Boxer-kun dindu nuffin wrong
Danganronpa 3
fucking damn it whyd they have to kill her
But I made it 2 secs faster
SHSL Scout got this
I believe his hunch
Did they kill 2 black characters and make the last one hateful on purpose? Seems kind of racist
Time to dread mondays now
>The Killer Killer gets Killed by the Killer
Are you ready for it?
>tfw an entire season of being spoiled before every episode
there is no point in watching this unless you played the second game right?
i liked the first season but i guess i cant watch this one.
since after watching 2 episodes the second game will be spoilered to hell.
So are there going to be trials and executions?
If not this anime will be 10 times less interesting.
Killer Killerfag can do disguise too?
>tfw I thought he was going to die because I could see him appearing in the next Despair episode where he scouts Junko
No, the second game is needed for both arcs.
Well it ain't like Killer Killer is gonna take out Hajime
Who's he really pointing at though?
Well he is right to point at Monomi, since that's actually the other Alter Ego Junko.
Holy shit, fuck off already
where are the trials? that's literally half of what danganronpa is
Did you even watch the episode?
Aren't most of the remnants still in coma and the rest are now good? They are talking like they are still active.
The twist is that they're all actually in the same ward and Mira is the traitor
Post better bait lads.
Am I only one who likes to see secondaries complain?
I'm jelly of the people who read Killer Killer without knowing what it was related to
Great hob Naegi, your Ultimate Luck really helping so much here!
>We should--
>Oh you kids are just gonna start murdering each other
>that's fine too
>blacks must not be inconvenienced in any way, not even in fiction, or else racism
Time to buy some bacon just in case Kirigiri dies. I don't want to be caught off-guard like those Asahinafags that didn't have donuts ready to mourn her death.
Uchikoshi told Kodaka to make a zero escape anime but call it danganronpa and he actually did it the absolute madman!
No trials, we majority vote now
Also fuck talking
>All those death flags
>Killing Aoi in second episode
Fuck it hurts so much. Why. I knew she was going to die but I wasn't ready for it to be this soon. At least Kirigiri is safe from death.
both arcs?
Asahina, my angel!
DR2 cast probably weren't the only remnants left
>yfw the killer intended to kill Naegi but slipped/missed and instead killed Asahina
Old man is going to survive at the end calling it
Yes, Thursday another Danganronpa arc airs and that one is about the DR2 cast and how they fall into despair.
>making an anime season only comprehensible for those that buy the game
>people complain
>both arcs
stop baiting, user
The boxer is hot as hell but I want him to feel despair.
So Animator's NG thing is he has to white knight right? Because he was super quick to accuse the old guy of sexual harassment.
I bet he'll look /fa/ as fuck in a nazi uniform, he and the other guy
>It's literally mafia.
So if the doors are closed, then only the people in that room can kill Asa right?
Wait, so Naegi's talent is really luck?
He immediately allied with Kirigiri. I don't trust that animator punk though.
Did you? Did you see even an announcement for a trail? Fucking retard.
I thought he was boning her for a sec
>biting such lazy bait
Come on man. Come the fuck on.
>letting Izuru go with all the ultimate despairs
>with all their memories intact and motivation unchanged (stated in the game)
>Izuru is a super genius
>able to predict the future
>knew all about the neo world program and only wanted to enter it to destroy Junko(succeed)
>able to use all talents (Including medical/hacking and impostor ones)
>superhuman strength with every martial arts talent including soldier
This was a good idea according to Naegi
can i just read a synopses of the second game somewhere?
>Killed Donut tits immediately
>Yu narukami also weilds a sword like his persona counterpart
>All these "new" characters don't mean shit outside memes because 12 episodes
>Junko will never fuck off
>They'll never explain why the chocolate man has a loli voice
This fucking anime man
I bet Epicmafia's Dangan Ronpa room is going nuts
Mafia doesn't cancel the day meeting
Naegi would have killed himself if Monokuma gave more day meeting rules
And we have some voodoo effects
Try harder.
Just point on on Naegi, what else other trial do you need, faggot?
there's two different DR animes airing. which should I watch first and which should I hold off till end season?
Did anyone else find the direction of this episode a total mess?
Ryouta is cute
Would she die if I touch her?
What is there to complain about? That you want to watch a sequel but haven't seen what it's a sequel to?
You wouldn't start watching a 26 episode series at episode 15 and bitch that you didn't know what was going on, would you?
I think he's just a nice guy.
He's meek and timid, but not afraid to call out on bullshit.
That's what they want you to think.
Why don't they just lock themselves up in rooms and tape the doors so that they'll know who left their room while they were sleeping?
Why do you even think i'm baiting? What I was asking was a genuine question.
Anime-only DR fans are autistic as fuck.
Can someone make a webm of this scene?
Was Gekkogahara explicitly designed to look like a grown up Monaka or what? This seems way too obvious.
It would be extremely painful.
It is mafia with light keeper dies everyday and everyone is voodooed or fabbed
No, he's used to anime where handholding is peak lewdness. Good thing Kirigiri was wearing protection.
> Allied with detective in murder game
It is like he isn't retarded or something...
>16 teens go to a tropical island
>Monokuma appears
>Killing Game starts
>Chiaki, that one gamer girl from the Despair arc, is a traitor
>it was all a simulation
>five characters wake up, the rest are in a coma for the rest of their lives
>only two of them have a chance to wake up too because they knew they were in a simulation
Both. You can't watch one without the other, they're overlapping already in the first episode. Go Mirai ep 1 -> Zetsubou ep 1 -> Mirai ep 2 etc.
>anime has 3 in the title
>complains why shit doesn't make sense when he hasn't played 2
It was made for people who played the games, don't come here complaining about it.
Watch them both in production order hand by hand. Second anime, for example, starts with the end scene to first anime, they are loosely interconnected.
It's obvious they planned to make 2 cour at first.
You're boring me, keep trying.
it could've been suicide, it's not like that's never happended before.
Yo yo, what if in this weeks episode of Despair Arc, Aoi joins Chisa in the theater watching the future arc?
> don't mean shit outside memes because 12 episodes
It isn't like other mean more because they died in two hours of a game anyway.
A bunch of small things imply that he really does have unnaturally good luck, but it's not like Komaeda's.
You have to watch both at the same time.
If Momoka is the villain, it would be a kind of sick sense of humor for her to make the murderer a fucking wheelchair.
I bet its him the killer, He left the room and built a robot and then came back put the robot on the floor and then left.
The game is literally Epic Mafia with a few specific character gimmicks
I can set up a room for us so we can play the game. I can even replicate the NG rule to an extent
So is Kirigiris thing that he can't be next to naegi?
C-can they show this on TV?
She would make sure naegi knows it's a suicide if it was true, I hope she's at least that competent.
i watched the first season and hoped this would be a sequel to that.
what if season 4 is a book and they only decide to animate season 5
>"pssh, pathetic."
They're two sides of the same coin. The Ying to the other's Yang. The cuddly side of Monokuma to the evil one. Watch them both as they air, that's how they're written and structured.
what if the wheelchair's AI has been taken by virus? And the virus made Naegi killed Asa? The culprit could have killed Asa without being in the room
This is all I'm waiting to see if the next Future also opens with a theater scene and Aoi/Bandai have joined Chisa.
oh, thought they were independant storylines.
thanks mates.
Kirigiri's rule is obviously "You aren't allowed to let Naegi die"
I want to feel that butt.
No homo.