>NTR is one of the most popular tags in Japan
>no anime capitalizes on this
I don't get it
>NTR is one of the most popular tags in Japan
>no anime capitalizes on this
I don't get it
Other urls found in this thread:
A good thread had to die for this shitpost.
>on Sup Forums
Thankf god, NTRfags can kill themselves.
Any thread is a good thread compared to this
You are a kid obviously.
NTR fetish needs mastering of all the others and that needs experience.
Only a real man can enjoy the feeling of NTR.
>no anime capitalizes on this
What is Boku Dake
More like getting your loved one is getting mastered by another person because you're a cuck
That wasn't NTR at all, stop your memes this instant
But childhood friends get NTR'd all the time user.
>no anime capitalizes on this
you should be thankful
>ywn see an anime about a QT getting blacked by a gaggle of Tyrones.
What a fucking newfag.
Stop pretending genders are the same
We both know a man getting cheated on is different than a woman
Plain and simple: It is popular because it is hated by everyone.
It may have quite a lot of porn but the public media is a completely different world. In the real world, NTR shit is literally so undesirable that fucking guroshit is litterally more popular and rakes more sales than any cuckshit. EVER
Wow... So this... is the power... of CGI....
... Woah....
>Only a real man can enjoy the feeling of NTR.
Yeah, the man fucking your wife probably feels pretty good.
>a man getting cheated on is different than a woman
Yeah, because you are a man
School Days is the most accurate representation of how a girls feel after being betrayed. And the best part is that it makes even the men feel the pain.
NTR is an acquired taste, like wine. It's arousal taken to the next level where you feel with your dick, and your mind. It's no surprise low-IQ brainlets don't like it.
I'm aware of the routes in the VN by the way but you get my point
I insert as the guy doing the stealing in NTR h-manga, but most people don't like NTR in series they read for enjoyment.
>accurate representation of how a girls feel after being betrayed
you mean shrug and jump on the next cock?
because that's not what happened
MANkoto was ready to die after that sweet foursome in his room.
>being a cuck=taste
Wtf happened to Sup Forums
There are NTR eroanime though. You won't see it in TV anime or anything because it's an entirely sexual fantasy. Nobody actually wants to see some dude get cheated on without the sexy porn bits.
Indeed, doing your waifu feels great, faggot.
>I insert as the guy doing the stealing in NTR h-manga
Finally someone who gets it
>hurr my fetish is great you all have shit taste
Oh yes, that sure explains why guro artists like Nanashi, Saber_01, Asanagi, Shiruka Bakaudon, ShinDol, Okina Flying Factory, Shiruka Bakaudon, White datura, Zenith lee, and Hitomaru would rather make vanilla shit than cater to cucks.
To add insult to injury, even scateaters tend to shy away from any sort of cuckshit
>What in blistering blue blazes happened to this imbecile?
fixed your typos, autismo
Come on, user.
We all felt Kotonoha's pain after Makoto kept on ignoring her.
Literally worse than scat, necro, nigga gangbang, and Hitler, Low-IQ-kun.
>Only a real cuck can enjoy the feeling of NTR
Kill yourself.
>low-IQ brainlets don't like it
>feel with dick
I don't even
>tfw fapping to the thought of NTRing guys in the waifu threads
Stop posting this image. This isn't funny the first time.
So you see yourself in a fat, bald and smelly-dirty dick dude?
Exactly. NTR is great when you insert as the guy doing the stealing, regardless to if it's labeled netori or not.
NTR is shit tier in actual series though.
NTR is the product of not giving the third nuke to Japan.
If you don't insert as the girl you're doing it wrong.
This is my fav NTR manga.
Read it and you'll see why NTR is the fetish of ascended individuals.
NTR is literally art and the best single thing that came out of Japan
There is something wrong with you if you dont exclusively fap to NTR in this day and age
I hate NTR but half those artists aren't guro.
I prefer being in a dominant role.
...Is it that popular?
>Only a real man can enjoy the feeling of NTR.
>unlimited cuck works
>self insert as girl
How and wut
I'm a gurofag and I know their names by heart.
Unless of course your complain is because of the fact that half of their works are vanilla. Then, yeah, sure
>thinks he's better than NTR aficionados
NTRfags are literally trash and the single worst thing that came out of Japan
There is something wrong with you if you delve into this rubbish.
Why is it so popular in Nippon? The concept has literally turned into an insult here
It's too lewd/humiliating for TV and anime is only profitable on TV.
Guilty Crown had some good cucking
Apparently so
We get multiple guro series every now and then but not once has there ever been an anime that featured a fat fuck NTRing a harem lead
Even vanillafags would rather have us than touch cucks like you
because there are failing marriages, women becoming more independent in cities (evident by how much male escorts who get paid just to talk to women make), and people don't want to get into relationships because the amount of stress brought into one's life with child-raising is too damn high
NTR is for single otaku who can't understand, nor want to, the stresses that's brought into one's life in such a way. It is escapism from relationships, and the desire for connection and understanding.
It is a form of stress release, a method to temporarily turn away from the pain one gets from the people that one encounters daily.
I basically agree with , but it's definitely true that we need guys like you around to keep things interesting.
I think we can all agree that people who fantasize about having their girl stolen are actually doing it wrong, though.
>see something I don't like
>think "I don't like this" and move on
>anti-ntr people see ntr
>go on a violent, loud tirade, screaming and stomping, demanding bans and deletions
I am really curious what goes through the minds of these people
I think it's more popular with the gooks than it is with japs. Literally 99% of stuff they put out has some sort of ntr going on.
Same reason as to why everyone cannot stop bashing Islam and Feminists
NTR's entire selling point is the rage. And rage they receive indeed
Is this the designated NTR thread? I'm glad since the one on /h/ died a while ago and no one has bothered to make a new one
Are you excited for xration's c90 release?
If rage is what you feel after a good cucking, then you're doing it wrong. Shame, weakness, impotence, heartbreak. That's what you're supposed to experience.
Nay. I laugh at NTR because its writing is just so laughable
Is it bad that I identw with the villian in this one? Because I did.
>oh no NTR-kun took a picture of my panties
>better agree to do whatever he says
Orange just came out this season though
I don't care about the rest of the thread but god damn that is a sexy mouth.
>muh Waifu
Found the cucks
It's out? Shit, wish panda got proper updates
>oh no, NTR-kun is gonna rape me
>better stay quiet instead of yelling at the top of my lungs
>if boyfriend sees me like this, he might think I am cheating on him
>better take te rape instead
>self-inserting as the guy doing the stealing in a story that's not centered on him and instead centered on the pathetic betacuck, which is 95% of NTR.
you're making real netori look bad
>Oh no, he will lie to my crush that I'm not a virgin, better have sex with hkm
NTR is best when it ends with with 3P and everyone gets a happy end
I know, right?
And cucks actually have the courage to say that they are patrician taste
>NTR-kun offer a morning after pill
>Don't take it because only a slut would do that
It's called suspension of disbelief. You guys sound that like annoying kid who's always talking about the scientific inaccuracies in Star Wars.
i think you guys vastly overestimate how popular it is
and you also dont understand what the word means
i really shouldnt even hear about it that much on Sup Forums but for some reason dumb teenagers think its super epic and hilarious so that will probably never end
Of course it's not out. Otherwise I would be passed out due to excess masturbating instead of posting here.
>actually justifying bad writing
Cuck logic, everyone
>Oh here is producer-san, better fuck him and whisper I love you if I want an idol career
Oh wait, that's vanilla
NTR is great.
How about being cucked by your sister?
No, that's called terrible writing.
>anti-ntr fag is a Sup Forumstard
>It was a vanilla end guys!
>dumb people
also it's more like people who don't care about what they consume
Whatever you say, cuck
What's the appeal of ntr anyway.
Terrible writing is something shared by all porn. It's not specific to one fetish.
Men so beta they wish someone else would breed with their waifu
aldnoah zero as example
It's alright. It's missing one of the key tropes which is knowing the guy whose cucking your girl.
Everyone and their mother's father's uncle knows that it's not NTR.
>Terrible writing is something shared by all porn
Yeah, no.
Countless of VN has been adapted into anime and was considered a classic.
But not once had there been a NTRshit that recieved any accolade. Gee, I wonder why
Reminder that netorare is literally the Japanese word for cuckoldry. Is you enjoy NTR, you enjoy cuckold porn.
and NTR takes the award of having the shittiest writting
/ss/ getting cucked is one of the better stuff.