Most overrated anime in your country by weebs.
Greetings from Hungary where EVERY little weebs like pic related.
Most overrated anime in your country by weebs.
Greetings from Hungary where EVERY little weebs like pic related.
Other urls found in this thread:
first season was good
that second season. I don't know what the fuck
Attack on Titan
Tokyo Ghoul
One Punch Man
Australia here. I don't talk to many people about Anime outside of Sup Forums but SAO seems pretty damn popular here.
I'm too asocial to frequent other weebs. I know FMA's overly popular in France, but I can't say what's the big thing everybody's supposed to love.
Russian weeb kids love Fairy Tale
France like snk
Austria here. Been trying to get in touch with other Manga fans, but most of them, especially the girls where batshit insane. Have been hiding my powerlevel since then and been around normies more. No idea what weebs are supposed to like.
Flipfag here, it's Dragon Ball and Naruto
Heck, there's even a "HOKAGE MOVES" meme going on here.
dumb r9kposter
Fuck oath, I was at dinner with a large group of normies and discussion over SAO started up. These people are brick layers and retail workers. Who'd have thought they'd start talking about weebshit.
Judging from Facebook the latest big anime outside the big 3 has been OPM, not much SAO hype.
Fck those hokage memes and Naruto.
one punch meme
One Piss
Norwegianfag here
All of the "popular" ones, as expected.
>Wan Piss
Im unsure about Fairy Tail and SAO, but my guess would be theyre popular here as well.
Also, I dont know if you consider Pokemon as anime, but its still really fucking popular here, even among normies due to Pokemon GO.
Serbia here.
SAO, Dragon ball Super and Naruto
Sword Art Online, Attack on Titan.
These are huge here in Australia. Sad because Australia used to be the largest Evangelion market outside of Japan.
I think the most overrated anime by weebs in general is fate/zero. Jesus that show has fucking shitty writing and the fighting is all
>*clash for 5 seconds*
>*Talk about honour/exposition dump for 10 minutes*
>*Another 5 second clash*
I have no fucking clue why Fate/Zero is so highly rated.
italyfag here.
Let's see... My first guess would be Death Note. Everyone and their mother knows it and loves it to death. Then there's the undying Dragonball and Naruto and shit like One Piece, although most normies that like the latter aren't as insufferable as the others.
Speaking about more recent shit, One Punch Man takes the cake.
we're just talking about overrated though, because if I were to consider my hate towards them and their attitude then I'd say jojofags
But the real question is :
>What do fujoshit watch in your country
It has to be the VN fans and Prisma Illya fans. No-one can watch the Fate animes and say "gee this is great, I genuinely enjoy watching 3 fossils with outdated values compare dicks on the battlefield"
leafy here. I don't really associate with anyone who watches anime, but 70% of anime-related that I hear is about OPM.
Finland: Attack on Titan
When will the cancerweebs stop drooling over it? Stop it please. It's over and manga went to shit.
Russia here.
I don't even know, it's either Fairy Tail or One Punch man. God,. I fucking hate OPM. I wish it never existed. All these memes made by retards that don't even like anime. I miss the times when Death Note and Naruto were popular.
Cunt we literally had OreImo simulcast on ABC2. Anime is mainstream as fuck here, everyone and their nan grew up watching Evangelion on SBS.
SAO, Tokio Ghoul and Fairy Tail
But normies think like anime=hentai so...
German-speaking countries were obsessed with this.
Like even normalfags watched this.
Though it was a rather short hype.
a lot of people seem to like Fairy Tail here in Germany
The first manga was legit 10/10. Liking that isn't an issue at all.
UK here
Tokyo Ghoul
pretty much all of them are anime only fags as well
From the ones i know its probably Death Note, not sure how is it in the rest of the country.
t. Alberto Barbosa
This, but casuals like it for the wrong reasons. Kaneki was actually a really well-developed character in the first manga, but casuals like him because "muh edgy white hair".
This, plus SAO, Naruto, Fairy Tail and One Piece.
Yeah at least in your country some narutards would kill themselves.
I'm american so it changes.
Of all time probably DBZ
Recently probably OPM and Book no hero
>But normies think like anime=hentai so...
Well, we have things like Pornogatari so they are right.
>pretty much all of them are anime only fags as well
>Recently probably OPM and Book no hero
It's true...?
I don't know, I always thought we had more girellari than weebs here.
The usual suspects: Naruto, Fairy Tail, Attack on Titan
Surprised by: Hikaru no Go, KaichÅ wa Maid-sama!, Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files, Ouran High School Host Club and No Game No Life in the top 50. But maybe I have shit taste.
Spain here, pretty much everyone is either a manimefag or reads shonenshit.
Death Note is really popular, even normies have seen it.
Some people have read Oyasumi PunPun, they're the most cancerous faggots I've ever seen.
Kabaneri hyped but most people discovered the week before it went full retard and are still crying about muh ruined masterpiece.
Yes, the hype even reached us in s.tyrol
>One Punch Man
Impossible. It was flawless and you can't overrate perfection.
Spain here too, lots of Attack on Titan normies on the capital. I remember someone even started a fanclub about it and they meet every weekend to do shingeki shit.
What gets me the most is seeing faggots wearing shirts with the titan as the Obama logo and the word hope.
Oh and shojo is surprisingly popular here as well.
People are listing FotM shit.
I've seen this circle jerked as the second coming for over a decade.
all you fags need to get out of Sup Forums
So is there an actual reason some of you hate OPM or is it just because it's popular with normalfags?
>just because it's popular
Even if normies never heard of it and it was only popular on Sup Forums there would still be contrarians who hate on it for no other reason.
Naruto. Most anime fans in my country like Naruto.
One Punch man is absolutely massive amongst normalfags and people who don't watch anime. You'll find a very large amount of people who think anime is weird or too nerdy but will rave about OPM.
It was all irredeemable garbage
t. Manga reader.
They're making season two right now.
Also, the manga has picked back up considerably.
Too bad the anime adaption cut out everything that made the manga good.
one piece
sword art
and small bit of 50% off
Kill yourselves back to /r9k/, you cancerous faggots.
sage for shit blog thread
You didn't answer his question. He's asking if there's a legit complaint against the OPM anime. I'd actually like to know the same because the other anime in this thread are actually sub-par and have a large amount of undeserved praise. OPM however was a good adaption of the source material and was well animated all throughout.
Seems to me like you guys will hate anything that normalfags like just because normalfags like it.
That's called being fucking hipster.
TG is shit, so no wonder why it's popular
We got a pretty varies set of tastes here in China. The Love Livers are fucking batshit crazy, though.
Naruto, Attack on Titan, Dragon Ball, One Punch Man, One Piece, and probably Tokyo Ghoul, Hellsing and SAO.
Everything. I know a girl who was probably raped who watches both yaoi and yuri. I know she watched Valkyrie Drive Mermaid. Another fujoshit with deformed tits watches Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge, Free and Tokyo Ghoul.
>all these dirty foreigners
Stop posting on this American imageboard you freaks. This board is free, free to people like me.
Quebec here. I don't know many people that watch anime/read manga, but most of them are still sperging over Dragon Ball Z
Like, Jesus, dude, the show stopped airing on TV for over 10 years. Get over it.
I know one guy that doesn't read Dragon Ball, but he reads One Piece and Sinbad, so he's still a pleb.
It's very difficult to discuss a show with retards. If you want to know what I'm talking about, go look at a madoka thread sometime. OPM is fine, its above average, but it's definitely not the flawless masterpiece best anime of all time that it's hyped to be. I'm not exaggerating, it literally is the most overhyped anime.
During OPM's airing the humour was criticized as being too repetetive and some backgrounds were a bit QUALITY. Apart from that though there's nothing wrong with it.
>nepalese woodcarving board
What is your point with your repetitive image you always post, tgrageboner?
>go look at a madoka thread sometime
God, I shudder just thinking about those threads. Its like if Homestuck or undertale suddenly got threads on Sup Forums for some reason.
But yeah, I agree with the rest of your post. I'd say SAO and SNK are more over-rated but certainly OPM isn't the second coming either like some people make it out to be.
At least you acknowledge that its better than the other shows its being put beside in this thread.
Arab here
The holy trinity for all the oldfags is
>My Daddy Long Legs
>Future Boy Conan
Granted all 3 series were great but the oldies will never acknowledge anything as good if it's after these aired.
The OPs were the best though.
>Lina was my first crush
She's just so cute