this is FUCKING bullshit ive been watching and reading this fucking gay ass jap show for like 2 years now and THEY DO THIS??? i fucking LOVED ONODERA and u fucks allowed this chitoge shit to happen. fuck. do you knwo what you've done?? onodera was actaully a pure good quality woman not a fucking dumb gorilla whore. i'm so fucking pissed right now its because of u autists and reddits that all circlejerk over some stupid hafu whore. FUCK
shut up nigger anime is for gay homos
Anyone else ever tried deep fried pickles?
Quality shit post
Where'd you copy and paste this from?
Where you so retarded that you didn't see this coming? Did you even read the fucking oneshot? Holy shit, how can somebody be this retarded.
that's it..i can feel your anger it gives you MAKES YOU STRONGER.
>i fucking LOVED ONODERA
Shit taste? Shit taste.
YOU're the RETARD for thinkig SHITOGE is good. she's a dumb bitch meanwhile onodera is actually pure and the best option she is a yamamoto nadeishko.
reasons ondera is best:
1. ethnic purity
2. brown hair
3. dresses purely
4. family arent criminals
5. supports traditional values
so fuck this shit it should not have everh appened because she is a great girl and this show is shit
Worst girl BTFO, best girl wins, and Onoderafags cried. Tears were licked.
Yeah they're pretty fucking good. Had em at a bowling alley once.
Nope, they any good?
Nobody said she was good, just that it has been stupidly obvious she was going to win since the beginning.
Tsugumifag here, you only have yourself to blame for this level of stupidity.
>Dat butthurt and rant
Serves you right for picking a shitty girl with zero chances if winning.
They're pretty good.
how dare you say this girl is worst? do you think about what you are doing when you say this. you are disgracing my honor and the honor of an absolute pure maiden. I thought discussion on here would be better than reddit, but all of you have SHIT TASTE. tears being licked, haha, so funny? guess what I'm very upset and did cry a bit because I really DID LOVE ONODERA and it's ruined forever now. I hope everyone that likes chitoge and marika and all other impure unethical bitches in the harem get run over by a bus with. ondera is the best you are all mistaken and IGNORANT.
not sure if I'm looking at a shitpost, bait, or shit taste
Your tears are delicious.
>Your tears are delicious
> -- Naoshi Komi
It's his revenge for DA. We knew this all along.
>falseflagging Chitogefag samefagging because he wants to feel smug about a victory literally everyone saw coming
Not a single person is legitimately upset about what happens in Nisekoi, you newfag. It's always been the definition of a bad and generic harem.
user, if Onodera didn't win, it means she's single, and it means you aren't cucked. Why would you want your waifu to win and be with another man?
OP is really making a bad name the onoderafriends out there, or is just a ruse
because im not japanese and i want her to be pure and marry a japanese and vote for the liberal democratic party of japan and help rebuild the economy and be a good traditional conservative family
>This is what Onoderfags wants people to believe when their cancer fans goes full retard
Chitoge > Haru > Paula > Ruri > Marika > Tsugumi > Kosaki
whatever man
im not even going to bother writing a proper post
heres your (you)
Great taste.
fuck you < fuck you < fuck you < fuck you < fuck you < fuck you < kosaki
So you want her to be a depressed house wife that never sees her husband because he works all the time?
Alright then. Also Japanese girls love foreign men because they view them as different than Japanese men, they spend more time on love and less on working themselves to death.
Oh please, Kosakifags have been sperging and shitposting like OP over the past few weeks now.
>Mention in other Nisekoi thread Onodera-fags had meh reaction
>Someone creates a new thread spazzing out
I'll say it again, people are just happy the series is ending.
The only one wanting people to believe things is you. Nisekoi has always been predictable trash with no value whatsoever except smug faces.
>pair of stupid shy retards who obviously loved each other for 10 years decide they are too inferior and beta to love each other so they decide to satisfy a stupid americuh gorilla.
is manga the most pure expression of japanese guilt? why the fuck cant the childhood friend win ever?
FUCK OFF you rassenschande jew
you just watch some stupid documentaries about japan and think its that way
raku is rich and can live at home with kosaki and raise good children and also only dumb ugly sluts from tokyo and korea like foreigners and they should die
I like Marika
Tsugumi/Chitoge > Marika/Haru > Who cares
They don't make a thread about it, false flagging and being called out is natural here. There's an art to posting and that's not trying hard.
Put Paula above Haru and switch Ruri and Tsugumi around, then it'll be perfect.
The Shounen Jump Weekly execs got cold feet after the death threats from Nurutufags and forced Komi to write a tsundere end no matter what.
Let's face it, Doormat was boring and her friend was shit too.
Picking Shitoge, no matter how terrible she might be, gives Raku access to the single best girl in the series as a mistress.
Good taste.
I'm so fucking happy i stopped reading this shit so long ago i knew shitoge was going to win.
Sasuga nippon shiatu tastu.
fuck off disgusting doormatcuck your waifu a shit
eat your watermelon
You type like a fucktard. Good job.
Stop falseflagging, "Tsugumifag".
Why the fuck did you even waste time reading/watching this garbage? it was fucking obvious from the start that Shitoge will win, despite every other girl being superior in every way.
You clearly don't lurk as much as you should. There's an extremely vocal group of Kosakifags that shitpost as hard as much as they try hard. You can search "Shitoge" in archive since they always toss that around and spam threads with it. They became more active than usual ever since Nisekoi was announced to be ending soon, and even louder since the last two chapter discussion. They even go into threads that isn't about Nisekoi, but if Chitoge is being discussed then they try to derail and do what OP is doing.
ESLfag kill yourself
Also build wall dirty spic
>Not a single person is legitimately upset about what happens in Nisekoi
Except there's many
Especially butthurt Onoderacucks like you
Who are you quoting
Is it time for false flagging shitposting?
>Good taste
That's my job, someone has to do it on Sup Forums.
>dresses purely
She dresses more slutty than Chitoge most of the time
>Liking Onodera
The fuck is wrong with you? Every other Nisekoi girl is better than that boring and bland doormat named Onodera.
Literally all other options were better than Onodera.
Generally I thought she was called Shitoge whenever she did the tsundere thing, never took it seriously either. Tsundere's are generally treated like shit in Sup Forums, those threads did reveal more of her dere moments though.
They're shit.
You want that to be true, don't you?
You are a gentlemen and a scholar.
I make them at work. We also pickle our own cucumbers. They are insanely killer.
Also using them for a pulled pork sandwich with an onion ring on top is amazing. Working at one of the best bbq joints in the state helps, too.
They're really overrated in my opinion. Same with mozzarella sticks. Hot wings are always the best pub food.
>Ruri > Marika
This is wrong, otherwise correct list
>muh degeneracy
>muh ethnicity
Depends on the way theyre fried, deep fried on a stick at the state fair is hella nice.
Why do people rate Haru so high, I never understood this.
Chitoge > Marika > Tsugumi = Kosaki > Ruri >> Haru > Paula
Have you seen her when she blushes?
She always has that horny/lewd expression...she's clearly thinking about Raku's dick like the whore she is
Marika on the other hand is pure
>being this retarded
>that pic
Chitoge is love, Chitoge is life
>Sup Forums was Onoderafag
I'm not sure how I feel about this because they're usually right
Nobody calls her that except butthurt waifufags, with Kosakifag's waifufags being the majority since they always had beef with Chitogefags. And only some tsundere are negatively perceived by most, but in general favors them to is tsundere for them. Chitoge have always been most popular, and before waifu wars kicked into high gear, most Nisekoi threads was surprisingly more civil, with Chitoge being generally liked, vocal minority notwithstanding.
>Why do people rate Haru so high
Because she's god-tier and had great chemistry with Raku
She's also cute as hell and she sacrificed herself for her useless sister
Kosaki is trash, you should be ashamed of rating her over her Godtier Sister
I cant be the only one who is immensely satisfied with this
We may truly get to see suicides from the end of this.
Sup Forums are Chitogefags because Chitoge is an Aryan Ubermensch you idiot
Onodera? More like "Oh no, dirty diaper alert".
Holy shit son, I hope this is just a disguised trolling attempt. But in an honest opinion, she deserved to lose. She's called a doormat not just for shit and giggles, every other character on this shitfest is better than her. You have Haru, a character with guts and resolution that got proper development, she even confessed that she liked someone to a whole audience meanwhile Worstdera just keep being an indecisive silent shit. There's Marika, Tsugumi, Ruri, Paula, Haru, Haru's friend, Marika's bodyguard, Chitoge's mom, Haru's mom and a large etcetera. Girls that you can love or hate, but that at least make you feel something towards them, but with the doormat there's none, she's cute and that's all, in a manga where all the girls are also cute...
But I have to admit this, the last chapter finally make me feel something about Kosaki, pity. How in the fuck did you make it happen? How can you fuck it so much that you lost a race where you were first place most of the time? Shit Kosaki, you blew it, and blew it so hard it exploded on your face. Shit Kosaki, you can only blame yourseld for being and indecisive doormat and you died by your law.
You're not
Anyone with good taste is
>had great chemistry with Raku
That's great and all but I thought the nature of her interaction was very forced, as if Komi had to bring in the obligatory imoutofag pandering.
>sacrificed herself for her useless sister
In hindsight this wasn't such a big deal, because you can argue Marika and Chitoge got out of her way too.
>Aryan Ubermensch
Does she get a pass because muh Japanese are honorary Aryans?
Everything about Chitoge and her win is satisfying.
I've been waiting for years. I mean, it was obvious this was going to be the result, but watching as it unfolds is glorious.
>>>/reddit/ is that way
>Forgetting Yui
Damn...Nee-san is underrated
She's so perfect. I want her.
>cover girl wins the show
Gee it sure was unexpected
I don't even read Nisekoi but kill yourself OP
See, now this is what we call falseflagging, with an unhealthy dose of history revisionism added to boot.
Why are lying? Sup Forums loves Chitoge.
The tears are satisfying too
Adults are talking here. Don't butt in with your delusions, Onoderafag.
she's not aryan because she's race mixed, she's untermensch
It wasn't forced at all(not anymore than Chitoge and Raku being force into a fake relationship)
This is just you being cynical
Marika didn't get out of shit
She confessed multiple time and was aggressive until the end
Chitoge didn't get out of shit either she just didn't want to get hurt because she thought Raku didn't like her
Haru literally felt guilty almost every time she got happy with Raku and beat herself over it constantly
Her dad is American and she's blonde
>user said nothing wrong
>Call it falseflagging
>start reading Nisekoi four years ago
>Chitoge is a big cunt and I hate her, Onodera on the other hand is fucking perfect
>other girls join the cast and muck up the story
>start thinking Chitoge isn't so bad after the Romeo and Juliet play
>slowly but surely she becomes closer to Raku, inch by painful inch, learning his habits and what he likes, etc (he also reciprocates)
>meanwhile Onodera does fuck all and just dithers around even when her sister and Ruri and mom are helping
>towards the end Chitoge is love and 10/10, the only girl worth reading the manga for, look forward to her appearing and interacting with Raku
>dread Onodera chapters because nothing ever happens in them
Can't think of a bigger turnaround in a main girl's character in recent memory. Nisekoi would've been a much better romcom manga if it was more streamlined and condensed.
This is gonna be a solid week. Can't wait to catch you in the happenings thread that's imminent, brotha!
Reminder all these waifu wars are futile, they dont accomplish anything
Chitoge > Marika >>>>> Kosaki though.
>implying Onodera isn't for mature adults with refined tastes
Chitoge is for babies who are new to harems and tsunderes.
Kosaki was a mistake.