Is it illegal to want to have sex with a underage anime girl?
Is it illegal to want to have sex with a underage anime girl?
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>Is it illegal to want to ______
Not yet anyway.
As long as you don't read or import the Manga or anime to the states that isn't declared obscene you should be ok. Don't do like that one guy did and buy hentai from mandarake, get charged for possession of CP, and then plead guilty.
It is impossible.
Why are you asking, OP?
You want to put it in your resume or on your Facebook/blog/twitter?
In England it is.
pretty sure having a butter knife in England is illegal those wankers make everything illegal
oh man, I've been waiting months to pull this pic out. Thanks OP.
What 3rd world country are you people living in?
Anzu isn't underage, she can be fucked all day long without consequence.
Anzu is 17 years old, user. It's 100% legal to fuck her in most of the world.
what anime is she from?
she is cute
>not still a child
Called the FBI on you and everyone else in this thread.
Go to and reverse-search this image: Then you'll find out the source.
I want to forcefully switch that bunny's panties with Anzu's shorts.
If you are american, probably
Having sex with anons is every loli's right.
If it is illegal, we'd all be in prison as pedophiles while our assholes being raped by Tyrone. Also, this website would be located in the deep web.
No, but it's illegal to want to have sex with a shit.
Only in canada
>Whether do you stay on as clergy or not?
Who translated this?
Stinky smelly NEET scum
I call bullshit, they sell stuff like TLR completely uncensored for example.
And even if it is true, they've got bigger problems right now than a bunch of unemployed frog-weebs fapping to a 1000 year old loli.
Sûr they do, but there was 1 guy sentenced to 1 year of prison (avec surcis) for possesion of lolicon manga on his computer.
Well, it's France. It's a dictature anyway and you don't have freedom of speech
Boy I hope you arent american because if you are this post would be really ironic
Don't do it!
Doude, I'm the terriblest Frenchman here and I know what I'm talking about.
This historian get 1 trial a week because the result of his rechearches don't please the jews, even the journalist who made this documentary
>délit d'opinion
>interdiction des recherches historiques
>gens condamnés pour arrière pensée (sérieusement)
et j'en passe..
You better use condoms
>Draw a child
>Call her an adult
I fail to see the problem here
>illegal to have a butter knife
But that's the only knife they even have
No it isnt. Tracing actual CP is but hentai is fine.
Thanks, faggot. Now cucknadian police is at my door.
hello, yes i did translate very good thankyou america
You people need to remove yourselves from the fucking gene pool.
I don't even like swimming, wtf are you taking abut pools for
There literally nothing wrong with loving a loli.
Depends on how long ago the girl in question was first drawn.
If it is an anime girl from this year then it is the equivalent of fucking a newborn kid. If it is a decade old girl, it is the equivalent of fucking a 10yo.
So, your girl should have been first drawn by at least 2000-1998 for her to be legal.
Alternatively, you can say "fuck it" to 2D laws, since you are 3D and that laws can do you a thing, and enjoy your desires of fucking the cutest girls in existence.
Isn't she's like 18?
Anzu would probably let herself be used as an onahole when she realizes how much easier it is to make money that way than having to be an idol.
>fake NEET
>fake loli
trash desu senpai
>schuko strip
>he doesn't have his spreading permit
What's it like rubbing butter on bread with your bare fingers like a fucking mongrol?
How can it be illegal if it isn't real?
Okay. I'll treat you as adult women you are. washi washi
I used to know this girl in high school that was really short and had a loli body. Can't remember what the event was that had everyone's parents go with them but her mother was really short too. Apparently it's in the genes.
I can't wait for the day I'll get 2 years prison ferme for fapping to loli since years.
How did that guy even get spot?
He posted a stupid comment on social media. "nous recrutons de jeunes filles japonaises de 13 ans maximum"
It's funny that people actually think this.
Some girls are just tiny.
Google Marcella Rubita, she looks near 14 but she's an adult pornstar.
I use the side of my gun to spread butter.
I use my SKS with the bayonet folded out if I need to spread butter at a longer distance.
Who cares? Downloading anime is also illegal.
Oh so he fapped to 3DPD? What a retard.
>Sup Forums
Hello r/anime.
nah, it was a bad joke and there wasn't any 3D in it.
It's even more retarded then, I just don't get some people.
Because muh pretend chillun
>post stupid comments
>get vanned
And all is well with the world.
>social media
Good thing I don't have anything except WhatsApp and electronic mails. Every time I heard of someone being caught, it always has something with opening their mouths in social media.
What a fatass.
That's an exception even among idiots.
He is deserved to be caught if only because he is an extraordinary attention whore retard.
never forgetti
RIP Thad.
If you live in a country which thinks anime is real, then illegal. (Canucks)
If you live in a country which thinks anime might be real, then its possibly illegal. (US)
If you live in a country which thinks anime is fantasy, then its not illegal. (Literally who)
I'm positive he wanted to be caught.
Even in states where it's illegal it's a pretty big if, it's almost always used to pad charges for real CP, very rarely is someone v& for having some Rustle doujins.
No. Anzu-chang is a big lady.
Would Anzu make a good wife?
10/9/2018 mark it on your calendar.
/b knows the answers to that, you should trust them over anyone.
She's a strong, adult, confident woman who can decide who she can consent to sex with.
As what?
As the day he is gonna get caught again?
You have to admit that it's easy to draw a continuum from actual CP to loli hentai. Start with a photo, make a photorealistic drawing, trace it, reduce the realism a little bit at a time, and so forth. Faced with having to draw a line in quicksand, is it really surprising that legal systems tend to throw up their arms and declare the whole area off-limits?
Or, looking at it from a moral perspective rather than a legal one, think of it as the only defensible point. If you accept loli, the slope to accepting outright CP is too slippery to stand on. So you end up hurting some people a little (punishing owners of loli) to save others worse (children being exploited for a large legal CP market), because the ideal situation where you protect the rights of both is too unstable.
Something to consider before deciding that policymakers are actually evil monsters trying to create a deliberate Orwellian dystopia for the heck of it.
Eat shit.
Cinderella Girls
Spoken like a true (((Orwellian dictator))).
Kill yourself.
Just post what you're going to post so this thread can 404.
There is literally nothing morally wrong about consuming CP. Creating it is what is wrong.
This is why Dominos should be shut down/
Hansen pls
loli bodies do exist, I would imagine they would be more prevalent in Japan considering the average height is low over there so it's not rare to find women as small as a child.
>is it really surprising that legal systems tend to throw up their arms and declare the whole area off-limits?
Yes. It is bullshit when you compared with everything else.
Does someone cares about drawn traced guro? Does someone cares of a traced shooting? Does someone cares about a traced robbery?
No one does, the issue is never even touched at all because when something is an act and there is no one someone actually murdered, robbed or tortured, law has no issue with it. Why should it be different for just one crime?
>end up hurting some people a little (punishing owners of loli) to save others worse (children being exploited for a large legal CP market)
Those are gonna exist traced CP or not. Punishing everyone else that doesn't even trace is retarded and the ones who trace shouldn't be judged for the tracing at all. You should also judge God of War creators for featuring mass murder as mass murderers otherwise.
Get raped, statist.
What the hell is your problem?
Thanks for a thoughtful reply. I think the mistake you're making is underestimating market forces. There's a market for guro etc, but not enough to cause people to go on killing sprees, film it and sell the film. This is also complicated by the relative difficulty of hiding a murder compared to keeping a kid quiet. As a matter of simple fact, people do create CP for sale, and destroying the demand reduces the incentive to supply. There's a perfectly valid meta-level argument that carving out an exception for one particular crime is inelegant and violates people's rights, but in the real world, that one crime is in fact already an exception to the usual dynamic.
Oh look, it's the autistic internet libertarian brigade, here to cry about people violating the NAP.
>waaaah we can't have our perfect world so everything's just as bad as 1984
Fuck off, retards.
>it's excusable because nobody is perfect
>There's a market for guro etc, but not enough to cause people to go on killing sprees, film it and sell the film
You know why is that?
Because they are allowed to enjoy guro all they want without any fear of anything. Which is why things like Mortal Kombat, Grand Theft Auto or God of War are so popular and profitable, they serve as the mediums to enjoy that can of thing without the need of actual murder. Before them books, sports, combats and a lot of other things existed.
>destroying the demand reduces the incentive to supply
This were our views truly differ. CP isn't produced just because it makes money, it is produced because people will not back down on something they like no matter how many laws or masses are against them. They like it and they risk themselves by producing it, a lot even do it for free. The ones that make it for money as well could try to do money in many other safer and more profitable ways, they don't do it because they don't want, they like what they produce.
Laws that want to eliminate everything masses don't like are the real cancer which leads to more crimes.
>dat second half
I love you mayne.
You and I get each other.
They use spoons.