Tsukihime thread
Tsukihime thread
How did you start a thread without an image OP?
Okay guys, all memes aside here, I need to know:
What the fucking fuck happened to Tsukihime? How did they make Tsukihime so criminally boring? How the fuck did JC Staff make Tsukihime's famously colorful characters so bland?
Moreover, how the fuck does JC Staff still get work after Azumanga, Tsukihime, and Raildex?
what meme?
I can't seem to load whatever it is you posted. Just gives me a blank. Anyway I loved the VN, really wish they'd finally make an adaptation like with Fate.
nice fan picture op.
What? Tsukihime was awesome, and JC staff had nothing to do with it. Maybe you you need to see a doctor, friendo.
JC Staff had everything to do with it faggot.
JC Staff does anime, not VNs. What are you talking about? It still hasn't gotten an adaptation, and I sure hope if they ever do, it's not by them.
I'm pretty sure that whoever wrote the script didn't even play the game.
OP was pretty nice though.
>Tsukihime thread
>Lunar Legend cover in OP
Get your shit together
How does Sup Forums feel about Arc's miniskirt?
With a skirt that short, they should have given her a long jacket to go with it.
Is it 5th or 6th Saber?
The first, actually.
Does she look like a milk cow to you?
best turkeyhandle
She definitely has the jugs for it, yes.
Worst Cake song
It's still an amazing look.
A ribbed sweater would also be fine, but I guess that's getting too much into Aoko territory and not even Takeuchi is shameless enough to do double sameface.
Do you think they'll change this look too?
ok, faggots is thsukihime anime worth watching?
>inb4 what anime?
Only elite of Sup Forums have acces for it. Don't even try asking
the manga is legitimately good
Compared to most of the shit that comes out these days, it's actually alright.
So, any news regarding the release of the VN remake? Or is Takeuchi still too busy playing games?
>worst Cake song
>not Mexico
>not Racecar Yayas
We got this redone CG scene of Arc waiting for Shiki, and, that's it.
Right after Mahoyo trilogy is done, before Girls Work
I still hate it. I hope the remake will never come out.
Especially since it'll just bring new wave of shitposting with no actual content added.
That is not Arcuied. Unless you're saying they'll change her design to be similar to that, then I wouldn't mind.
Just out of curiousity, how does one get "Archetype=Earth" out of "真祖アルクェイド?"
this youtube-tier meme is so fucking embarrassing
That's a dumb as fuck argument because Arc and Saber have always had the same face. Takeuchi draws faces similarly. Deal with it.
It's cute and I like it.
Granted, it wasn't an argument, but my point still stands. Takeuchi even draws his men similarly, why haven't people gotten over this yet?
This. Check Tsuki artbook with scetches. This saberface hurr durr is out of control
Yers, Takeuchi always had a sameface problems, that's why accessories/hair/outfits are such crucial parts of his designs, since without them all characters would look the same.
That's what's wrong with new Arc, she lost her unique hairstyle and her outfit, making her look like another Saber clone even though her features should make her look more like Ilya.
Most likely considering Tsuki no Sango is Tsukihime alternative.
Anime when?
Anime secondaries detected.
>Anime secondaries
Cute, user. How about you let the adults keep talking.
What the fuck are you talkin about, EOP autist?
That's why Koyama is better.
>Scathac and Aoko look literally the same
Yeah right.
>claiming that Takeuchi always suffered sameface
>demonstrably false
Sure is sameface.
That hairstyle is atrocious. Holy shit I'm glad they changed it. Good job, Takeuchi.
I'm comparing Takeuchi once he learned how to actually draw. So yes, sameface.
Why was Tsuki no Sango so good?
Well that's what we're complaining about, isn't it?
>Tsukihime 2
>Tsukihime Remake
>Girls' Work
>Mahoyo 2 & 3
>New Melty Blood
What else am I missing that has ben butchered because of Fate/Keep Milking?
We are getting a musou instead of CCC2
Too short, which makes it even more obvious how insanely long her legs are. I mean, fuck, what is this, Bayonetta?
I still count it as part of Fate cancer.
But every other character looks different.
Oh shit, we're getting a musou?
How did you not know?
Enjoy, if that's your thing
Sort of. It looks as good as regular musou anime games.
Here is some more info about playable servants and such. Just for you user.
>butchered because of Fate/Keep Milking?
Mahoyo was released.
DDD 3 was not.
So DDD WAS BUTCHERED BECAUSE OF MAHOYO SHIT right? Or maybe becuase of Tsuki remake? Fuck off. You will never read those titles anyway.
I've listed announced titles thar were threw out the window while brand new Fate/[insert fancy name] cashgrabs are being released.
What the fuck are those chains? They aren't really holding that girl on the throne. Was it the point or just the artist being shitty?
Okay. Make a list of projects where Nasu personally was involved. Not like guest
Why is Sakura holding onto Issei's arm?
The Aoko on this picture is done by a diffrent artist.
I just hope that when we get the Tsukihime remake, Len gets to make an appearance.
How the fuck did we enter a non-existing thread? Is this where God resides?
Are you there.....Lain?
Is it Len or is it Ren?
It was officially made Len some time ago when they released character names with English spellings.
i hope so.
its レン.
If it has porn, then probably. We might catch a glimpse of her when that wet dream sequence happens.
If not, she still might appear since she'll probably still be relevant in Melty Blood HD. Or, god forbid, they made a Kagetsu Tohya HD and take eight fucking years on that too.
Why, japanese people?
>If it has porn
Jesus Christ user.
>If it has porn
Nice one user.
sure wish i could go to these kind of events.
lots of nice things.
No shit? The examples were Arc and Saber.
There is nothing more to say really.
the direction that pile of shit nasu took after the psp game started printing money talks for itself.
Its so bitter how he gave up the few genuinely interesting ideas he put in the two original vns to just pander braindead millenial Sunday waifufags and literally get rich doing nothing.
I will never forgive him, takeuchi and his company.
Len's pantyhose are great.
>Not making money
So according to your logic, companies should not care about making money?
Typemoon itself broke the spell selling their soul for money, so Tsuki anime escaped its dimensional prison in the collective subconscious of internet, getting de-retconned back into reality.
Isn't the Back Alley Nightmare manga getting released in like a week?
Not every creative company sells out completely, specially when they come from niches. see Nitro+, Littlewitch, and many others I don't remember now.
And to be frank, I feel betrayed at personal level. Tsukihime was something special when it came out for being the product of two amateurs. its something you can understand only if you have experienced those magical oldfag days firsthand, I don't expect you to understand.
this one?
Gotta pay those employees' salaries, user.
And your feelings of betrayal are just your sense of entitlement speaking. They're unfounded. You're just being self-centered and self-righteous.
Also, I've been following this shit since around 2004. I'm just not as self-centered as you are.
Yeah that's probably it, I preordered it like a month ago.
Not that guy you were talking to, but Type-moon sold out. I can't blame them for wanting money and all, like you said, people need money. It's just too bad that they decided to milk one franchise into the ground, because their earlier work had some many cool ideas.
so who is this semen demon?
Except Fate's not milked into the ground. I challenge you to find me one Fate work done by-actually WRITTEN by-Nasu that doesn't have great storytelling, great plot, interesting characters, additional lore, and all around fun.
Hint: you can't.
Well it's hardly their fault that they keep getting so many offers. Though what IS Nasu's fault is that he keeps accepting those offers.
To be honest, it's probably the only real way a company like TYPE-MOON can actually function. I'm amazed that a "company" like that even exists at all. Do you realize that without all these contracts and game deals with these third party companies who want in on that Fate action, TYPE-MOON as a company would derive all of its profits almost solely off the works of a single writer? In fact, that's still mostly what's happening, since Nasu is the head writer for all of these projects. However, writing a bunch of worldbuilding notes and some dialogue/monologue is still much easier and quicker to do than writing full-blown novels, which is what Fate/stay night, Fate/hollow ataraxia and Mahoyo are. Without these contract deals, TYPE-MOON would basically be churning out one product at a time, across several years, and would derive most of its profits off that.
Even with what they're doing now, I don't believe TYPE-MOON can last. At the very least, they need to throw out some products that WEREN'T fucking written by Nasu. Don't they have other writers in that company? What the fuck are they doing?
Nasu made
And he write shit for F/GO. That's fucking all.
>I'm just not as self-centered as you are.
Well good for you. Sincerely I don't feel like keep following blindly a company that shifted its production towards the lowest possibile market denominator, and since no law prohibites me to talk negatively about it I guess I'll keep doing it
If wasting your time with a waifu supermarket is okay for you because "as expected, a company jews it out", well enjoy your brand loyality. Thankfully I'm not in prone position towards entertainment, ready to accept blindly everything that tries to enter in my butt.
Do you read DDD?
user, I don't "follow" companies. I think this is a retarded sentiment. I might check up on a company's products from time to time to see if they're releasing anything that might interest me, but I don't wait at their doorstop with bated breath desperately waiting for them to put something out.
Being too invested on the company or the person is a fool's errand. It's not like I bought stocks from them or anything.
>Except Fate's not milked into the ground
>find me one Fate work
Three words: f, g and o
and if you actually like it, consider seriously suicide
I bet 99% of entitled Nasu fans haven't even bought Type-Moon products and pirate all their shit.
It's a masterpiece compared to Fate/Extra.