She's smiling, that means she's the traitor
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V
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I don't think you're smiling enough.
That's right, I'll teach you to be smiling
I'll teach your brother to lay eggs.
I told DENNIS to card himself and he actually did it the absolute madman AHAHAHAHA
No, its because she suddenly got out of captivity and acting like how she currently is, means that she is a traitor. Or a "traitor" until they undo the brainwashing somehow.
I miss him already.
What went so horribly wrong?
The show left standard.
The budget went to Darkside of Dimensions
I'm interested to see how they explain how she got here in the next episode
Though to be honest it's probably just gonna go something like:
>'Hey Selena, how'd you escape Academia?'
>'Who cares, just get on this pirate ship'
And then they all just roll with it because they're all idiots.
So what you're saying is that you want this.
To be fair to Yuzu, she has no idea what happened to Selena
Yuya though he saw Barret port her back to Academia, he should know better
I'll give Sawatari a pass because the mad lad is trying to cuck Yuri
As for this user, I think staying in Fusion will be just fine.
So just like with Sawatari, the whole thing was a ship tease?
Carded people can't speak
I have to say Brainwashed Selena, wouldn't it have been a better idea to just go to Academia Island and then have an ambush waiting for them?
Fuck, you could have just sailed right beneath the Flower Tower or wherever you wanted to keep Yuzu under the guise of finding a "secret entrance"
Repost for those who missed it.
Nothing more but a pretty simple duel.
Please, he's already hot enough as he is.
Now THAT'S what you call a Flame Juggle
What are those floaties even supposed to be?
Hey that's Dennis's shtic-
Oh, I see;_;
There are too much filler in this show. Dropped the show just around the Academia invasion of 5Ds arc. And I was looking forward to it too. Does it get any good afterwards? Should I keep going?
Drop this show just like Dennis dropped himself.
Yes, but it's gonna hurt, especially if you're a Shunfag like me.
I still can't get over the asshurt arcfags.
Stay cucked faggots, your series is worse than Zexal I
Yeah, Synchro arc has an incredible climax.
XYZ arc is shit aside finally finishing up shun development.
Fusion arc is looking pretty good so far.
Holy Shit Shinji is such a faggot
Synchro has Yuya getting fucked by electric shocks
Xyz has Yuya and Shun getting dropped with rocks (and Shun has it much worse)
Looks like Fusion is going to have cliffs this time
First Yuto, now him? ;_; I just want to protect his smile.
pic is for you
Thank you. Gonna give it another chance then but it's been testing my patience so far.
>not finishing the rhyme
OP sucks cocks.
Fusion will have Yuya fucking everyone with dragon cocks.
Pokemon Go looks pretty good these days.
God damn it Yuzu, if you weren't waifu material you'd get a 5 star monster to the odd eyes.
>tfw Serena isn't brainwashed by Leo
>She's just stupid enough to work with a pirate
>Fusion arc is looking pretty good so far.
>Kaito getting 3 duels back to back
>Crow returning
>Stupid ass brainwashed ruris arc
>Shun replaced by Kaito
>Dennis coming back just to off himself for losing to a legacy character
Yeah, no, this arc has started out shitty as hell.
Thanks. Same, but thankfully he's not dead yet, just K.O.ed. However, I am worried that his chance to rescue Ruri will be stolen from him to the point that I want Yuto separated from Yuya now.
Dragon cocks you say?
D-damn. Got more?
Dammit Dennisfag, this is all your fault.
Hot shirtless Dennis? My my. There honestly isn't much, though. Such a shame.
>be shunfag
Get cucked
>be reijifag
get cucked
>be dennisfaglhe literally killed himself
Legacy character was a mistake
Kaito was a mistake and Shun needs better legacy characters for friends than him and Crow.
Damn so it's you fags who are the reason there is so much gay arc-v porn
Truly only Judai can save us from this mess
>Shunfags complaining
Birdman got his just deserts.
Don't worry, there are girls too.
Girl versions of male characters don't count
God, I'd take him, even if he only showed up to fusion summon a stand in for Neos and Yubel and then left in the same episode. I just want his two signatures to be usable.
But does it mean we'll get a non shit moonlight fusion?
I'd rather have swatari show of some good abyss actors for a change
He'll shill his cards not that they are getting printed.
>not that they are getting printed
user, I...
Meant to say now. Hell, i'm even playing them right now on ygopro.
>Anime cards
Does Serena counts as stupid cute?
Why are people saying Serena is brainwashed when the pirates are practically not associated Academia?
>Dennis commits sudoku
>Aoi gets murdered
Because she's springing a trap on Yuya and Yuzu who are her friends, which she has no logical reason to do
Because Barret ported her back to Academia
Because Rin IS brainwashed
Which of the Yus have of the biggest Yuyus?
But even the Academia soldiers appears to be searching for Yuzu/Serena, when we see her following Solo's orders.
>forgetting Performapals, Performages and D/D.
There's never enough lewd user
>Phantom Knights
Are you new to Yu-Gi-Oh? Fujos have taken over pretty long ago.
manga on friday?
The newer summary doesn't imply she is leading them into a trap on purpose though.
That's why people are not so sure she is brainwashed anymore.
We need a Bennis version of this song
Except the magazine preview outright calls it "Serena's trap"
>Weekly magazine preview. They go into details from the usual episode summaries. I'm sure this was posted a couple of times before.
>Episode 115: The Duel Pirate – Captain Solo
-Serena’s trap assaults Yuya!-
>Thanks to Serena’s guidance, Yuya and his friends boarded a ship heading towards Academia! However, by the time they notice that something is off with the ship, it is already too late.
>Now that they have fallen into the trap Serena set up, what will be the fates of Yuya and his friends!?
-This week’s Yuya: Overwhelmed by Solo’s assault!-?
>Yuya and his friends are shaken by Serena’s trap. As if mocking them, the Duel Pirate, Captain Solo, assault them! At that time, they hear “that voice”!?
It's easy, Rin is brainwashed.
It would be not easy to escape, since the only chance she got to get out was with Barret.
Leo knows that academia is a bunch of jobbers, so why not brainwash the girl that has more trust with the group of invaders and make her get the final piece of whatever he's doing.
Honestly, it's not a bad plan.
She dindu nuffin
She a good girl
I think his plan is let the Ruris fight/absorb each other
So in other words, Leo's plan is to do nothing?
Like father, like son.
Well, at least Reiji has some reason to be a neet.
>yfw 'that voice' is Kaito
Yes, he was
But let's step aside for a moment
Is it really a fucking good idea to go to Academia with Yuzu?
Like isn't that what they've spent the last 115 episodes avoiding?
Sooooo, Dennis is a cheater now?
>it can make a second attack during each Battle Phase this turn, also destroy it at the end of the Battle Phase
Can we just ban all Dennis fags from this board?
His fusion monster made it so that his monsters couldn't be destroyed by card effects.
Anime effect =/= real effect
Then why didn't he say that.
no his anime card actually list it is destroyed
Yuzu was dead on set to charge into Academia with Yusho and the others back at 112. Now that Yuya is with her, she wants to reunite him with his father. Despite Yuya and other people worrying for her, she just ends up saying that she can fend for her own.
This just implies that Serena is working with Solo rather than Academia.
GUISE,what if Yusho has his own dimensional counterparts and he's trying to card them so he can be Hitotsu-Flee?
its ok they'll have all become an hero in a few days
If Synchro was testing you then drop it now
Is Yugo a traitor?
Fuck off professor stop trying to false flag Dad he's the first good Dad in ygo.
The dimensional counterparts of yuya are just yushos children with other women of different dimensions.
>Hitotsu nii
>Hitotsu she
>Hitotsu reeeee
>Hitotsu flee
no wonder dennis offed himself
This is a semen demon