Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Look at them, all happy. I hate it, but not the burgers.

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Bitch get out of those furs you're not in Russia.

>an American was summoned to this world and left behind this amazing invention

Of course people want him to change and it's known it takes time.
Development is not something that happens just like that of course; not every life realization is an epiphany, and it's more often than not gradual.
The great irony of the argument of his "bad" development is that no almost development has happened so far; almost every death that Subaru had been through was out of plain bad juju.
>dies from Elsa twice with no way of expecting it (he didn't know who killed him the first time)
>dies walking(the fuck?) into a knife
>dies to a curse
>dies from weakness and something that paints the walls red
>dies from Rem trying to protect her and the others
>kills himself to make everything right (he's actually trying to be good here)
How the fuck do you see any of that coming?
Even the ones where he died from freezing were done while he was trying to do the right thing. His ego in the meeting room did make it harder to rectify it in later lives, though.
But that's literally the beginning of his development. It was the first frigging time he technically caused his own death because of his own bad decisions.
He's started to learn only 3 episodes ago, damn it.
People need to be more patient.

>“How to say it, this really is a fantasy setting”

>Without thinking he blurted out his impression, probably because that person’s appearance exuded an aura that was anything but appropriate for the term ‘envoy’. The envoy, noticing Subaru had been staring at them, a mischievous smile floated to their face as they rapidly approached the dragon-carriage.

>“Hey! Even if I’m a beauty staring that much at me is still rude you know.”

>No sooner than the moment they stood before Subaru, a white fingertip pointed straight at him. One eye closed as they made their declaration.

>I’m afraid this person is likely the envoy. A cute girl with a charming face and flaxen hair evenly cut to shoulder length. Her height was rather tall for a girl, almost the same as Subaru’s. However her figure was naturally much more delicate, one-by-one her features revealed her gorgeous femininity or would it be more accurate to say girlishness. Her flaxen hair was decorated with a white ribbon, her big eyes shone with curiosity and had an almost cat-like charm to them, and currently on her head…

>“It’s finally here, a non-minor character with nekomimi”

>“Nya nya?”

>The same color as her hair, a pair of animal ears claiming the top of her head trembled as if responding to his murmurs. In this world sub-species were completely natural, aside from seeing them in the capital there hadn’t been any other opportunities to interact with them, seeing the real thing up close like this was a real treat.

Cute lolis are cute. Their smiles should be protected.

Guess what, Kararagi has inns, sushi and all that crap. Very similar to Japan. People must have been summoned randomly in the past.

>Subaru’s usual inappropriate behavior wasn’t coming out. Facing the Subaru had by now completely lost his nerve, the girl hit the accelerator to max and stepped it up even further.

>Throwing her arms out She wrapped around Subaru’s neck and snuggled up next to him.

>“Uh, eh, eeeh!?”

>“Don’t move. I’m checking something out right now.”

>Since they were about the same height, her face was now right next to Subaru’s. Her voice whispering directly into Subaru’s ear, his whole body felt like it was being tickled. His face turned red from the sensation. He looked to his surroundings for help, finding Rem loitering near the mansion’s entrance he instantly turned pale.

>She had on a blank face, one could see from afar she was unconcerned with what was happening. Towards the now gasping Subaru, Rem gestured her hands in a small mincing motion. It wasn’t like this gesture had any meaning in particular, but the intent was clearly conveyed to Subaru.

>“I’m going to tell Emilia”

where is this scene from?

Is he really rubbing his dick on Subaru? Rude much?




How do I get a cute girlfriend like Ferris?

Go to another world

Superior catgirl

>nobody helps emilia
>kingdom turns to russia anyway

She's two steps ahead of the game and will swooce right in for that landgrab after Reinhardt euthanizes Emilia's cat.

Who's she? Did she get whaled?

Ferri-chan is a catboy

Anastasia is a fucking CUNT

You're talking about your future King here, better watch that tone boy.

That was a two second clip in "Rem" with zero explanation of who the fuck she was.
She's probably irrelevant. Probably.

Well, she didn't come off that badly last episode.

All the girls just have their own issues with Subaru. I'd like to see a repeat, with amendments.

Little do they know I came inside their American-sized burgers earlier in the kitchen.

Why? Subaru should be grateful.

Also the fact that he doesn't get most of the information he need. He only get bits and pieces per loop until he have enough to jot his brain and solve the puzzle.

You're not my queen yet, girl. Nor would I obey that command if you were!

>japanese invented not cooking fish

>cooking fish

Then I must consider this an act of treason.

Great, she's at the perfect height.


But I'm much taller than slant eyes japman, how can I self insert like this!?


What the fuck



>face ruined
>no arm
>perfect teeth
Something doesn't match here

did al got tortured while he was a gladiator while in volakia empire? holy shit man, talk about suffering.


What a fucking asshole Subaru is.

You know the best part about his character? He keeps the fucking helmet on.

Really makes you think...

dumb frogposter

Reading chink threads, they're laughing at those people who think Subaru would rise up as the king of the new world and those waifu war shitters.

It's funny.

because he got a fucked up face, if my face look like reinhardt i won't wear helmet. Ever.

So, how did the nips react to the episode? How are the stalkers?

She's an arc 4 character, they're hinting at a season 2

>Chinks hate Emilia too
At least they have good taste.

When you're a fucking knight, you keep the helmet on no matter what. You take it off, you lose your identity. You must also praise the fucking sun.

dark souls fashion is serious business boy

There's enough hate for everyone.

Keeping the helmet on, boy. If the helmet comes off, it'd better be headless or just air.

>waifu relationship with Emilia ended

Next episode we see

Puck freezing Betelgeuse


did Priscilla bought him off slave bay or something? i can't imagine guy like him being so loyal to her

>Helm on
>Exposed chest and unarmored pants
Truly fashion Souls

Chink's views of the candidates.

no, Al's translated backstory here

Are there many chinks watching this? What did they think about Betelgeuse?

He has a manly bod. I am definitely gonna admit to that. The void from the lack of armor gets replaced with the fact that he can move quickly with less weight.

Im scared to read the part where subaru puts emilia into shame in the manga, should i do it? what im getting into?

Why are chinks so based?

On your knees, commoner.

actually it's more bearable in the manga, subaru isn't as cringe as he is in the anime

But three of those are wrong

> Hitler
I wonder if Hitler was ever this good.

There's a ton of them watching it. Interestingly enough they have threads on baidu translating eng forums and they follow youtube livewatch reactions as well.

One guy also tried to get his mum to watch Re Zero.

so we have Reinhard the Gary Stu and Priscilla the Mary Sue


What? Are chinks retarded?


There's your answer

Nice chinks

>tried to get his mum to watch Re Zero
This strikes too close to home.

Nice, got quite hype and scared 'cause everyone was complaining about that moment.

I can't wait for the day that language barriers are broken permanently and we can all share our love for waifu's with our chink brethren.

Why are chinks so much better than nips?

So, this is the intelligence gathering episode?
Let's be honest here, Subaru has to go multiple loops just to convince the other candidates to help him anyways.

Mista get is so close.

> Subaru
> Not getting drunk to retain his faculties
> Loses all his faculties anyway
When will the chosen one ever not be shit?

If you hadn't noticed, the manga has deviated from Subaru looking and being a total idiot like he is supposed to. He is supposed to stay stubborn and everything and still be unlikable.
>select road signs
>picture is a tree

Fuck off Li

My dick.

Tbqh i only watched some episodes of the anime and reading the manga, wanted to start with the LN but i can't remember now if i couldn't find it or im just lazy.

This bitch has problems, I swear.

I want to smash this face.

So, is it explained how he lost his arm? Or is it just left a mystery?

You fuck off Hiroshima, I'm not even Chinese.

rape doujins with her being raped of course when

Why is Solaire such a bro.

priscilla should be absolute monarchy, felt anarchy, jew should have an hebrew star, crusch shows the incometence of italian fascism, dont dare compare the führer to her

Al has went through a lot, + he got his arm chopped off when he JUST arrived in this isekai fantasy, so i think he knows what subaru's feeling

Felt is best choice.


Why is he working with Bitch Queen anyway? Is it for the free food and lodgings?

Reminder that the reason people think Subaru and Rigel look scary is because his Jap Slant Eyes are out of place in the Western Fantasy Land

I fucking hate everyone in this, save for Beako.
I can't wait for that to be ruined as well.

I think we'll be seeing more about Rem getting dicked by beetlejuice

This is what happens when people disregard her whole, "the world was made for me!" attitude as a wacky anime quirk.

Subaru is just a retard.

Where's fucking Beako? Bring her back she was best girl

And why is the MC such a prick?

Holy shit I wanted to punch in the last three episodes.