ITT: pear shaped anime girls

ITT: pear shaped anime girls


Fan art goes on and

It's not about fan art, it's about discussing canon pear shaped girls in anime.

The only "discussion" that happens in these threads is people posting about how hard their dick is.

This thread again.

That's true for the vast majority of threads on Sup Forums.

Can you post more Nagato?

It's possible

meh you're a bit late, I just nutted

That's vulgar.

ITT: anime-girl shaped pears

Nagato a fucking shit.


I'm going to pimp Yuki.


You can keep posting now

fuck off disgusting obese yuki poster

What's disgusting about Yuki?

Yuki isn't pear shaped.

She is.

And yet you post an image of her hips and shoulders both being narrow.

Her hips are massive, fix your eyes.

She's rail thin and tiny.
Pear shape is far more than just a moderate thigh width.

Regardless, if you want to post or talk about my beloved, take it to /c/ rather than reposting this.

Yuki IS pear shaped like any other small breasted KyoAni girl. Your fanart is not canon.
And she's not your "beloved" you filthy akahige poster.


Fan art don't count and also pear body type don't exist in anime