This is an onee-chan thread.
Only otoutos who love their onees can post here.
lets keep this one alive pls
This is an onee-chan thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>onee threads are officially dead
Brb killing self
Shiori-nee was to good and pure for her manwhore brother.
The manga started good until he began banging that crazy whore.
I agree
I just used that op because its a good wincest pic
This is objectively the best onee-san
Yannee that stalks her otouto-kun anime when
They're alright
Better yandere onee
Quality onee-chans
Too bad I already fapped today
W-what's this from?
I want to be tenderly dominated by a cute futa onee-chan.
Fera pure
Enjoy the greatest fap of your life
Moya-nee is a miracle of the universe.
go on
onee-chan x otouto is best incest and one of best types of romance
>google search
>cartoon network
This is why we cant have nice things
If you onee-chan isn't a Lovecraftian demon then you don't know SHIT about anime.
Yep because I kill them incestuous bastard
What the fuck bro?
>greatest fap of your life
I learned moonrunes specifically so i could fap to lolitrain, dont think anything could ever top that
Megane tomodachi-chan needs some love too.
My patrician brethren
The fucking WORST
That scene where Nao got cucked in YnS was fucking glorious, take that you homewrecker bitch!
I want to procreate with Mutsuki and Yayoi
Short hair + glasses is olev.
Japan need to start making them into onee-chans.
Best nee-chan
>you will be greeted by your onee-san wife after a long day's work
My nigga.
Piss is best girl though
Who is far right and left?
It's Pure Fera.
Get it user, it's fucking glorious.
>girl older than the guy
>girl taller than the guy
>girl more domineering than the guy
all negative traits.
Far Right- Kiss X Sis
Far left- Seishun Pop
>Kiss x Sis
And Nao ended up being a bro in the end, I wonder if whoever made that collage even bothered doing research.
And then there's this stale pasta.
This wasn't a yandere, neither a brocon, just a useless bum NEET slut, like Tomoko.
Do not mistake chocolate for shit, user.
I like how she's getting more and more into her brother with each passing chapter, and also more and more perverted.
Too bad the series already ended, and nothing really happened in 300 chapters. Fuck Japan.
>you finally came
and so have I
In Fera Pure the siblings are of similar age, she's still the older sis but the brother is taller
Get some taste you pleb
Dont talk poopoo about Tomoko user
Name? Reverse image search gives nothing.
Is there anything better than this? I've yet to see it
Can be a bit of a bitch to find so
Futsuu no Kankei by Solopipb
Fue is so cute!
Why am I always reminded by this absolute shit manga.
what do you call a not-onee-san?
a hot older girl who's not blood relate with you.
You're not the only one. Mix in a little yandereness, for me. Just a little tiny bit though, I don't want my friends dying because of her.
Role-play onee-san is perfectly acceptable.
Light yandere is top tier
Because you know they would probably do anything for you
Greatest love story ever told and best older sister in one package.
Meant to quote
This pic is retarded as fuck. Those 4 are all totally different from each other. The only really cockblock there is Manami. And she was kinda right in the proper context, even if she did everything like a true bitch.
The first one is a psycho cheating slut, while the other 2 are both the opposite of incest cockblock, the first one of the best girlbros ever, and the second one the best girl in her own series.
Faggot detected.
If a girl got all 3 of those traits, she's the absolutely bestest of the best.
Aneki, onee-san, obaa-san, whatever. One thing for sure though, they don't belong in this thread.
Don't get me wrong, I like Tomoko, she cracks me up. But it's undeniable that she's human trash, and having her as a sister would be a huge pain. She would be a major pain even as a friend, actually.
tall and old is fine.
domineering is not fine. if you want a woman who is domineering, go fuck your mother.
>go fuck your mother.
I would if she was a hot 2d milf
why is she wearing gloves?
i don't want to get a handjob with gloves on.
My nigga.
it feels really good though
especially if they're fabric
I think you don't get the point, user. Domineering in bed, only in bed.
Also, just to clarify: my mother has never acted domineering with me. That's probably why I acted as a spoiled brat when I was a kid.
>Also, just to clarify: my mother has never acted domineering with me.
>That's probably why I acted as a spoiled brat
when I was a kid.
That's your father's fault, not your mother's fault.
>A fucking lunatic who tries to stab onee-chan, but ends up stabbing the otouto instead
>A manipulative cow who ruined a normal sibling relationship to remove a "potential threat", that ended up fucking her completely
>A total bro who supported and approved of the twins incest
>Never seen the last one
Shit list
>>A total bro who supported and approved of the twins incest
You mean the bitch who raped 9yr old Haru?
Are hikki-nees okay?
>fat smelly hikki onee-san
They are one of the best type.
People keep bringing up the rape, but Haru never considered it rape, despite what Nao thought.
Plus it ruined her relationship with Sora, so it ended up eating away at her inside until they came back, and the three of them settled on what happened that day
Huge tits and an ass don't mean fat
She doesn't have a problem with bathing, so she probably smells normal
So what
How about NBR Yandere-nees?
Girls dont smell bad user
I wasn't going to post in this thread, but I have to say: good job user, I applaud your tenacity and pursuit of knowledge to... better yourself, I guess.
Fucking Fue, and his damn mouthpussies
Elder god tier
His fetishes speak to me on a spiritual level
The man just gets me
>fella pure
mah nigga
>All this delicious, comfy onee
Literally too thick to be attractive.
Could not fap at all.
>those titties registering 10 on the richter scale
>Too thick
First of all, there is no such thing
Second, she is literally just a well endowed, normal proportioned girl
THIS is a thick onee.
The girl from Fela is far from thick
>You will never be a shota in an Agata doujin
Please, take me off life support, i'm ready to die
FYI, there's a sister thread going on:
No thanks, I'd rather not involve real life in my fetishes
I dont go on the autism board
user, please, I can only take so much
On a side note, why are thick onee-sans so perfect?
Because they are like giant pillows
That new hero one really needs a continuation.
Maybe a full tank.
Now this is shitposting.
>Can't post from the Nise Kurosaki doujin because literally one page is safe for work, even though the thickness of that onee is off the scales
Fuck, man
There is only so much Agata I can take. Between him and Methonium, I don't know who's THICC I prefer
Golly gosh this is T H I C K
That blowjob rivaled Fue
Good shit user thanks for the fap
It's one of those doujins that NEVER ceases to get me off. It's like art
How did it end?
I dont know why but actually blowing (literally) on the dick like she did is so hot to me
Fuck off.