ITT: Characters who are 100% confirmed autist as would be diagnosed by a medical professional, no joke.
ITT: Characters who are 100% confirmed autist as would be diagnosed by a medical professional, no joke
It's ok OP, you can stop projecting now. Everyone is an autist here.
She's definitely on the spectrum.
Best autist of the season.
Define autism
Why does she keep blowing that whistle?
Is it a simulation?
Most female Kyoani protagonists.
Pikari would be prime bullying material, especially after buddying up with the teacher.
This dude definitely had some problems.
>ever being happy
not really, she shows no real signs of autism.
if anything she is probably manic
am i digging my own grave?
Fuck off.
Actually no.
She's just genki and pure.
Futaba shows more signs of autism than her
This mean meme machine
Hishiro for sure
Sup Forumsutism not autism you homo
You post Sup Forumsutism, OP is asking for autism you pleb.
But I'm serious
>But I'm serious
More like autistic
Lung exercise.
I don't even know what was wrong with that guy. I liked the art and dropped it when he got married because I knew he'd fall into suffering again.
All Japanese people are half-autistic, aren't they? That's why people with autism like anime and Japanese culture so much.
What went wrong?
>outgoing as fuck
I guess that everybody expected an urobutcher special instead of an autistic MC dumpstering the martians while cucking someone with NTR on his name.