Japan's Greatest Masterpiece

What's the consensus on Re:Zero? Surely no one thinks this the show or the source material is worth a damn, right? It's clearly just another Mirai Nikki edge fest for the brainless masses to flock to which will soon be forgotten. That doesn't mean it's not entertaining, but there's next to nothing to take away from it nor anything it does particularly well. Let's be real: anyone along for this ride just wants to see the moment where those around Subaru find out about how he's from another world and can go back in time as well as many times he died for them. Then you all can get your pity boners up inserting yourselves into him.

Also, Emilia is best elf. Stinky Rem can go rot in the gutter for all I care

It's the consensus AOTS (spring) everywhere except here and that's only because of contrarians.

So was Boke Dake, what's your point? That ad populum is a useless argument?

But it's nothing like Murray Nike.

>It's clearly just another Mirai Nikki edge fest for the brainless masses to flock to which will soon be forgotten

It's nothing like Mirai Nikki

I don't really like it, sorry for being contrarian. Maybe hanging around all these shitty threads deluded you a bit.

>It's the consensus AOTS (spring) everywhere

Nice meme reddit:zero fag

A shallow work widely popular at the time of its airing solely because of its edginess. You could even compare it to Elfen Lied in this regard, too.

Okay, so we're at the point where the show is popular enough to hate, but when does hating it get prevalent enough that people can stick up for it again?

Never, because it sucks.

It scares me how at home you MALtards feel yourself on Sup Forums right now.

>Rshit: Zeshito

Trial and error.
just like playing video games.... you do stupid things and get yourself killed only to find out your back at a checkpoint and have to do all that shit all over again.

Sup Forums hates anything that's popular. Even, when an anime with cute little girls like Madoka started being liked by normalfags, Sup Forums started to shit on it.

Nigga fuck Emilia, Subaru should be hopping on Rem's pussy nigga, she can cook, clean, and has bad ass demonic powers. And Emilia aint even down for the nasty nasty when the lights go out.

> This thread.

How is Re:Zero an edge fest?

The fact that you both think Re:Zero is bad AND think Emilia is best girl pretty much proves you're just an edgy contrarian in all aspects.

Emilia's the kind of bitch who is legitimately cute and innocent but once you get her in bed, she's a completely submissive slut.

I did not watch it.
But is anime groundhog day fun

it is popular therefore it is bad

Scary how desperate this samefag is to try to change the consensus on AOTS.

>every response is ironic and not actually contributive
jesus christ

Yes, it's enjoyable to watch.
>nothing to take away from it
Some shows really are just fun to watch. I'm waiting for Subaru to have some sense knocked into him after that spaghetti fest in episode 13.
It's funny how people keep saying his development is shit when he only just started a few episodes ago.

Does it do anything stellar? Eh. Rem. You know she's better for Subaru.

If a show has a story worth watching and the visuals and jokes and dialogue and personalities aren't shit or unbelievable, then of course I'm going to watch it. Nothing ever has to Spirited Away levels of great.

>Let's be real: anyone along for this ride just wants to see the moment where those around Subaru find out about how he's from another world and can go back in time as well as many times he died for them.

I'm looking forward to the point where he learns from his mistakes and grows as a protag because of it. Also looking forward to seeing if he takes the dark edgy path or not.

I dunno, man, the edginess in this has weight, unlike Mirai Nikki. Probably due to actually good writing and believable characters.

Also this is another great example of people just tacking the word "edgy" onto anything that has some gore in it. It's only when the gore and cruelty is there just for the sake of being there that you can call it edgy. Re:Zero avoids this by having actual consequences (the very uncool declining mental state of the MC and more later on) and by creating a setting in which cruelty is expected.

It's kind of like Umineko only without the mystery vs fantasy stuff.

Is Umineko worth watching? I started watching due to the connections with Higurashi but I dropped it around ep. 8

- people die left and right, including MC
- MC grows edgier (and dumber) with time

>Is Umineko worth watching?

Nah it's a really bad adaptation. If you're going to get into it the only two good options are the VN and Manga, and if you decide to read the VN you'll need to read the eighth episode again in the manga because the VN is super vague about everything.

It's really fucking long and emotionally draining, though. By episode 5 I had spent so much time with the characters that I was ridiculously invested into everything that happened.

It's a really really good read.

>people die left and right, including MC
Do you really expect a show about a dude who rewinds when he dies to not have a bunch of people dying? Besides, people dying a lot in a show doesn't make it edgy.

>MC grows edgier (and dumber) with time
Yeah, and the show goes out of its way to make you realize that that is a bad thing. It doesn't glorify his edginess like an edgy show would.

Just another flash in the pan. 10 years from now no one will have ever heard of it.

The Higurashi of our times

normalfag just want try to fit in saying muhh realism

your opinion is literally worthless

Shit. Maybe if I shit use the shit word shit a lot of shit times I'll be so shit cool and my shit opinion will be shit stronger.

Look at this re:tard and laugh.

why does Sup Forums hate popular


>What's the consensus on Re:Zero?
Subaru destroyed his own series

He was written that way, you would mean the author destroyed his own series

Re:Zero is a masterpiece

>Also, Emilia is best elf. Stinky Rem can go rot in the gutter for all I care

My husband Subaru is so cute

Its better than Sup Forums made it out to be.

>It's clearly just another Mirai Nikki edge fest for the brainless masses to flock to which will soon be forgotten
You do realize that every anime series is for brainless masses, including (you)?
Or do you kid yourself into thinking that by watching some RaRe good written anime, you are decent inteligent human being?

Not a single one of these webnovel "teleported to another world" is any actual good, but some of them are entertaining at least. It's just a shitty fad.

REEEEEEE:Zero is a masterpiece. AOTY if not AOTC.

I don't think it's drop-dead great but I like it anyway and I look forward to each episode.

You keep on forcing that meme buddy, maybe more people will buy into it.

What was AOTS for spring I know there was jojo but otherwise spring was honestly pretty bad.


>Probably due to actually good writing and believable characters.
Go back to MAL. Nothing well written about Reinhard, who is invincible and had to do nothing to be invincible. He was just given a bunch of blessings.