'll be a body jack.
Always appreciate girls in hosiery.
Do have to question their practicality since they have to be removed when donning their inner unit. In an emergency no less.
sasuga poland
The strongest ship.
Why doesn't Asami let her squad members be unique.
Maybe they're wearing mass produced will wear.
I wonder what's up with those guns
My memory is pretty bad evidently. Why was Asami laughing so hard? From the OP apparently she didn't like the guy? I forgot what happened though.
I hope there's an episode where we can see their relationship, must be adorable.
The Director was the one who sent her to spy on Unit 8 and then try to stop her from helping them when the fight with Mythos was happening.
Will Raidou make evil Kuroki happen.
I dont remember
What these deal between those two?
Director was an asshole who told Asami to do nothing when she wanted to help them save Japan. He also wanted to disband unit 8, even although she reported so much. He ignored all her written reports, though, only focusing on the spycam-reports. That was like superrude.
>you thought it was Kuroki
>but it was me, Raidou
I hope he becomes part of the unit 8 when shit hits the fan.
I didn't sign up for this psychological shit. But I like it.
This show is truly nothing without her.
Probably not gonna happen until past the halfway point, I guess
I'm kinda secretly wanting her to be so damn successful that she gets downsized because there's no major crimes that requires WillWear and the local police force/politicians hate her due to her making them look useless.
We all know it will end up with Mythos being called up for civilian volunteer service to un-fuck his memories by hacking into his brain with Liko.
>>is it really necessary for you to use your willwear to hack into Kuroki's brain?
>of course, since only my kamen rider-bike has the necessary processing power to hack humans
>also, I need a private robot-controlled and 100 million dollars in cash
>for ehrm, additional RAM, you know
Those DDR4 ram sticks are super expensive, indeed.
I want to dissagree but I can't.
I just remember when they tell her to spy on madoka as a joke and she took it seriously .
Hardworking justice girls are cute.
I think the show is fine with the focus on Kuroki. He already felt pretty close to the MC role with all the time he had in the field.
She'll be back next time
Haruka a tall. Must climb