I fucking hate Kanda for not choosing best girl. He'd rather be with the baka gaijin. He should kill himself desu

I fucking hate Kanda for not choosing best girl. He'd rather be with the baka gaijin. He should kill himself desu.

>picked super autist over this
What a faggot.

Shiina best girl

Kanada is disgusting and don't deserve anything really.
Why does some great girl like Aoyama likes him again? Because he is nice to cats?

Mashiro >>> Aoyama

Kill yourself.

I'm not the only one that found this faggot insufferable, right? That scene where he gets miffed over the possibility of a little kid touching Misaki was retarded.

She didn't try for him nor did she make herself available. There was no choice since she wasn't pursuing him.

What did you excpect from a White Knight faggot.

MC picked the objectively superior girl. He made the correct choice.

>Aoyamafags still mad

I know it's pretty common for fans of a girl who loses to go all sour grapes and say "oh well MC is a shit our girl deserves better anyways" but Sorata legitimately was awful and I feel bad for any girl that has to be with him. Fucker will honestly probably become an emotionally and physically abusive husband, and poor Shiina will be too retarded to realize it and leave him.

she is perfect in every way

>dumb mobileposter
lurk for 2 years before posting

>He picked an autistic girl that needs constant care over this
What is wrong with him?

>unironically not wanting an autistic girl that needs taking care of

imagine the possiblities

I'm not mad that Aoyama didn't win, I'm mad that faggots like this exist

You know OP I'm an Aoyamafag too. I was mad when I read the LN ending.
But you know what. I got over it. Just like how I got over it when my other favorite girls lost hard. I'm used to it. I don't know why but I find myself liking girls that loses in the end.

Guess you're a loser.

>oh nose, they got a better taste than me! quick, lets call them faggots!
its been 4 years and you are still salty

That's because protagonists of this kind of shows are autistic most of the time.